1) Is \(8596742\) divisible by \(2\)?
Yes, because the last digit is an even number, so \(8596742\) is divisible by \(2\)
2) Is \(852\) divisible by \(3\)?
Yes, because the sum of its digits is \(15\) and \(15\) is divisible by 3, therefore \(8596742\) is divisible by \(3\).
3) Is \(8522\) divisible by \(4\)?
No, because the number represented by its last two digits that is \(22\) is not divisible by \(4\) , therefore \(8522\) is not divisible by \(4\)
4) Is \(852205\) divisible by \(5\)?
Yes, because its last digit is 5, therefore \(852205\) is divisible by \(5\).
5) Is \(348\) divisible by \(7\)?
No, because if we double the last digit of the number \( 8 \times 2 = 16\) , and then subtract it from the remaining number: \(34 -16 =18\) , the result is not divisible by 7, therefore \(348\) is not divisible by \(7\).
6) Is \(3241\) divisible by \(9\)?
No, because if the sum of its digits is divisible by \(9\). In this number the sum of digits is \(3+2+4+1 =10\) and it is not divisible by \(10\) , therefore \(3241\) is not divisible by \(9\).