Dimensions and Angles of Proportional Shapes

Discovering the Dimensions and Angles of Proportional Shapes

 Read,3 minutes

Similar figures have the same shape, but not necessarily the same size. They maintain their proportionality; meaning the ratios of corresponding side lengths are equal, and their corresponding angles are equal. Here are the steps to find the side lengths and angle measures of similar figures.

Step 1: Identifying Corresponding Sides and Angles

First, you need to identify which sides and angles correspond between the two figures. Corresponding sides are often in the same relative position in both figures, and corresponding angles are those with the same relative positioning as well.

Step 2: Setting Up Proportions

Once you've identified the corresponding sides, you can set up proportions to find unknown side lengths. For instance, if triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF, where sides AB and DE correspond, BC and EF correspond, and AC and DF correspond, you can set up the proportion as follows:

\( \frac{AB}{DE} = \frac{BC}{EF} = \frac{AC}{DF} \)

Step 3: Solving the Proportions

Now you can solve the proportions. If you know the lengths of AB, BC, and AC, and the lengths of DE and EF, but not DF, you can find DF by cross-multiplying and solving for DF:

\( AC \times EF = BC \times DF \)

Then, you rearrange the formula to solve for DF:

\( DF = \frac{AC \times EF}{BC} \)

Step 4: Identifying Angle Measures

Since corresponding angles of similar figures are equal, the measure of angle A in triangle ABC would be equal to the measure of angle D in triangle DEF, angle B to angle E, and angle C to angle F. Therefore, if you know the measure of angles in one figure, you know the measures of the corresponding angles in the other figure.

Keep in mind, the order of vertices in the naming of the figures often indicates which sides and angles correspond.


Suppose we have two similar triangles ABC and DEF, where AB = 4, BC = 6, and DE = 2. We want to find EF, the length of the side corresponding to BC in the smaller triangle.

As the triangles are similar, the ratio of corresponding sides is constant. Thus, we have:

\[ \frac{BC}{EF} = \frac{AB}{DE} \]

Substituting the given lengths:

\[ \frac{6}{EF} = \frac{4}{2} \]

Solving for EF gives:

\[ EF = \frac{6}{2} = 3 \]

So, the length of side EF is 3 units.