Free Full Length CLEP College Algebra Practice Test

Full Length CLEP College Algebra Practice Test

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CLEP College Algebra
Practice Test 2
\(60\) questions Total time for this section: \(90\) Minutes You can use a scientific calculator on this test.

1- If \(f(x)= 3 \ x \ – \ 1 \) and \(g(x)=x^2 \ – \ x\), then find \((\frac{f}{g})(x)\).
(A) \(\frac{3 \ x \ -\ 1}{x^2 \ - \ x}\)
(B) \(\frac{x \ - \ 1}{x^2 \ - \ x}\)
(C) \(\frac{x \ - \ 1}{x^2 \ - \ 1}\)
(D) \(\frac{3 \ x \ + \ 1}{x^2 \ + \ x}\)
(E) \(\frac{x^2 \ - \ x}{3 \ x \ - \ 1}\)
2- In the standard \((x, \ y)\) coordinate plane, which of the following lines contains the points \((3, \ - 5)\) and \((8, \ 15)\)?
(A) \(y=4 \ x \ - \ 17\)
(B) \(y=\frac{1}{4} \ x \ + \ 13\)
(C) \(y=- \ 4 \ x \ + \ 7\)
(D) \(y=- \frac{1}{4} \ x \ + \ 17\)
(E) \(y= \ 2 \ x \ - \ 11\)
3- If \(\frac{x \ - \ 3}{5}=N\) and \(N=6\), what is the value of \(x\)?
(A) \(25\)
(B) \(28\)
(C) \(30\)
(D) \(33\)
(E) \(35\)
4- Which of the following is equal to \(b^\frac{3}{5}\)?
(A) \(\sqrt{b^{\frac{5}{3}}}\)
(B) \(b^\frac{5}{3}\)
(C) \(\sqrt[5]{b^3}\)
(D) \(\sqrt[3]{b^5}\)
(E) \(\sqrt[3]{b^3}\)
5- If the interior angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio \(1: \ 2: \ 3: \ 4\), what is the measure of the largest angle?
(A) \(36^\circ\)
(B) \(72^\circ\)
(C) \(108^\circ\)
(D) \(144^\circ\)
(E) \(180^\circ\)
6- If the area of a circle is \(64\) square meters, what is its diameter?
(A) \(8 \ π\)
(B) \(8\sqrt{π}\)
(C) \(\frac{8\sqrt{π}}{π}\)
(D) \(\frac{8}{π}\)
(E) \(64 \ π^2\)
7- For \(i=\sqrt{- \ 1}\), which of the following is equivalent of  \(\frac{2 + \ 3 \ i}{5 \ - \ 2 \ i}\)?
(A) \(\frac{3\ + \ 2 \ i}{5}\)
(B) \(5 \ + \ 3 \ i\)
(C) \(\frac{4 \ + \ 19 \ i}{29}\)
(D) \(\frac{4 \ + \ 19 \ i}{20}\)
(E) \(\frac{4 \ + \ 21 \ i}{20}\)
8- If function is defined as \(f(x)=bx^2 \ + \ 15\), and \(b\) is a constant and \(f(2)=35\). What is the value of \(f(3)\)?
(A) \(25\)
(B) \(35\)
(C) \(60\)
(D) \(65\)
(E) \(75\)
9- An angle is equal to one fifth of its supplement. What is the measure of that angle?
(A) \(20\)
(B) \(30\)
(C) \(45\)
(D) \(60\)
(E) \(90\)
10- What is the value of \(x\) in the following system of equations?
\(2 \ x \ + \ 5 \ y =11\)
\(4 \ x \ - \ 2 \ y =- 14\)
(A) \(- \ 1\)
(B) \(1\)
(C) \(- \ 2\)
(D) \(4\)
(E) \(8\)
11- Calculate \(f(4)\) for the function \(f(x)=3 \ x^2 \ - \ 4\).
(A) \(44\)
(B) \(40\)
(C) \(38\)
(D) \(30\)
(E) \(25\)
12- What is the sum of all values of n that satisfies \(2 \ n^2 \ + \ 16 \ n \ + \ 24=0\)?
(A) \(8\)
(B) \(4\)
(C) \(- \ 4\)
(D) \(- \ 8\)
(E) \(- \ 10\)
13- In the standard \((x, \ y)\) coordinate system plane, what is the area of the circle with the following equation?
\((x \ + \ 2)^2 \ + \ (y \ - \ 4)^2=16\)
(A) \(8 \ π\)
(B) \(16 \ π\)
(C) \(64 \ π\)
(D) \(64\)
(E) \(128\)
14- Convert \(670,000\) to scientific notation.
(A) \(6.70 \ × \ 1000\)
(B) \(6.70 \ × \ 10^{-5}\)
(C) \(6.7 \ × \ 100\)
(D) \(6.7 \ × \ 10^5\)
(E) \(6.7 \ × \ 10^4\)
15- For \(i=\sqrt{- 1}\), what is the value of  \(\frac{3 \ + \ 2 \ i}{5 \ + \ i}\) ?
(A) \(i\)
(B) \(\frac{32 \ i}{5}\)
(C) \(\frac{17 \ - \ i}{5}\)
(D) \(\frac{17 \ + \ 7 \ i}{26}\)
(E) \(3 \ + \ i\)
16- The equation above represents a parabola in the \(x \ y \ -\)plane.
Which of the following equivalent forms of the equation displays the \(x \ -\)intercepts of the parabola as constants or coefficients?
\(y=x^2 \ - \ 7 \ x \ + \ 12\)
(A) \(y=x \ + \ 3\)
(B) \(y=x \ (x \ - \ 7)\)
(C) \(y=(x \ + \ 3) \ (x \ + \ 4)\)
(D) \(y=(x \ - \ 3) \ (x \ - \ 4)\)
(E) \(y=(x \ - \ 3) \ (x \ - \ 2)\)
17- The function \(g(x)\) is defined by a polynomial.
Some values of \(x\) and \(g(x)\) are shown in the table below. Which of the following must be a factor of \(g(x)\)?
 \(x\) \(g(x)\)
 \(0\)    \(5\)
 \(1\)    \(4\)
 \(2\)    \(0\)
(A) \(x\)
(B) \(x \ - \ 1\)
(C) \(x \ - \ 2\)
(D) \(x \ + \ 1\)
(E) \(x \ + \ 3\)
18- What is the value of \(\frac{4 \ b}{c}\) when \(\frac{c}{b}=2\)
(A) \(8\)
(B) \(4\)
(C) \(2\)
(D) \(1\)
(E) \(0\)
19- Which of the following is equivalent to  \(\frac{x \ + \ (4 \ x)^2 \ + \ (3 \ x)^3}{x}\)?
(A) \(16 \ x^2 \ + \ 27 \ x \ + \ 1\)
(B) \(27 \ x^2 \ + \ 16 \ x \ + \ 1\)
(C) \(16 \ x^2 \ + \ 27 \ x\)
(D) \(27 \ x^3 \ + \ 16 \ x^2 \ + \ 1\)
(E) \(27 \ x^2 \ + \ 16 \ x\)
20- If  \(\frac{a \ - \ b}{b}=\frac{10}{11}\), then which of the following must be true?
(A) \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{11}{10}\)
(B) \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{21}{11}\)
(C) \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{11}{21}\)
(D) \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{21}{10}\)
(E) \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{9}{11}\)
21- Which of the following lines is parallel to: \(6 \ y \ - \ 2 \ x =24\)
(A) \(y=\frac{1}{3} \ x \ + \ 2\)
(B) \(y=3 \ x \ + \ 5\)
(C) \(y=x \ - \ 2\)
(D) \(y=2 \ x \ - \ 1\)
(E) \(y=4 \ x \ - \ 1\)
22- construction company is building a wall.
The company can build \(30\) cm of the wall per minute.
After \(40\) minutes \(\frac{3}{4}\) of the wall is completed. How many meters is the wall?
(A) \(6\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(14\)
(D) \(16\)
(E) \(20\)
23- What is the solution of the following inequality?
\(| \ x \ - \ 2 \ | \ ≥ \ 3\)
(A) \(x \ ≥ \ 5 \ ∪ \ x \ ≤ \ - \ 1\)
(B) \(- \ 1 \ ≤ \ x \ ≤ \ 5\)
(C) \(x \ ≥ \ 5\) 
(D) \(x \ ≤ \ - \ 1\)
(E) Set of real numbers
24- When \(5\) times the number \(x\) is added to \(10\), the result is \(35\). What is the result when \(3\) times \(x\) is added to \(6\)?
(A) \(10\)
(B) \(15\)
(C) \(21\)
(D) \(25\)
(E) \(28\)
25- If \(3 \ h \ + \ g=8 \ h \ + \ 4\), what is \(g\) in terms of \(h\)?
(A) \(h=5 \ g \ - \ 4\)
(B) \(g=5 \ h \ + \ 4\)
(C) \(h=4 \ g\)
(D) \(g=h \ + \ 1\)
(E)  \(g=5 \ h \ + \ 1\)
26- If \(8 \ + \ 2 \ x\)  is \(16\) more than \(20\), what is the value of \(6 \ x\)?
(A)  \(40\)
(B)  \(55\)
(C)  \(62\)
(D)  \(84\)
(E)  \(88\)
27- If \(a \ - \ b \ > \ 10\) and \(a \ + \ b \ < \ 14\), which of the following pairs could not be the values of \(a\) and \(b\)?
(A) \((11, \ 0)\)
(B) \((13, \ 2)\)
(C) \((13, \ 0)\)
(D) \((12, \ 1)\)
(E) \((12, \ 2)\)
28- Simplify.
\(4 \ x^2 \ y^3 \ + \ 5 \ x^3 \ y^5 \ - \ (5 \ x^2 \ y^3 \ - \ 2 \ x^3 \ y^5)\)
(A) \(- \ x^2 \ y^3\)
(B) \(6 \ x^2 \ y^3 \ – \ x^3 \ y^5\)
(C) \(7 \ x^2 \ y^3\)
(D) \(7 \ x^3 \ y^5 \ - \ x^2 \ y^3\)
(E) \(6 \ x^5 \ y^8\)
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29- What are the zeroes of the function \(f(x)=x^3 \ + \ 5 \ x^2 \ + \ 6 \ x\)?
(A) \(0\)
(B) \(– \ 2,  \ – \ 3\)
(C) \(0, \ 2, \ 3\)
(D) \(– \ 1, \ – \ 3\)
(E) \(0, \ – \ 2, \ – \ 3\)
30- If   \(x \ + \ sin^2  \ a \ + \ cos^2  \ a=3\), then \(x =\) ?
(A) \(1\)
(B) \(2\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(4\)
(E) \(5\)
31- If \(\sqrt{6 \ x}= \sqrt{y}\), then \(x=\) 
(A) \(6\ y\)
(B) \(\sqrt{\frac{y}{6}}\)
(C) \(\sqrt{6\ y}\)
(D) \(y^2\)
(E) \(\frac{y}{6}\)
32- The average weight of \(18\) girls in a class is \(60\) kg and the average weight of \(32\) boys in the same class is \(62\) kg.
What is the average weight of all the \(50\) students in that class?
(A) \(60\)
(B) \(61.28\)
(C) \(61.68\)
(D) \(61.90\)
(E) \(62.20\)
33- If \(y=(- \ 3 \ x^3)^2\), which of the following expressions is equal to \(y\)?
(A) \(- \ 6 \ x^5\)
(B) \(- \ 6 \ x^6\)
(C) \(6 \ x^5\)
(D) \(9 \ x^5\)
(E) \(9 \ x^6\)
34- What is the value of the expression \(5 \ (x \ - \ 2 \ y) \ + \ (2 \ - \ x)^2\) when \(x=3\) and \(= -\ 2\) ?
(A) \(- \ 4\)
(B) \(20\)
(C) \(36\)
(D) \(50\)
(E) \(80\)
35- What is the value of \(x\) in the following system of equations?
\(5 \ x \ + \ 2 \ y = 3\)
\(y = x\)
(A) \(x=\frac{3}{7}\)
(B) \(x=\frac{1}{3}\)
(C) \(x=\frac{2}{3}\)
(D) \(x=\frac{4}{3}\)
(E) \(x=\frac{5}{3}\)
36- In a hotel, there are \(5\) floors and \(x\) rooms on each floor.
If each room has exactly \(y\) chairs, which of the following gives the total number of chairs in the hotel?
(A) \(5 \ x \ y\)
(B) \(2 \ x \ y\)
(C) \(x \ + \ y\)
(D) \(x \ + \ 5 \ y\)
(E) \(2 \ x \ + \ 5 \ y\)
37- If \(α=2 \ β\) and \(β=3 \ γ\), how many \(α\) are equal to \(36 \ γ\) ?
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(2\)
(C) \(6\)
(D) \(4\)
(E) \(1\)
38- Which of the following is one solution of this equation?
\(x^2 \ + \ 2 \ x \ - \ 5 =0\)
(A) \(\sqrt{6} \ - \ 1\)
(B) \(\sqrt{2} \ + \ 1\) 
(C) \(\sqrt{6} \ + \ 1\)
(D) \(\sqrt{2} \ - \ 1\)
(E) \(\sqrt{12}\)
39- Simplify \(\frac{4 \ - \ 3 \ i}{-\ 4 \ i}\) ?
(A) \(\frac{3}{4} \ + \ i\)
(B) \(\frac{3}{4} \ - \ i\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{4} \ - \ i\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{4} \ + \ i\)
(E) \(i\)
40- Which of the following is the sum of the two polynomials shown above?
\(4 \ x^2 \ + \ 6 \ x \ -\ 3\) , \(3 \ x^2 \ - \ 5 \ x \ + \ 8\)
   \(x\)  \(1\)  \(2\)  \(3\)
\(g(x)\) \(-\ 1\) \(-\ 3\) \(-\ 5\)
(A) \(5 \ x^2 \ + \ 3 \ x \ + \ 4\)
(B) \(4 \ x^2 \ - \ 6 \ x \ + \ 3\)
(C) \(7 \ x^2  \ + \ x \ + \ 5\)
(D) \(7 \ x^2 \ + \ 5 \ x \ + \ 1\)
(E) \(x^2 \ + \ 5 \ x \ + \ 4\)
41- The table above shows some values of linear function \(g(x)\). Which of the following defines \(g(x)\)?
(A) \(g(x)=2 \ x \ + \ 1\)
(B) \(g(x)=2 \ x \ - \ 1\)
(C) \(g(x)=- \ 2 \ x \ + \ 1\)
(D) \(g(x)=x \ + \ 2\)
(E) \(g(x)=2 \ x \ + \ 2\)
42- Which of the following expressions is equal to \(\sqrt{\frac{x^2}{2} \ + \ \frac{x^2}{16}}\) ?
(A) \(x\)
(B) \(\frac{3 \ x}{4}\)
(C) \(x\sqrt{x}\)
(D) \(\frac{x \sqrt{x}}{4}\)
(E) \(4 \ x\)
43- What is the \(y \ -\)intercept of the line with the equation \(x \ - \ 3 \ y=12\) ?
(A) \(1\)
(B) \(- \ 2\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(- \ 4\)
(E) \(5\)
44- If \(4 \ a \ - \ 3 = 14\) what is the value of \(6 \ a\)? 
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(15\)
(C) \(30\)
(D) \(45\)
(E) \(50\)
45- If \(x \ ≠ \ 0\) and \(x=x^{-6}\), what is the value of \(x\)?
(A) \(- \ 2\)
(B) \(1\)
(C) \(2\)
(D) \(3\)
(E) \(4\)
46- Which of the following is equal to expression \(\frac{5}{x^2} \ + \ (\frac{7 \ x \ - \ 3}{x^3})\)?
(A) \(\frac{6 \ x \ + \ 1}{x^3}\) 
(B) \(\frac{10 \ x \ + \ 6}{x^3}\) 
(C) \(\frac{12 \ x \ + \ 1}{x^3}\)
(D) \(\frac{13 \ x \ + \ 2}{x^3}\)
(E) \(\frac{6 \ x \ + \ 4}{x^3}\)
47- Which of the following is the equation of a quadratic graph with a vertex \((3, \ - 3)\)? 
(A) \(y=3 \ x^2 \ - \ 3\)
(B) \(y=- \ 3 \ x^2 \ + \ 3\)
(C) \(y=x^2 \ + \ 3 \ x \ - \ 3\)
(D) \(y=4 \ (x \ - \ 3)^2 \ - \ 3\)
(E) \(y=4\ x^2 \ + \ 3 \ x \ - \ 3\)
48- What is the average of \(4 \ x \ + \ 2\),\(- \ 6 \ x \ -5\) and \(8 \ x \ + \ 2\) ?
(A) \(3\ x\ +\ 2\)
(B) \(3\ x\ -\ 2\)
(C) \(2\ x\ +\ 1\)
(D) \(2\ x\ -\frac{1}{3}\)
(E) \(x\ -\frac{1}{3}\)
49- What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line
\(4 \ x \ - \ 2 \ y=12\) ?
(A) \(-\ 2\)
(B) \(-\frac{1}{2}\)
(C) \(4\)
(D) \(12\)
(E) \(14\)
50- In a coordinate plane, triangle ABChas coordinates: \((−\ 1, \ 6)\), \((−\ 2, \ 5)\), and \((5, \ 8)\).
If triangle ABC is reflected over the -axis, what are the coordinates of the new image?
(A) \((−\ 1, \ − \ 6),\ (−\ 2, \ −\ 5),\ (−\ 5, \ − \ 8)\)
(B) \((− \ 1, \ − \ 6),\ (−\ 2, \ − \ 5),\ (5, \ − \ 8)\)
(C) \((1, \ 6),\ (2, \ 5),\ (5, \ 8)\)
(D) \((−\ 1, \ 6),\ (−\ 2, \ 5),\ (5, \ 8)\)
(E) \((1, \ 6),\ (2, \ 5),\ (−\ 5, \ 8)\)
51- What is the difference in area between a \(9\) cm by \(4\) cm rectangle and a circle with diameter of \(10\) cm? \((π \ =3)\)
(A) \(49\)
(B) \(39\)
(C) \(6\)
(D) \(4\)
(E) \(2\)
52- If \(f(x)=2 \ x^3 \ + \ 2\) and \((x)=\frac{1}{x}\) , what is the value of \(f(g(x))\)?
(A) \(\frac{1}{2\ x^3\ +\ 2}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{x^3}\) 
(C) \(\frac{1}{2\ x}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{2\ x\ +\ 2}\)
(E) \(\frac{2}{x^3 \ +\ 2}\)
53- What is the value of \(x\) in the following equation?
(A) \(3\)
(B) \(4\)
(C) \(5\)
(D) \(6\)
(E) \(7\)
54- A cruise line ship left Port A and traveled \(80\) miles due west and then \(150\) miles due north.
At this point, what is the shortest distance from the cruise to port A?
(A) \(70\) miles
(B) \(80\) miles
(C) \(150\) miles
(D) \(170\) miles
(E) \(230\) miles
55- The length of a rectangle is \(3\) meters greater than \(4\) times its width. The perimeter of the rectangle is \(36\) meters. 
What is the area of the rectangle?
(A) \(12\) m\(^2\)
(B) \(27\) m\(^2\)
(C) \(36\) m\(^2\)
(D) \(45\) m\(^2\)
(E) \(90\) m\(^2\)
56- Tickets to a movie cost \($12.50\) for adults and \($7.50\) for students. A group of \(12\) friends purchased tickets for \($125\).
How many student tickets did they buy?
(A) \(3\)
(B) \(5\)
(C) \(7\)
(D) \(8\)
(E) \(9\)
57- If the ratio of \(5 \ a\) to \(2 \ b\) is \(\frac{1}{10}\), what is the ratio of \(a\) to \(b\)?
(A) \(10\)
(B) \(25\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{25}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{20}\)
(E) \(\frac{1}{10}\)
58- If \(x \ =9\), what is the value of \(y\) in the following equation?
\(2 \ y = \frac{2 \ x^2}{3} \ + \ 6\)
(A) \(30\)
(B) \(45\)
(C) \(60\)
(D) \(120\)
(E) \(180\)
59- Sara orders a box of pen for \($3\) per box.
A tax of \(8.5\%\) is added to the cost of the pens before a flat shipping fee of \($6\) closest out the transaction.
Which of the following represents total cost of boxes of pens in dollars?
(A) \(1.085\ (3\ p)\ +\ 6\)
(B) \(6\ p\ +\ 3\)
(C) \(1.085\ (6\ p)\ +\ 3\)
(D) \(3\ p\ +\ 6\)
(E) \(p\ +\ 6\)
60- A plant grows at a linear rate. After five weeks, the plant is \(40\) cm tall.
Which of the following functions represents the relationship between
the height \((y)\) of the plant and number of weeks of growth \((x)\)?
(A) \(y(x)=40\ x\ +\ 8\)
(B) \(y(x)=8\ x\ +\ 40\)
(C) \(y(x)=40\ x\)
(D) \(y(x)=8\ x\)
(E) \(y(x)=4\ x\)
1- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{3 \ x \ -\ 1}{x^2 \ - \ x}\)
\((\frac{f}{g})(x)=\) \(\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}\)\(=\)\(\frac{3 \ x \ – \ 1}{x^2 \ - \ x}\)

2- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(y=4 \ x \ - \ 17\)
The equation of a line is: \(y=m \ x \ + \ b\), where \(m\) is the slope and \(b\) is the \(y \ -\)intercept.
First find the slope:\(m=\frac{y_2 \ - \ y_1}{x_2 \ - \ x_1 }=\frac{15 \ - \ (- \ 5)}{8 \ - \ 3}=\frac{20}{5}=4\). Then, we have: \(y=4 \ x \ + \ b\)
Choose one point and plug in the values of \(x\) and y in the equation to solve for \(b\).
Let’s choose the point \((3, \ -5)\). \(y=4 \ x \ + \ b → - \ 5=4 \ (3) \ + \ b → - \ 5=12 \ + \ b → b=- \ 17\)
The equation of the line is: \(y=4 \ x \ - \ 17\)

3- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(33\)
Since \(N=6\), substitute \(6\) for \(N\) in the equation \(\frac{x \ - \ 3}{5}=N\), which gives \(\frac{x \ - \ 3}{5}=6\).
Multiplying both sides of \(\frac{x\ -\ 3}{5}=6\) by \(5\) gives \(x \ - \ 3=30\) and then adding \(3\) to both sides of
\(x \ - \ 3=30\) then, \(x=33\).

4- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\sqrt[5]{b^3}\)
\(b^{\frac{m}{n}}\)\(=\sqrt[n]b^m\) For any positive integers \(m\) and \(n\). Thus, \(b^{\frac{3}{5}}=\sqrt[5]b^3\).

5- Choice D is correct

The corrcet answer is \(144^\circ\)
The sum of all angles in a quadrilateral is \(360\) degrees. Let \(x\) be the smallest angle in the quadrilateral.
Then the angles are: \(x, \ 2 \ x, \ 3 \ x, \ 4 \ x\)
\(x \ + \ 2 \ x \ + \ 3 \ x \ + \ 4 \ x=360 → 10 \ x=360 → x=36\)
The angles in the quadrilateral are: \(36^\circ, \ 72^\circ, \ 108^\circ\), and \(144^\circ\)

6- Choice C is correct

The corrcet answer is \(\frac{8\sqrt{π}}{π}\)
Formula for the area of a circle is: \(A=π \ r^2\).
Using \(64\) for the area of the circle we have: \(64=π \ r^2\). Let’s solve for the radius \((r)\).
\(\frac{64}{π}=r^2 → r=\sqrt{\frac{64}{π}}=\frac{8}{\sqrtπ}=\frac{8}{\sqrt{π}} \ × \frac{\sqrt{π}}{\sqrt{π}}=\frac{8 \sqrt{π}}{π}\)

7- Choice C is correct

The corrcet answer is \(\frac{4 \ + \ 19 \ i}{29}\)
To rewrite \(\frac{2 \ + \ 3 \ i}{5 \ - \ 2 \ i}\) in the standard form a\(+\)bi, multiply the numerator and denominator of \(\frac{2 \ + \ 3 \ i}{5 \ - \ 2 \ i}\) by the conjugate, \(5 \ + \ 2 \ i\).
This gives \((\frac{2 \ + \ 3 \ i}{5 \ - \ 2 \ i}) (\frac{5 \ + \ 2 \ i}{5 \ + \ 2 \ i})=\frac{10 \ + \ 4 \ i \ + \ 15 \ i \ + \ 6 \ i^2}{5^2 \ - \ (2 \ i)^2}\) . Since \(i^2=- \ 1\), this last fraction can be rewritten as  \(\frac{10 \ + \ 4 \ i \ + \ 15 \ i \ + \ 6 \ (- \ 1)}{25 \ - \ 4 \ (- \ 1)}=\frac{4 \ + \ 19 \ i}{29}\).

8- Choice C is correct

The corrcet answer is \(60\)
First find the value of \(b\), and then find \(f(3)\). Since \(f(2)=35\), substuting \(2\) for \(x\) and \(35\) for \(f(x)\) gives \(35=b \ (2)^2 \ + \ 15=4 \ b \ + \ 15\).
Solving this equation gives \(b=5\). Thus
\(f(x)=5 \ x^2 \ + \ 15\), \(f(3)=5 \ (3)^2 \ + \ 15 → f(3)=45 \ + \ 15\), \(f(3)=60\)

9- Choice B is correct

The corrcet answer is \(30\)
The sum of supplement angles is \(180\). Let \(x\) be that angle. Therefore, \(x \ + \ 5 \ x=180\)
\(6 \ x=180\), divide both sides by \(6\): \(x=30\)

10- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(- \ 2\)
Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination
Multiply the first equation by \((–\ 2)\), then add it to the second equation.
\(\cfrac{\begin{align}-\ 2\ (2\ x\ +\ 5\ y\ ) = 11\\ 4\ x\ -\ 2\ y\ = -\ 14\end{align}}{} \)\( \\ -\ 4\ x\ -\ 10\ y= -\ 22\\ 4\ x\ -\ 2\ y=-\ 14⇒ -\ 12\ y= -\ 36 ⇒ y= 3\)
Plug in the value of \(y\) into one of the equations and solve for \(x\).
\(2\ x\ +\ 5\ (3)= 11 ⇒ 2\ x\ +\ 15= 11 ⇒ 2\ x= -\ 4 ⇒ x= -\ 2\)

11- Choice A is correct

The correcte answer is \(44\)
Identify the input value. Since the function is in the form \(f(x)\) and the question asks to calculate \(f(4)\), the input value is four.
\(f(4) → \ x=4\), Using the function, input the desired \(x\) value.
Now substitute \(4\) in for every \(x\) in the function.
\(f(x)=3 \ x^2 \ - \ 4\), \(f(4)=3 \ (4)^2 \ - \ 4\), \(f(4)=48 \ - \ 4\), \(f(4)=44\)

12- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(- \ 8\)
The problem asks for the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation \(2 \ n^2 \ + \ 16 \ n \ + \ 24=0\).
Dividing each side of the equation by \(2\) gives \(n^2 \ + \ 8 \ n \ + \ 12=0\). If the roots of
\(n^2 \ + \ 8 \ n \ + \ 12=0\) are \(n_1\) and \(n_2\), then the equation can be factored as
\(n^2 \ + \ 8 \ n \ + \ 12=(n \ - \ n_1)\ (n \ - \ n_2 )=0\).
Looking at the coefficient of \(n\) on each side of \(n^2 \ + \ 8 \ n \ + \ 12=(n \ + \ 6)\ (n \ + \ 2)\) gives \(n=- \ 6\) or \(n=- \ 2\) , then, \(- \ 6 \ + \ (- \ 2)=- \ 8\)

13- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(16 \ π\)
The equation of a circle in standard form is: \((x \ - \ h)^2 \ + \ (y \ - \ k)^2=r^2\), where \(r\) is the radius of the circle.
In this circle the radius is \(4\). \(r^2=16 → r=4\). \((x \ + \ 2)^2 \ + \ (y \ - \ 4)^2=16\)
Area of a circle: \(A=π \ r^2=π \ (4)^2=16 \ π\)

14- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(6.7 \ × \ 10^5\)
\(670000=6.7 \ × \ 10^5\)

15- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{17 \ + \ 7 \ i}{26}\) 
To perform the division  \(\frac{3 \ + \ 2 \ i}{5 \ + \ i}\),
multiply the numerator and denominator of \(\frac{3 \ + \ 2 \ i}{5 \ + \ 1 \ i}\) by the conjugate of the denominator, \(5 \ - \ i\).
This gives \(\frac{(3 \ + \ 2 \ i)\ (5 \ - \ i)}{(5 \ + \ 1 \ i)\ (5 \ - \ i)}\)=\(\frac{15 \ - \ 3 \ i \ + \ 10 \ i \ - \ 2i^2}{5^2 \ - \ i^2}\).
Since \(i^2=- \ 1\), this can be simplified to \(\frac{15 \ - \ 3 \ i \ + \ 10 \ i \ + \ 2}{25 \ + \ 1}=\frac{17 \ + \ 7 \ i}{26}\)

16- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(y=(x \ - \ 3) \ (x \ - \ 4)\)
The \(x \ -\)intercepts of the parabola represented \(by y=x^2 \ - \ 7 \ x \ + \ 12\) in the \(x \ y \ - \)plane are the values of \(x\) for which \(y\) is equal to \(0\).
The factored form of the equation, \(y=(x \ - \ 3) \ (x \ - \ 4)\), shows that \(y\) equals \(0\) if and only if
\(x=3\) or \(x=4\). Thus, the factored form \(y=(x \ - \ 3) \ (x \ - \ 4)\), displays the \(x \ - \)intercepts of the parabola as the constants \(3\) and \(4\).

17- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(x \ - \ 2\)
If \(x \ - \ a\) is a factor of \(g(x)\), then \(g(a)\) must equal \(0\).
Based on the table \(g(2)=0\).
Therefore, \(x \ - \ 2\) must be a factor of \(g(x)\).

18- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(2\)
To solve this problem first solve the equation for \(c\).
\(\frac{c}{b}=2\). Multiply by \(b\) on both sides. Then: \(b \ × \frac{c}{b}=2 \ × \ b → c=2 \ b\) .
Now to calculate \(\frac{4 \ b}{c}\), substitute the value for \(c\) into the denominator and simplify.
\(\frac{4 \ b}{c}=\frac{4 \ b}{2 \ b}=\frac{4}{2}=\frac{2}{1}=2\)

19- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(27 \ x^2 \ + \ 16 \ x \ + \ 1\)
Simplify the numerator. \(\frac{x \ + \ (4 \ x)^2 \ + \ (3 \ x)^3}{x}=\frac{x \ + \ 4^2 \ x^2 \ + \ 3^3 \ x^3}{x}=\frac{x \ + \ 16 \ x^2 \ + \ 27 \ x^3}{x}\).
Pull an x out of each term in the numerator. \(\frac{x \ (1 \ + \ 16 \ x \ + \ 27 \ x^2)}{x}\).
The \(x\) in the numerator and the \(x\) in the denominator cancel: \(1 \ + \ 16 \ x \ + \ 27 \ x^2=27 \ x^2 \ + \ 16 \ x \ + \ 1\)

20- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{21}{11}\)
The equation \(\frac{a \ - \ b}{b}=\frac{10}{11}\) can be rewritten as \(\frac{a}{b} \ - \frac{b}{b}=\frac{10}{11}\), from which it follows that \(\frac{a}{b} \ - \ 1=\frac{10}{11}\), or  \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{10}{11} \ + \ 1=\frac{21}{11}\).

21- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(y=\frac{1}{3} \ x \ + \ 2\)
First write the equation in slope intercept form. Add \(2 \ x\) to both sides to get \(6 \ y=2 \ x \ + \ 24\).
Now divide both sides by \(6\) to get \(y=\frac{1}{3} \ x \ + \ 4\).
The slope of this line is  \(\frac{1}{3}\), so any line that also has a slope of \(\frac{1}{3}\) would be parallel to it.
Only choice  A has a slope of \(\frac{1}{3}\).

22- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(16\)
The rate of construction company\(=\frac{30\ cm}{1\ min}=30\) cm/min
Height of the wall after \(40\) minutes \(=\frac{30 \ cm}{1 \ min} \ × \ 40\) min\(=1200 \) cm 
Let \(x\) be the height of wall, then \(\frac{3}{4} \ x=1200\) cm\( → \ x=\frac{4 \ × \ 1200}{3} → x=1600\) cm\(=16\) m

23- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(x \ ≥ \ 5 \ ∪ \ x \ ≤ \ - \ 1\)
\(x \ - \ 2 \ ≥ \ 3 → x \ ≥ \ 3 \ + \ 2 → x \ ≥ \ 5\) Or \(x \ - \ 2 \ ≤ - \ 3 → x \ ≤ \ - \ 3 \ + \ 2 → \ x \ ≤ \ - \ 1\)
Then, solution is: \(x \ ≥ \ 5 \ ∪ \ x \ ≤ \ - \ 1\)

24- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(21\)
When 5 times the number \(x\) is added to \(10\), the result is \(10 \ + \ 5 \ x\).
Since this result is equal to \(35\), the equation \(10 \ + \ 5 \ x \ = 35\) is true.
Subtracting \(10\) from each side of \(10 \ + \ 5 \ x = 35\) gives \(5 \ x=25\), and then dividing both sides by \(5\) gives \(x=5\).
Therefore, \(3\) times \(x\) added to \(6\), or \(6 \ + \ 3 \ x\), is equal to \(6 \ + \ 3 \ (5)=21\)

25- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(g=5 \ h \ + \ 4\)
Fining g in term of \(h\), simply means “solve the equation for \(g\)”.
To solve for \(g\), isolate it on one side of the equation.
Since \(g\) is on the left-hand side, just keep it there.
Subtract both sides by \(3 \ h\). \(3 \ h \ + \ g \ - \ 3 \ h=8 \ h \ + \ 4 \ - \ 3 \ h\)
And simplifying makes the equation \(g=5 \ h \ + \ 4\), which happens to be the answer.

26- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(84\)
The description \(8 \ + \ 2 \ x\) is \(16\) more than \(20\) can be written as the equation \(8 \ + \ 2 \ x=16 \ + \ 20\), which is equivalent to \(8 \ + \ 2 \ x=36\).
Subtracting \(8\) from each side of \(8 \ + \ 2 \ x \ =36\) gives \(2 \ x=28\).
Since \(6 \ x\) is \(3\) times \(2 \ x\), multiplying both sides of \(2 \ x=28\) by \(3\) gives \(6 \ x=84\)

27- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \((13, \ 2)\)
From the choices provided, plugin the values of \(a\) and \(b\) into both inequalities and check.
A. \((11, \ 0) → a \ - \ b=11 \ - \ 0=11 \ > \ 10\) and \(a \ + \ b=11 \ + \ 0=11 \ < \ 14\)
B. \((13, \ 2) → a \ - \ b=13 \ - \ 2=11 \ > \ 10\) and \(a \ + \ b=13 \ + \ 2=15 \ > \ 14\)
C. \((13, \ 0) → a \ - \ b=13 \ - \ 0=13 \ > \ 10\) and \(a \ + \ b=13 \ + \ 0=13 \ < \ 14\)
D. \((12, \ 1) → a \ - \ b=12 \ - \ 1=11 \ > \ 10\) and \(a \ + \ b=12 \ + \ 1=13 \ < \ 14\)
E. \((12, \ 2) → a \ - \ b=12 \ - \ 2=10=10\) and \(a \ + \ b=12 \ + \ 2=14 \ < \ 14\)
For choice \(B, \ 15\) is not less than \(14\). Therefore, choice B does not provide the correct values of \(a\) and \(b\).

28- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(7 \ x^3 \ y^5 \ - \ x^2 \ y^3\)
\(4 \ x^2 \ y^3 \ + \ 5 \ x^3\   y^5 \ – \ (5 \ x^2\   y^3 \ – \ 2 \ x^3 \ y^5 )=4 \ x^2 \ y^3 \ - \ 5 \ x^2 \ y^3 \ + \ 5 \ x^3 \ y^5 \ + \ 2 \ x^3 \ y^5=7 \ x^3 \ y^5 \ - \ x^2 \ y^3\)

29- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(0, \ – \ 2, \ – \ 3\)
Frist factor the function: \(f(x)=x^3 \ + \ 5 \ x^2 \ + \ 6 \ x=x (x \ + \ 2)\ (x \ + \ 3)\)
To find the zeros, \(f(x)\) should be zero. \(f(x)=x \ (x \ + \ 2)\ (x \ + \ 3)=0\)
Therefore, the zeros are: \(x=0\), \((x \ + \ 2)=0 ⇒ x=- \ 2\), \((x \ + \ 3)=0 ⇒ x=- \ 3\)

30- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(2\)
\(sin^2 \ a \ + \) cos\(^2\ a=1\), then: \(x\ +\ 1=3\), \(x=2\)

31- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{y}{6}\)
Solve for \(x\) \(\sqrt{6\ x}=\sqrt{y}\). Square both sides of the equation: \((\sqrt{6 \ x})^2=(\sqrt{y})^2 → 6 \ x=y → x=\frac{y}{6}\)

32- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(61.28\)
average \(=\frac{sum \ of \ terms}{number \ of \ terms}\). The sum of the weight of all girls is: \(18\ ×\ 60 = 1080\)  kg
The sum of the weight of all boys is: \(32\ ×\ 62=1984\) kg.
The sum of the weight of all students is: \(1080\ +\ 1984 = 3064\) kg. average \(=\frac{3064}{50} = 61.28\)

33- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(9 \ x^6\)
\(y=(- \ 3 \ x^3)^2=(- \ 3)^2 (x^3)^2=9 \ x^6\)

34- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(36\)
Plug in the value of \(x\) and \(y\).
\(x=3\) and \(y=- \ 2\)
\(5 \ (x \ - \ 2 \ y) \ + \ (2 \ - \ x)^2=5 \ (3 \ - \ 2 \ (- \ 2)) \ + \ (2 \ - \ 3)^2=5 \ (3 \ + \ 4) \ + \ (- \ 1)^2 = 35 \ + \ 1=36\)

35- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(x=\frac{3}{7}\)
Substituting \(x\) for \(y\) in first equation.
\(5 \ x \ + \ 2 \ y=3\), \(5 \ x \ + \ 2 \ (x)=3\), \(7 \ x \ =3\)
Divide both side of \(7 \ x=3\) by \(3\) gives \(x=\frac{3}{7}\)

36- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(5 \ x \ y\)
There are \(5\) floors, \(x\) rooms in each floor, and \(y\) chairs per room.
If you multiply \(5\) floors by \(x\), there are \(5 \ x\) rooms in the hotel.
To get the number of chairs in the hotel, multiply \(5 \ x\) by \(y\). \(5 \ x \ y\) is the number of chairs in the hotel.

37- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(6\)
If \(β=3\ γ\), then multiplying both sides by \(12\) gives \(12 \ β=36 \ γ\).
\(α=2 \ β\), thus \(α=6 \ γ\). Multiply both sides of the equation by \(6\) gives \(6 \ α=36 \ γ\).

38- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\sqrt{6} \ - \ 1\)
\(x_{1,2} =\frac{- \ b\ ± \sqrt{b^2 \ - \ 4 \ a\ c}}{2\ a}\) \(a\ x^2\ +\ b \ x\ +\ c=0\)
\(\ x ^2 \ + \ 2 \ x \ – \ 5=0\) ⇒ then: \(a=1, \ b=2\) and \(c= –\ 5\)
\(x =\frac{- \ 2 \ + \sqrt{2^2  \ - \ 4.1 .- \ 5}}{2.1}=\sqrt{6}- \ 1\) \(x =\frac{- \ 2 - \sqrt{2^2 \ - \ 4 .1 . \ - \ 5}}{2.1} =- \ 1 \ -\sqrt{6}\)

39- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{3}{4} \ + \ i\)
\(\frac{4 \ - \ 3 \ i}{- \ 4 \ i}× \frac{i}{i}=\frac{4 \ i \ - \ 3 \ i^2}{- \ 4 \ i^2}\).
\(i^2 \ - \ 1\), Then: \(\frac{4 \ i \ - \ 3 \ i^2}{- \ 4 \ i^2}=\frac{4 \ i \ -3 \ (- \ 1)}{- \ 4\ (- \ 1)}=\frac{4 \ i \ + \ 3}{4}=\frac{4 \ i}{4} \ + \frac{3}{4}=i \ + \frac{3}{4}\)

40- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(7 \ x^2  \ + \ x \ + \ 5\)
The sum of the two polynomials is \((4 \ x^2 \ + \ 6 \ x \ - \ 3) \ + \ (3 \ x^2 \ - \ 5 \ x \ + \ 8)\)
This can be rewritten by combining like terms: \((4 \ x^2 \ + \ 6 \ x \ - \ 3) \ + \ (3 \ x^2 \ - \ 5 \ x \ + \ 8)=(4 \ x^2 \ + \ 3 \ x^2 ) \ + \ (6 \ x \ - \ 5 \ x) \ + \ (- \ 3 \ + \ 8)=7 \ x^2 \ + \ x \ + \ 5\)

41- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(g(x)=- \ 2 \ x \ + \ 1\)
For \((1, \ - \ 1)\) check the options provided:
A. \(g(x)=2 \ x \ + \ 1 → - \ 1=2 \ (1) \ + \ 1 → - \ 1=3\) This is NOT true.
B. \(g(x)=2 \ x \ - \ 1 → - \ 1=2 \ (1) \ - \ 1=1\) This is NOT true.
C. \(g(x)=- \ 2 \ x \ +\ 1 → - \ 1=2 \ (- \ 1) \ + \ 1 → - \ 1=- \ 1\) This is true.
D. \(g(x)=x \ +\ 2 → - \ 1=1 \ + \ 2 → - \ 1=3\) This is NOT true.
E. \(g(x)=2 \ x \ + \ 2 → - \ 1=2 \ (1) \ + \ 2=1\) This is NOT true.
From the choices provided, only choice C is correct.

42- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{3 \ x}{4}\)
Simplify the expression. \(\sqrt{\frac{x^2}{2} \ + \frac{x^2}{16}}\)\(=\sqrt{\frac{8 \ x^2}{16} \ + \frac{x^2}{16}}=\)\(\sqrt{\frac{9 \ x^2}{16}}=\)\(\sqrt{\frac{9}{16} \ x^2}\)=\(\sqrt{\frac{9}{16}}×\sqrt{x^2}=\frac{3}{4} \ × \ x=\frac{3 \ x}{4}\)

43- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(- \ 4\)
To find the \(y \ -\)intercept of a line from its equation, put the equation in slope-intercept form:
\(x \ - \ 3 \ y=12\), \(- \ 3 \ y=- \ x \ + \ 12\), \(3 \ y=x \ - \ 12\), \(y=\frac{1}{3} x \ - \ 4\)
The \(y \ -\)intercept is what comes after the \(x\). Thus, the \(y \ -\)intercept of the line is \(- \ 4\).

44- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(30\)
Adding both side of \(4 \ a \ - \ 3=17\) by \(3\) gives \(4 \ a=20\)
Divide both side of \(4 \ a=20\) by \(4\) gives \(a=5\), then \(6 \ a=6 \ (5)=30\)

45- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(1\)
The easiest way to solve this one is to plug the answers into the equation.
When you do this, you will see the only time \(x=x^{(- \ 6)}\) is when \(x=1\) or \(x=0\).
Only \(x=1\) is provided in the choices.

46- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{12 \ x \ + \ 1}{x^3}\)
First find a common denominator for both of the fractions in the expression \(\frac{5}{x^2} + \frac{7 \ x \ - \ 3}{x^3}\).
of \(x^3\), we can combine like terms into a single numerator over the denominator:
\(\frac{5 \ x \ + \ 4}{x^3} \ + \frac{7 \ x \ -\ 3}{x^3} =\frac{(5 \ x \ + \ 4) \ + \ (7 \ x \ - \ 3)}{x^3} =\frac{12 \ x \ + \ 1}{x^3}\)

47- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(y=4 \ (x \ - \ 3)^2 \ - \ 3\)
Let’s find the vertex of each choice provided:
A. \(y=3 \ x^2 \ - \ 3\) The vertex is: \((0, \ - \ 3)\)
B. \(y=- \ 3 \ x^2 \ + \ 3\) The vertex is: \((0, \ 3)\)
C. \(y=x^2 \ + \ 3 \ x \ - \ 3\)
The value of \(x\) of the vertex in the equation of \(a\) quadratic in standard form is: \(x=\frac{- \ b}{2 \ a}=\frac{- \ 3}{2}\)
(The standard equation of a quadratic is: \(a \ x^2 \ + \ b \ x \ + \ c=0)\)
The value of \(x\) in the vertex is \(3\) not \(\frac{- \ 3}{2}\).
D. \(y=4 \ (x \ - \ 3)^2 \ - \ 3\)
Vertex form of \(a\) parabola equation is in form of \(y=a \ (x \ - \ h)^2 \ + \ k\) , where \((h, \ k)\) is the vertex. Then \(h=3\) and \(k=- \ 3\). (This is the answer)
E. \(y=4 \ x^2 \ + \ 3 \ x \ - \ 3\). \(x=\frac{- \ b}{2 \ a}=\frac{- \ 3}{2 \ × \ 8}=\frac{- \ 3}{16}\). The value of \(x\) in the vertex is \(3\) not \(\frac{- \ 3}{16}\).

48- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(2\ x\ -\frac{1}{3}\)
To find the average of three numbers even if they’re algebraic expressions, add them up and divide by \(3\).
Thus, the average equals: \(\frac{(4\ x\ +\ 2) \ + \ (-\ 6\ x\ -\ 5) \ + \ (8\ x\ +\ 2)}{3}=\frac{6\ x\ -\ 1}{3}=2\ x\ -\frac{1}{3}\)

49- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(-\frac{1}{2}\)
The equation of a line in slope intercept form is: \(y=m\ x\ +\ b\).
Solve for \(y\). \(4\ x\ -\ 2\ y=12 ⇒ -\ 2\ y=12\ -\ 4\ x ⇒ y=(12\ -\ 4\ x) \ ÷ \ (-\ 2) ⇒ y=2\ x\ -\ 6\).
The slope is \(2\). The slope of the line perpendicular to this line is: \(m_1\ × m_2=-\ 1 ⇒ 2\ × m_2  = -\ 1 ⇒ m_2=-\frac{1}{2}\)

50- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \((1, \ 6), (2, \ 5), (−\ 5, \ 8)\)
Since the triangle ABC is reflected over the \(y\ -\)axis, then all values of \(y\)’s of the points don’t change and the sign of all \(x\)’s change.
(remember that when a point is reflected over the \(y\ -\ a\) xis,
the value of \(y\) does not change and when a point is reflected over the \(x\ -\ a\)xis,
the value of \(x\) does not change). Therefore: \((−\ 1, \ 6)\) changes to \((1, \ 6)\).
\((−\ 2, \ 5)\) changes to \((2, \ 5\)). \((5, \ 8)\) changes to \((−\ 5, \ 8)\)

51- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(39\)
The area of rectangle is:\(9\ ×\ 4=36\) cm\(^2\). The area of circle is: \(π\ r^2=π\ ×(\frac{10}{2})^2=3\ ×\ 25=75\) cm\(^2\).
Difference of areas is: \(75\ -\ 36=39\)

52- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{2}{x^3 \ +\ 2}\)
\(f(g(x))=2\ × \)\((\frac{1}{x})^3\ +\ 2=\frac{2}{x^3}+2\)

53- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(4\)
\(1269=6^4 →6^x=6^4 → x=4\)

54- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(170\) miles
Use the information provided in the question to draw the shape.
Use Pythagorean Theorem: \(a^ 2\ +\ b^2 = c^2\)
\(80^2\ +\ 150^2=c^2 ⇒ 6400\ +\ 22500 = c^2 ⇒ 28900 = c^2 ⇒ c =170\)

55- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(45\) m\(^2\)
Let \(L\) be the length of the rectangular and \(W\) be the with of the rectangular. Then, \(L=4\ W\ +\ 3\)
The perimeter of the rectangle is \(36\) meters. Therefore: \(2\ L\ +\ 2\ W=36\) \(L\ +\ W=18\)
Replace the value of L from the first equation into the second equation and solve for \(W\):
\((4\ W\ +\ 3)\ +\ W=18 → 5\ W\ +\ 3=18 → 5\ W=15 → W=3\)
The width of the rectangle is \(3\) meters and its length is: \(L=4\ W\ +\ 3=4\ (3)\ +\ 3=15\)
The area of the rectangle is: length \(×\) width \(= 3\ ×\ 15 = 45\)

56- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(5\)
Let \(x\) be the number of adult tickets and \(y\) be the number of student tickets. Then:
\(x\ +\ y=12\), \(12.50\ x\ +\ 7.50 \ y=125\)
Use elimination method to solve this system of equation.
Multiply the first equation by \(-\ 7.5\) and add it to the second equation.
\(-\ 7.5\ (x\ +\ y=12)\), \(-\ 7.5\ x\ -\ 7.5\ y=-\ 90\), \(12.50\ x\ +\ 7.50\ y=125\). \(5\ x=35\), \(x=7\)
There are \(7\) adult tickets and \(5\) student tickets.

57- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{25}\)
Write the ratio of \(5\ a\) to \(2\ b\). \(\frac{5\ a}{2\ b}=\frac{1}{10}\)
Use cross multiplication and then simplify.
\(5\ a\ ×\ 10=2\ b\ ×\ 1 → 50\ a=2 \ b → a=\frac{2b}{50}=\frac{b}{25}\)
Now, find the ratio of \(a\) to \(b\).
\(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{\frac{b}{25}}{b}\)\(→\frac{b}{25}\ ÷\ b=\frac{b}{25}\ ×\frac{1}{b}=\frac{b}{25\ b}=\frac{1}{25}\)

58- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(30\)
Plug in the value of \(x\) in the equation and solve for \(y\).
\(2\ y=\frac{2\ x^2}{3}\ +\ 6 → 2\ y\) =\(\frac{2\ (9)^2}{3}\ +\ 6 → 2\ y=\) \(\frac{2\ (81)}{3}\ +\ 6 → 2\ y= 54\ +\ 6=60\)
\(2\ y = 60 → y=30\)

59- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1.085\ (3\ p)\ +\ 6\)
Since a box of pen costs \($3\), then \(3\ p\) Represents the cost of \(p\) boxes of pen.
Multiplying this number times \(1.085\) will increase the cost by the \(8.5%\) for tax.
Then add the \($6\) shipping fee for the total: \(1.085\ (3\ p)\ +\ 6\)

60- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(y(x)=8\ x\)
Rate of change (growth or \(x\)) is \(8\) per week. \(40\ ÷\ 5=8\)
Since the plant grows at a linear rate,
then the relationship between the height \((y)\) of the plant and number of weeks of growth \((x)\) can be written as: \(y(x)=8\ x\)

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