Free Full Length ISEE Lower Level Practice Test

Full Length ISEE Lower Level Practice Test

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ISEE Lower Level
Practice Test 3

Quantitative Reasoning   38 questions
Total time for this test: 35 Minutes
You may NOT use a calculator for this test.

1- If  \(2 \times\) (M \(+\) N) \(=18\) and M is greater than \(0\), then N could Not be …..
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(9\)
(D) \(7\)
2- Which of the following is greater than  \(\frac{10}{6}\) ?
(A) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{4}\)
(C) \(\frac{7}{2}\)
(D) \(1\)
3- Which of the following is closest to \(4.07\)?
(A) \(4.5\)
(B) \(3\)
(C) \(4\)
(D) \(4.4\)
4- If \(\frac{1}{4}\) of a number is greater than \(6\), the number must be …..
(A) Less than \(5\)
(B) Equal to \(15\)
(C) Equal to \(24\)
(D) Greater than \(24\)
5- In the multiplication bellow, A represents which digit?
\(11 \times 4\) A\(6 = 5,016\)
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(3\)
(C) \(8\)
(D) \(6\)
6- \(9.5 \ - \ 5.02\) is closest to which of the following.
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(4.56\)
(C) \(4.6\)
(D) \(6\)
7- At a Zoo, the ratio of lions to tigers is \(8\) to \(6\). Which of the following could NOT be the total number of lions and tigers in the zoo?
(A) \(49\)
(B) \(70\)
(C) \(57\)
(D) \(91\)
8- If \(8\) added to a number, the sum is \(24\). If the same number added to \(22\), the answer is:
(A) \(80\)
(B) \(56\)
(C) \(48\)
(D) \(16\)
9- If N is an even number, which of the following is always an odd number?
(A) \(4\) N
(B) N \( + \ 2\)
(C) \(\frac{N}{2}\)
(D) \(N \ + \ 3\)
10- Numbers \(x\) and \(y\) are shown above. How many times larger is the value of digit \(4\) in the number \(x\), than the value of digit \(4\) in the number \(y\)?
\(x = 3,245 \ \ \ y=348\)

(A) \(10\)
(B) \(100\)
(C) \(1\)
(D) \(1000\)
11- If \(15\) can be divided by both \(5\) and \(x\) without leaving a remainder, then \(15\) can also be divided by which of the following?
(A) \(x \ + \ 5\)
(B) \(3 \ x \ - \ 4\)
(C) \(10 \ - \ x\)
(D) \( x \times 2\)
12- \(\frac{3 \ + \ 4 \ + \ 2 \ \times \ 2 \ + \ 2}{2 \ + \ 4}=\) ?
(A) \(\frac{5}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{10}{3}\)
(C) \(\frac{3}{5}\)
(D) \(\frac{10}{11}\)
13- Which of the following expressions has the same value as \(\frac{2}{3} \times \frac{5}{2}\)?
(A) \(\frac{5 \times 1}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{4 \times 2}{3}\)
(C) \(\frac{6 \times 3}{3}\)
(D) \(\frac{2 \times 4}{3}\)
14- Use the equations below to answer the question:
\(x \ - \ 10 = 14\)
\( 12 \ + \ y = 17\)
What is the value of \(x \ + \ y\) ?
(A) \(7\)
(B) \(4\)
(C) \(13\)
(D) \(9\)
15- \(4 \times 5 \times 8 \times 2\) is equal to the product of \(20\) and: 
(A) \(16\)
(B) \(9\)
(C) \(5\)
(D) \(7\)
16- At noon, the temperature was \(16\) degrees. By midnight, it had dropped another \(22\) degrees. What was the temperature at midnight?
(A) \(8\) degrees above zero
(B) \(8\) degrees below zero
(C) \(6\) degrees below zero
(D) \(6\) degrees below zero
17- Which formula would you use to find the area of a square?
(A) length \(\times\) width \(\times\) height
(B) length \(\times\) width
(C) side \(\times\) side
(D) \(\frac{1}{2}\) base \(\times\) height
18- When \(4\) is added to three times number N, the result is \(25\). Then N is ….
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(7\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(6\)
19- If a triangle has a base of \(6\) cm and a height of \(7\) cm, what is the area of the triangle?
(A) \(21\) cm\(^2\)
(B) \(12\) cm\(^2\)
(C) \(35\) cm\(^2\)
(D) \(27\) cm\(^2\)
20- What is the next number in this sequence?
\(3, \ 6, \ 10, \ 15, \ 21,\) …
(A) \(24\)
(B) \(27\)
(C) \(22\)
(D) \(28\)
21- How many lines of symmetry does an equilateral triangle have?
(A) \(3\)
(B) \(5\)
(C) \(2\)
(D) \(8\)
22- Which of the following statement is False?
(A) \(3 \times 5 = 15\)
(B) \((2 \ + \ 3) \times 2 = 12\)
(C) \(10 \div (7 \ - \ 2) = 2\)
(D) \(5 \times (6 \ -\ 2) = 20\)
23- If there are \(6\) red balls and \(10\) blue balls in a basket, what is the probability that Ann will pick out a red ball from the basket?
(A) \(\frac{3}{8}\)
(B) \(\frac{3}{16}\)
(C) \(\frac{6}{14}\)
(D) \(\frac{5}{8}\)
24- \(\frac{3}{7} \ - \ \frac{2}{7}=\) ?
(A) \(0.3\)
(B) \(0.14\)
(C) \(0.35\)
(D) \(0.5\)
25- What is the average of the following numbers?
\(5, \ 8, \ 11, \ 27, \ 38\)
(A) \(14\)
(B) \(9\)
(C) \(17.8\)
(D) \(21\)
26- What is \(15\%\) of \(300\)?
(A) \(20\)
(B) \(35\)
(C) \(40\)
(D) \(45\)
27- If all the sides in the following figure are of equal length and length of one side is \(6\), what is the perimeter of the figure?
ISEE Lower Level
(A) \(36\)
(B) \(22\)
(C) \(34\)
(D) \(18\)
28- Four people can paint \(4\) houses in \(10\) days. How many people are needed to paint \(8\) houses in \(5\) days?
(A) \(6\)
(B) \(11\)
(C) \(16\)
(D) \(5\)
29- If \(N = 3\) and \(\frac{42}{N} \ + \ 5 = \Box\) , then \(\Box =\) …..
(A) \(25\)
(B) \(45\)
(C) \(19\)
(D) \(32\)
30- What is the median of these numbers?
\( 6, \ 12, \ 17, \ 9, \ 14, \ 19, \ 2\)
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(20\)
(C) \(17\)
(D) \(24\)
31- What is \(4,352.47546\) rounded to the nearest tenth?
(A) \(4,352.475\)
(B) \(4,352\)
(C) \(4,352.5\)
(D) \(4,352.47\)
32- A woman weighs \(142\) pounds. She gains \(12\) pounds one month and \(4\) pounds the next month. What is her new weight?
(A) \(140\) pounds
(B) \(126\) pounds
(C) \(160\) pounds
(D) \(156\) pounds
33- The result of a research shows the number of men and women in four cities of a country.
What is the difference of the population of men in the biggest city and in the smallest city?
ISEE Lower Level1
(A) \(300\)
(B) \(200\)
(C) \(400\)
(D) \(500\)
34- \(15 \ a \ + \ 25 = 55 , \ a =\) ?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(1\)
(C) \(7\)
(D) \(2\)
35- In a basket, there are equal numbers of red, white, yellow, and purple cards. Which of the following could be the number of cards in the basket? 
(A) \(133\)
(B) \(72\)
(C) \(93\)
(D) \(65\)
36- Two angles of a triangle measure \(40\) and \(75\). What is the measure of third angle?
(A) \(65\)
(B) \(70\)
(C) \(80\)
(D) \(75\)
37- Which of the following is NOT equal to \(\frac{3}{5}\)?
(A) \(\frac{9}{15}\)
(B) \(\frac{7}{21}\)
(C) \(\frac{6}{10}\)
(D) \(\frac{15}{25}\)
38- Mary types \(100\) words per minute. How many words does he type in \(30\) seconds?
(A) \(25\)
(B) \(50\)
(C) \(40\)
(D) \(15\)

ISEE Lower Level
Practice Test 3

Mathematics Achievement   30 questions
Total time for this test: 30 Minutes
You may NOT use a calculator for this test.

39- What's the least common multiple (LCM) of \(8\) and \(14\)?
(A) \(56\)
(B) \(8\) and \(14\) have no common multiples
(C) \(112\)
(D) \(96\)
40- While at work, Lucy checks her email once every \(80\) minutes. In \(8\)-hour, how many times does she check her email?
(A) \(9\)
(B) \(4\)
(C) \(6\)
(D) \(10\)
41- \(\frac{4}{2} \ +\ \frac{3}{5}=\)
(A) \(\frac{13}{5}\)
(B) \(\frac{7}{5}\)
(C) \(\frac{6}{15}\)
(D) \(\frac{2}{5}\)
42- Which of the following is NOT a factor of \(30\)?
(A) \(15\)
(B) \(10\)
(C) \(12\)
(D) \(5\)
43- Which of the following fractions is the largest?
(A) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{3}\)
(C) \(\frac{4}{5}\)
(D) \(\frac{6}{7}\)
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44- From last year, the price of gasoline has increased from \($1.15\) per gallon to \($1.50\) per gallon. The new price is what percent of the original price?
(A) \(130\%\)
(B) \(50\%\)
(C) \(145\%\)
(D) \(75\%\)
45- In the given diagram, the height is \(8\) cm. what is the area of the triangle? 
ISEE Lower Level2
(A) \(80\) cm\(^2\)
(B) \(120\) cm\(^2\)
(C) \(85\) cm\(^2\)
(D) \(215\) cm\(^2\)
46- If a rectangular swimming pool has a perimeter of \(108\) feet and is \(18\) feet wide, what is its area?
(A) \(1,235\)
(B) \(752\)
(C) \(648\)
(D) \(492\)
47- What is \(7,459.3256\) rounded to the nearest tenth?
(A) \(7,459.4\) Times
(B) \(7,459.326\) Times
(C) \(7,459\) Times
(D) \(7,459.32\) Times
48- A bag contains \(15\) balls: two green, five black, eight blue, a brown, a red and one white. If \(14\) balls are removed from the bag at random, what is the probability that a red ball has been removed?
(A) \(\frac{1}{14}\)
(B) \(\frac{12}{15}\)
(C) \(\frac{14}{15}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
49- Ashly purchased a computer for \($650.20\). The computer is regularly priced at \($670\). What was the percent discount Ashly received on the computer?
(A) \(15 \%\)
(B) \(20\%\)
(C) \(3\%\)
(D) \(10\%\)
50- Two angles of a triangle measure \(68\) and \(36\). What is the measure of the third angle?
(A) \(85\)
(B) \(95\)
(C) \(105\)
(D) \(76\)
51- Convert \(0.045\) to a percent.
(A) \(4.5\%\)
(B) \(0.45\%\)
(C) \(5\%\)
(D) \(4.05\%\)
52- Jack is \(9\) miles ahead of Mary running at \(4\) miles per hour and Mary is running at the speed of \(7\) miles per hour. How long does it take Mary to catch Jack?
(A) \(12\) hours
(B) \(7\) hours
(C) \(3\) hours
(D) \(3.5\) hours
53- Susan gives \(6\) pieces of candy to each of her friends. If Susan gives all her candy away, which amount of candy could have been the amount she distributed?
(A) \(214\)
(B) \(360\)
(C) \(325\)
(D) \(157\)
54- The number \(0.005\) can also represented by which of the following?
(A) \(\frac{5}{1000}\)
(B) \(\frac{5}{100}\)
(C) \(\frac{5}{10}\)
(D) \(\frac{5}{10,000}\)
55- A taxi driver earns \($8\) per \(1\)-hour work. If he works \(8\) hours a day and in \(1\) hour he uses \(2\)-liters petrol with price \($2\) for \(1\)-liter. How much money does he earn in one day?
(A) \($\ 25\)
(B) \($\ 68\)
(C) \($\ 32\)
(D) \($\ 85\)
56- The width of a box is one third of its length. The height of the box is one second of its width. If the length of the box is \(30\) cm, what is the volume of the box?
(A) \(1500\) m\(^3\)
(B) \(3200\) m\(^3\)
(C) \(93\) m\(^3\)
(D) \(115\) m\(^3\)
57- \(\cfrac{\begin{align} 37 \ hr. \ \ 25 \ min \\ - \ 23 \ hr. \ \ 38 \ min \end{align}}{} \)
(A) \(12\) hr. \(47\) min.
(B) \(13\) hr. \(57\) min.
(C) \(13\) hr. \(47\) min.
(D) \(12\) hr. \(57\) min.
58- Use the following table to answer question below.
This table shows the data Daniel collects while watching birds for one week. How many raptors did Daniel see on Monday?
ISEE Lower Level3
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(5\)
(D) \(4\)
59- \(125\) students took an exam and \(25\) of them failed. What percent of the students passed the exam?
(A) \(80\%\)
(B) \(45\%\)
(C) \(20\%\)
(D) \(60\%\)
60- Which of the following is an obtuse angle?
(A) \(45^\circ\)
(B) \(85^\circ\)
(C) \(135^\circ\)
(D) \(60^\circ\)
61- In the following figure, the shaded squares are what fractional part of the whole set of squares?
ISEE Lower Level5
(A) \(\frac{3}{4}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{5}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
(D) \(\frac{2}{3}\)
62- A shirt costing \($300\) is discounted \(15\%\). After a month, the shirt is discounted another \(15\%\). Which of the following expressions can be used to find the selling price of the shirt?
(A) \((300)(0.75)(0.85)\)
(B) \((300)(0.70)(0.45)\)
(C) \((300)(0.70) \ - \ (0.45)\)
(D) \((300)(0.70) \ - \ 45\)
63- If A \(= 14\), then which of the following equations are correct?
(A) A \( \times \ 2 = 28\) 
(B) A \( \div \ 2 = 28\) 
(C) A \( \ - \ 2 = 28\) 
(D) A \( \ +\ 2 = 28\) 
64- If a box contains red and blue balls in ratio of \(3 : 5\) red to blue, how many red balls are there if \(45\) blue balls are in the box?
(A) \(65\)
(B) \(30\)
(C) \(75\)
(D) \(40\)
65- Emily draws a shape on her paper. The shape has four sides. It has only one pair of parallel sides. What shape does Emily draw?
(A) Parallelogram
(B) Rectangle
(C) Square
(D) Trapezoid
66- Jack makes \($3.25\) per hour at his work. If he works \(6\) hours, how much money will he earn? 
(A) \($\ 19.5\)
(B) \($\ 18.00\)
(C) \($\ 14.56\)
(D) \($\ 15\)
67- Ann ordered \(12\) pizzas. Each pizza has \(8\) slices. How many slices of pizza did Ann ordered?
(A) \(114\)
(B) \(96\)
(C) \(88\)
(D) \(136\)
68- In a classroom of \(40\) students, \(15\) are male. About what percentage of the class is female?
(A) \(50\%\)
(B) \(45\%\)
(C) \(62.5\%\)
(D) \(38.5\%\)
1- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(9\)
\(2 \times\) M \(+\) N \(= 18\), then M \(+\) N \(= 9\). M \(> \ 0→\) N could not be \(9\)

2- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{7}{2} \)
\(\frac{10}{6} = \frac{5}{3} = 3.33\), the only choice that is greater than \(3.33\) is \(\frac{7}{2}\).
(Recall that \(\frac{1}{32} = 0.5\)..)
\(\frac{7}{2}=3.5 \ ,3.5 \ > \ 3.33\)

3- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(4\)
The closest to \(4.07\) is \(4\) in the choices provided.

4- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is: Greater than \(24\)
If \(\frac{1}{4}\) of a number is greater than \(6\), the number must be greater than \(24\).
\(\frac{1}{4} \ x \ > \ 6 →\) multiply both sides of the inequality by \(4\), then: \(x \ > \ 24\)

5- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(5\)
A represents digit \(5\) in the multiplication.
\(11 \times 456 = 5,016\)

6- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(4.56\)
\(9.5 \ - \ 5.02 = 4.48\), which is closest to \(4.56\)

7- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(57\)
The ratio of lions to tigers is \(8\) to \(6\) or \(4\) to \(3\) at the zoo.
Therefore, total number of lions and tigers must be divisible by \(7\).
\(4 \ + \ 3 = 7\)
From the numbers provided, only \(57\) is not divisible by \(7\)..

8- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(40\)
Let \(x\) be the number. Then:
\(8 \ + \ x = 24 →\)
\(x = 16 →\)
\(16 \ + \ 24 = 40\)

9- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \((N \ + \ 3)\)
N is even. Let’s choose \(2\) and \(4\) for N.
Now, let’s review the choices provided.

A. \(\frac{N}{2} = \frac{2}{2} = 1, \ \frac{N}{2} = \frac{4}{2} = 2\), One result is odd and the other one is even.
B. \(N \ + \ 2 = 2 \ + \ 2 = 4 , \ 4 \ + \ 2 = 6\) Both results are even.
C. \(4 \ N = 4 \times 2 = 8, \ 4 \times 4=16\) Both results are even.
D. \(N \ + \ 3 = 2 \ + \ 3 = 5, \ 4 \ + \ 3 = 7\) Both results are odd.

10- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(1\)
The value of digit \(4\) in both numbers \(x\) and \(y\) are in the tens place.
Therefore, they have the same value.

11- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \((3 \ x \ - \  4)\)
\(15 = x \times 5 → x = 15 \div 5 = 3\)
\(x\) equals to \(3\). Let’s review the options provided:
A. \(x \ +\ 5 → 3 \ + \ 5 = 8\)                    \(15\) is not divisible by \(8\).
B. \(3 \ x\ - \ 4 → 3 \times 3 \ - \ 4 = 5\)          \(15\) is  divisible by \(5\).
C. \(10 \ - \ x  → 10 \ - \ 3 = 7\)               \(15\) is not divisible by \(7\).
D. \( x \times 2 → 3 \times 2 = 6\)                       \(15\) is not divisible by \(6\).

12- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{10}{3}\)
\(\frac{3 \ + \ 4 \ + \ 2 \ \times \ 2 \ + \ 2}{2 \ + \ 4}=\frac{20}{6} = \frac{10}{3}\)

13- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{5 \times 1}{3}\)
\(\frac{2}{3} \times \frac{5}{2} = \frac{10}{6} = \frac{5}{3}\)
\(\frac{5 \times 1}{3} = \frac{5}{3}\)

14- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(9\)
\(x \ - \ 10 =14 → x = 4\)
\(12 \ + \ y = 17 → y= 5\)
\(x \ +\ y = 4 \ + \ 5 = 9\)

15- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(16\)
\(4 \times 5 \times 8 \times 2\) is equal to the product of \(20\) and \(16\).
\((4 \times 5) \times (8 \times 2) = 20 \times 16\)

16- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is (\(6\) degrees below zero) 
\(16 \ -\ 22 = - \ 6\)
The temperature at midnight was \(6\) degrees below zero.

17- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is (side \(\times\) side)
area of a square \(=\) side \(\times\) side

18- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(7\)
\(4 \ + \ 3 \ N = 25 →\)
\(3 \ N = 25 \ - \ 4 = 21 →\)
\(N = 7\)

19- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(21\) cm\(^2\)
Area of a triangle \(= \frac{1}{2} \times\) (base) \(\times\) (heiht)
\(= \frac{1}{2} \times 6 \times 7= 21\)

20- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(28\)
First, find the pattern,
\(3 \ +\ 3 = 6 →\)
\(6 \ +\ 4 = 10 →\)
\(10 \ + \ 5 = 15 →\)
\(15 \ + \ 6 = 21\)
The difference of two consecutive numbers increase by \(1\).
The difference of \(15\) and \(21\) is \(6\).
So, the next number should be \(28\).
\(21 \ +\ 7 = 28\)

21- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(3\)
An equilateral triangle has \(3\) lines of symmetry.

22- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is (\(2 \ + \ 3 ) \times 2 = 12\)
Let’s review the options provided:
A. \(3 \times 5 = 15\)                                                                  This is true!
B. \((2 \ + \ 3) \times 2 = 12→2 \ + \ 3 \times 2 = 10\)                     This is not true!
C. \(10 \div (7 \ - \ 2) = 2\)                                                      This is true!
D. \(5 \times (6 \ -\ 2) = 20 → 5 \times 4 = 20\)                             This is true!

23- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{3}{8}\)
There are \(6\) red ball and \(16\) are total number of balls.
Therefore, probability that Ann will pick out a red ball from the basket is \(6\) out of \(16\) or \(\frac{6}{6 \ + \ 10} = \frac{6}{16} = \frac{3}{8}\).

24- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(0.14\)
\(\frac{3}{7} \ - \ \frac{2}{7} = \frac{1}{7} = 0.14\)

25- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(17.8\)
average \(= \frac{sum \ of \ all \ numbers}{number \ of \ numbers} = \frac{5 \ + \ 8 \ + \ 11\ + \ 27 \ + \ 38}{5} = 17.8\)

26- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(45\)
\(15\) percent of \(300 = 15\%\) of \(300 = \frac{15}{100} \times 300=45\)

27- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(36\)
The shape has \(6\) equal sides.
And is side is \(6\).
Then, the perimeter of the shape is:
\(6 \times 6 = 36\)

28- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(16\)
Four people can paint \(4\) houses in \(10\) days.
It means that for painting \(8\) houses in \(10\) days we need \(8\) people.
To paint \(8\) houses in \(5\) days, \(16\) people are needed.

29- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(19\)
\(N = 3\), then: \(\frac{42}{3} \ +\ 5 = 14 \ + \ 5 = 19\)

30- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(12\)
Write the numbers in order:
\(2, \ 6, \ 9, \ 12, \ 14, \ 17, \ 19\)
Median is the number in the middle.
Therefore, the median is \(12\).

31- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(4,352.5\)
\(4,352.47546\) rounded to the nearest tenth is \(4,352.5\)

32- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is (\(160\) Pounds)
\(142 \ + \ 12 \ + \ 6 = 160\)

33- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(400\)
The biggest city is city C and the smallest city is city B.
Number of men in city A is \(700\) and number of men in city C is \(300\).
Then: \(700 \ –\ 300 = 400\)

34- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(2\)
\(15 \ a \ +\ 25 = 55\)
\(15 \ a = 55 \ -\ 25\)
\(15 \ a = 30\)
\(a = 2\)

35- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(72\)
There are equal numbers of four types of cards.
Therefore, the total number of cards must be divisible by \(4\).
Only choice C \((72)\) is divisible by \(4\).

36- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(65\)
All angles in a triangle sum up to \(180\) degrees.
Two angles of a triangle measure \(40\) and \(75\).
\(40 \ + \ 75 = 115\)
Then, the third angle is:
\(180 \ – \ 115 =65 \)

37- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{7}{21}\)
There are equal
From the choice provided, only choice B is not equal to \(\frac{3}{5}\).
\(\frac{7}{21} = \frac{1}{3}\)

38- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(50\)
\(30\) seconds is one second of a minute.
One second of \(100\) is \(50\).
\(100 \div 2 = 50\)
Mary types \(50\) words in \(30\) seconds.

38- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(50\)
\(30\) seconds is one second of a minute.
One second of \(100\) is \(50\).
\(100 \div 2 = 50\)
Mary types \(50\) words in \(30\) seconds.

39- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(56\)
least common multiple (LCM) of \(8\) and \(14\) is the smallest number that is divisible by both \(8\) and \(14\). LCM \(= 56\)

40- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(6\) Times
\(8\) hour \(= 480\) minutes.
Write a proportion and solve.
\(\frac{80}{1} = \frac{480}{x} →\)
\(x = \frac{480}{80} = 6\)

41- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{13}{5}\)
Find common denominator and solve.
\(\frac{4}{2} \ + \ \frac{3}{5} = \frac{20}{10} \ +\frac{6}{10} = \frac{26}{10}→\frac{13}{5}\)

42- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(12\)
The factors of \(30\) are:
\(\left\{ 1, \ 2,\ 3 , \ 5, \ 6 , \ 10, \ 15, \ 30\right\}\)
\(12\) is not a factor of \(30\).

43- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{6}{7}\)
One method to compare fractions is to convert them to decimals.
A. \(\frac{1}{2} = 0.5\)
B. \(\frac{2}{3} = 0.66\)
C. \(\frac{4}{5} = 0.8\)
D. \(\frac{6}{7} = 0.85\)
\(0.85\) or \(\frac{6}{7}\) is the largest number.

44- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(130\%\)
The question is this:
\(1.50\) is what percent of \(1.15\)?
Use percent formula:
part \(= \frac{percent}{100} \times\) whole
part \(= \frac{percent}{100} \times 1.15 ⇒\)
\(1.50 = \frac{percent \ \times 1.15}{100} ⇒\)
\(150 =\) percent \(\times 1.15 ⇒\)
percent \(= \frac{150}{1.15} = 130\)

45- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(80\) cm\(^2\)
Area of a triangle \(= \frac{1}{2}\) (base)(height)
A \(= \frac{1}{2} \ (20) \ (8) = 80\)

46- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(648\)
Perimeter \(= 2\) ( width \(+\) length)
A \(=\) width \(\times\) length
First, find the length of the rectangle.
Perimeter \(= 2\) ( width \(+\) length) \(\rightarrow 108= 2 ( 18\ +\) length) \(\rightarrow\)
\(108 = 36 \ + \ 2\) (length) \(\rightarrow\)
\(72= 2\) (length) \(\rightarrow\)
length \(=36 \)
A \(= 18 \times 36 =648 \)

47- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(7,459.4\) Times
\(7,459.3256\) rounded to the nearest tenth is \(7,459.4\)

48- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{14}{15}\)
If \(14\) balls are removed from the bag at random, there will be one ball in the bag.
The probability of choosing a red ball is \(1\) out of \(15\).
Therefore, the probability of not choosing a brown ball is \(14\) out of \(15\) and the probability of having not a red ball after removing \(14\) balls is the same.

49- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(3\%\)
The question is this:
\(650.20\) is what percent of \(670\)?
Use percent formula:
part \(= \frac{percent}{100} \times\) whole
\(650.20 = \frac{percent}{100} \times 670 ⇒\)
\(650.20 = \frac{percent \times 670}{100} ⇒\)
\(65020 =\) percent \(\times 670 ⇒\)
percent \(= \frac{65020}{670} = 97\)
\(650.20\) is \(97\%\) of \(670\).
Therefore, the discount is:
\(100\% \ – \ 97\% = 3\%\)

50- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(76\)
All angles in a triangle add up to \(180\) degrees.
\(68 \ +\ 36 = 104\)
\(180 \ –\ 104 = 76\)

51- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(4.5\%\)
\(0.045 \times 100 = 4.5\%\)

52- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(3\) Hours
Since Mary running at \(4\) miles per hour and Mary is running at the speed of \(7\) miles per hour, each hour their distance decreases by \(3\) mile.
So, it takes \(15\) hours to cover distance of \(9\) miles.
\(9 \div 3 = 3\)

53- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(360\)
Since Susan gives \(6\) pieces of candy to each of her friends, then, then number of pieces of candies must be divisible by \(6\).
A. \(214 \div 6 = 35.66\)
B. \( 360 \div 6 = 60\)
C. \(325 \div 6 = 54.16\)
D. \( 157\div 6 = 26.16\)
Only choice B \((360)\) gives a whole number.

54- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{5}{1000}\)
\(\frac{5}{1000} = 0.005\)

55- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \($32\)
\($8 \times 8 = $64\)
Petrol use: \(8 \times 2 = 16\) liters
Petrol cost: \(16 \times $2 = $32\)
Money earned: \($64 \ - \ $32 = $32\)

56- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1500\) m\(^3\)
If the length of the box is \(30\), then the width of the box is one third of it, \(10\), and the height of the box is \(5\) (one second of the width).
The volume of the box is:
V \(=\) (length)(width)(height) \(= (30) \ (10) \ (5) = 1500\) m\(^3\)

57- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(13 \ hr. \ \ 47 \ min\)

\(\cfrac{\begin{align} 37 \ hr. \ \ 25 \ min \\ - \ 23 \ hr. \ \ 38 \ min \end{align}}{} \)
\(13 \ hr. \ \ 47 \ min\)

58- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(5\)
Let \(x\) be the number of raptors Daniel saw on Monday.
Mean \(= \frac{x \ + \ 7 \ + \ 18 \ + \ 11 \ + \ 9}{5} = 10 →\)
\(x \ + \ 45 = 50 →\)
\(x = 50 \ – \ 45 = 5\)

59- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(80\%\)
The failing rate is \(25\) out of \(125 = \frac{25}{125}\)
Change the fraction to percent:
\(\frac{25}{125} \times 100\% = 20\%\)
\(20\) percent of students failed.
Therefore, \(80\) percent of students passed the exam.

60- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(135^{◦}\)
An obtuse angle is an angle of greater than \(90\) degrees and less than \(180\) degrees.
Only choice C (\(135\) degrees) is an obtuse angle

61- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{3}{4}\)
There are \(8\) squares and \(6\) of them are shaded.
Therefore, \(6\) out of \(8\) or \(\frac{6}{8} = \frac{3}{4}\) are shaded.

62- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \((300)(0.75)(0.85)\)
To find the discount, multiply the number by (\(100\% \ – \) rate of discount).
Therefore, for the first discount we get:
\((300)(100\% \ – \ 25\%) = (300)(0.75)\)
For the next \(15\%\) discount:

63- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is A \( \times \ 2 = 28\) 
Plug in \(14\) for A in the equation.
Only choice A works.
A \( \times \ 2 = 28\)
\(14 \ \times \ 2 = 28\)

64- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(75\)
Write a proportion and solve.
\(\frac{3}{5} = \frac{x}{45}\)
Use cross multiplication:
\(3 \ x = 225 → x =75 \)

65- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is trapezoid
A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides is a trapezoid.

66- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \($19.5\)
\(1\) hour: \($3.25\)
\(6\) hours: \(6 \times $3.25 = $19.5\)

67- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(96\)
\(1\) pizza has \(8\) slices.
\(12\) pizzas contain \((12 \times 8) \ 96\) slices.

68- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(62.5\%\)
There are \(40\) students in the class.
\(15\) of the are male and \(25\) of them are female.
\(25\) out of \(40\) are female. Then:
\(\frac{25}{40} = \frac{x}{100} →\)
\(2,500 = 40 \ x →\)
\(x=2,500\div 40 =62.5 \%\)

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