TSI Math Complete Course

The TSI Test Overview

The Texas Success Initiative Assessment, abbreviated as the TSI, is a test used to evaluate an entering student's suitable Level of college course work. It is, in essence, a wide and rapid assessment of students' intellectual abilities.

The TSI exam is made up of three different exams:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Reading
  3. Writing

The mathematics section of the TSI exam consists of 20 questions. The exam covers data analysis, geometry, and algebra on intermediate and primary levels.

When completing a TSI assessment, students are not permitted to use a calculator. However, for some questions, the test includes a pop-up calculator.

To prepare for the TSI Math exam, use the FREE TSI Math practice questions, worksheets, and tests listed below. Our TSI Math resources have been completely updated to reflect the most recent TSI modifications.

The Most Comprehensive TSI Math Preparation Bundle
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Includes TSI Math Prep Books, Workbooks, and Practice Tests

TSI Math Complete Course

Fractions and Decimals

Real Numbers and Integers

Proportions and Ratios


Algebraic Expressions



Linear Functions


Exponents and Radicals



Solid Figures

Quadratic Functions

Functions Operations


TSI Math for Beginners 2022
$24.99 $14.99
40% Off*

The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Preparing for the TSI Math Test


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