How to make a box and whisker plot

How to make a box and whisker plot

 Read,3 minutes

What Is A Box and Whisker Plot?

These are graphical depictions of variation in a data set. Normally, a histogram analysis would suffice, however, a box and plot will provide better detail whilst additionally letting several data sets be shown via the same graph.

box and whisker plot

  • Median (\(Q_{2}\) / \(50\)th percentile): Middle value of the data set
  • First Quartile (\(Q_{1}\)): \(25\)th percentile of the data set
  • Third Quartile (\(Q_{3}\)): \(75\)th percentile of the data set

5 Number Summary

The way to create a box and plot comes from the 5 following statistics:

  • Minimum value: The smallest data set value.
  • 2nd quartile: Value under which the lower \(25\) percent of the data are confined.
  • Median value: Middle number in a group of numbers.
  • 3rd quartile: Value over which the top \(25\) percent of the data are confined.
  • Maximum value: Biggest data set value.

Now that you understand the 5-number summary as well as the vital points, we can look at some steps for creating a box and whiskers plot.

How do you Make a Box and Whisker Plot?

  • Step one: Arrange the data from least to most.
  • Step two: Determine the median.
  • Step three: Determine the quartiles.
  • Step four: Complete the 5-number summary via calculating the minimum as well as the maximum values.

Creating a Box Plot  

  • Step one:  Scale as well as label an axis which matches the 5-number summary.
  • Step two: Draw whiskers going from \(Q_{1}\) to the min-age value as well as going \(Q_{3}\) to the max-age value.

The graph you end up with provides the minimum, median, lower and upper quartile, as well as the max-age value of the pupils contained in the dataset.

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Exercises for Box and Whisker Plots

1) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(41, \ 27, \ 30, \ 64, \ 47, \ 52, \ 47, \ 27, \ 63\)

2) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(37, \ 72, \ 33, \ 61, \ 39, \ 52, \ 80, \ 60\)

3) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(15, \ 32, \ 17, \ 28, \ 12, \ 28, \ 35, \ 17, \ 24\)

4) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(57, \ 69, \ 54, \ 81, \ 65, \ 52, \ 57, \ 61\)

5) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(72, \ 68, \ 75, \ 70, \ 65, \ 61, \ 82, \ 81\)

6) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(29, \ 35, \ 18, \ 53, \ 12, \ 32, \ 17, \ 25, \ 41\)

7) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(73, \ 83, \ 67, \ 63, \ 59, \ 75, \ 55, \ 69, \ 59\)

8) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(75, \ 85, \ 98, \ 93, \ 61, \ 78, \ 65, \ 76, \ 68\)

9) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(99, \ 89, \ 108, \ 76, \ 105, \ 73, \ 93, \ 82\)

10) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(82, \ 66, \ 89, \ 95, \ 69, \ 98, \ 61, \ 78, \ 73, \ 80\)


1) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(41, \ 27, \ 30, \ 64, \ 47, \ 52, \ 47, \ 27, \ 63\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{27, \ 27, \ 30, \ 41, \ 47, \ 47, \ 52, \ 63, \ 64}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 27}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ \frac{27 \ + \ 30}{2} \ = \ 28.5}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ 47}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ \frac{52 \ + \ 63}{2} \ = \ 57.5}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 64}\)

2) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(37, \ 72, \ 33, \ 61, \ 39, \ 52, \ 80, \ 60\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{33, \ 37, \ 39, \ 52, \ 60, \ 61, \ 72, \ 80}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 33}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ 37}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ \frac{52 \ + \ 60}{2} \ = \ 56}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ 72}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 80}\)

3) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(15, \ 32, \ 17, \ 28, \ 12, \ 28, \ 35, \ 17, \ 24\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{12, \ 15, \ 17, \ 17, \ 24, \ 28, \ 28, \ 32, \ 35}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 12}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ \frac{15 \ + \ 17}{2} \ = \ 16}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ 24}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ \frac{28 \ + \ 32}{2} \ = \ 30}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 35}\)

4) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(57, \ 69, \ 54, \ 81, \ 65, \ 52, \ 57, \ 61\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{52, \ 54, \ 57, \ 57, \ 61, \ 65, \ 69, \ 81}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 52}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ 54}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ \frac{57 \ + \ 61}{2} \ = \ 59}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ 69}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 81}\)

5) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(72, \ 68, \ 75, \ 70, \ 65, \ 61, \ 82, \ 81\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{61, \ 65, \ 68, \ 70, \ 72, \ 75, \ 81, \ 82}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 61}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ 65}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ \frac{70 \ + \ 72}{2} \ = \ 71}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ 81}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 82}\)

6) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(29, \ 35, \ 18, \ 53, \ 12, \ 32, \ 17, \ 25, \ 41\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{12, \ 17, \ 18, \ 25, \ 29, \ 32, \ 35, \ 41, \ 53}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 12}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ \frac{17 \ + \ 18}{2} \ = \ 17.5}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ 29}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ \frac{35 \ + \ 41}{2} \ = \ 38}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 53}\)

7) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(73, \ 83, \ 67, \ 63, \ 59, \ 75, \ 55, \ 69, \ 59\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{55, \ 59, \ 59, \ 63, \ 67, \ 69, \ 73, \ 75, \ 83}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 55}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ \frac{59 \ + \ 59}{2} \ = \ 59}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ 67}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ \frac{73 \ + \ 75}{2} \ = \ 74}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 83}\)

8) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(75, \ 85, \ 98, \ 93, \ 61, \ 78, \ 65, \ 76, \ 68\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{61, \ 65, \ 68, \ 75, \ 76, \ 78, \ 85, \ 93, \ 98}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 61}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ \frac{65 \ + \ 68}{2} \ = \ 66.5}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ 76}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ \frac{85 \ + \ 93}{2} \ = \ 89}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 98}\)

9) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(99, \ 89, \ 108, \ 76, \ 105, \ 73, \ 93, \ 82\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{73, \ 76, \ 82, \ 89, \ 93, \ 99, \ 105, \ 108}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 73}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ 76}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ \frac{89 \ + \ 93}{2} \ = \ 91}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ 105}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 108}\)

10) Write the five-number summary for the set of data: \(82, \ 66, \ 89, \ 95, \ 69, \ 98, \ 61, \ 78, \ 73, \ 80\)

First, we should arrange the given data from smallest to highest: \(\color{red}{61, \ 66, \ 69, \ 73, \ 78, \ 80, \ 82, \ 89, \ 95, \ 98}\)
Now, according to the above data:

  • \(\color{red}{Minimum \ = \ 61}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_1 \ = \ 69}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_2 \ = \ \frac{78 \ + \ 80}{2} \ = \ 79}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Q_3 \ = \ 89}\)
  • \(\color{red}{Maximum \ = \ 98}\)

Box and Whisker Plots Quiz