Full Length SSAT Lower Level Practice Test

Full Length SSAT Lower Level Practice Test

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SSAT Lower Level Quantitative Practice Test 4

    30 questions
Total time for this test: 30 Minutes
You may NOT use a calculator for this test.

1- The area of each square in the following shape is \(5\) cm\(^2\). What is the area of shaded squares?
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(A) \(30\) cm\(^2\)
(B) \(26\) cm\(^2\)
(C) \(35\) cm\(^2\)
(D) \(45\) cm\(^2\)
(E) \(24\) cm\(^2\)
2- \(\frac{8}{2} \ - \ \frac{5}{2}=\)?
(A) \(1\)
(B) \(2.5\)
(C) \(1.5\)
(D) \(3\)
(E) \(1.25\)
3- What is the value of \(x\) in the following math equation?
\(\frac{x}{8} \ + \ 5=15\)
(A) \(30\)
(B) \(74\)
(C) \(65\)
(D) \(24\)
(E) \(80\)
4- If \(50=5 \ × \ N \ + \ 15\), then \(N=\) ….
(A) \(8\)
(B) \(15\)
(C) \(7\)
(D) \(14\)
(E) \(20\)
5- When \(5\) is added to three  times a number \(N\), the result is \(27\). Which of the following equations represents this statement?
(A) \(27 \ N \ + 5 = 3\)
(B) \(4 \ + \ 5 = 3 \ N\)
(C) \(4 \ + \ 5 = 27 \ N\)
(D) \(3 \ N \ + \ 5 = 27\)
(E) \(3 \ N \ + \ 27 = 5\)
6- Alex has \(1,800\) cards and Mike has \(450\) cards. How many more cards does Alex have than Mike?
(A) \(1,350\)
(B) \(2,250\)
(C) \(1,458\)
(D) \(2,365\)
(E) \(1,235\)
7- What is \(25\) percent of \(240\)?
(A) \(20\)
(B) \(36\)
(C) \(60\)
(D) \(45\)
(E) \(27\)
8- In the following right triangle, what is the value of \(x\)? 
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(A) It cannot be determined from the information given
(B) \(35\) degrees
(C) \(65\) degrees
(D) \(45\) degrees
(E) \(50\) degrees
9- In a basket, the ratio of red marbles to blue marbles is \(5\) to \(3\). Which of the following could NOT be the total number of red and blue marbles in the basket?
(A) \(61\)
(B) \(32\)
(C) \(88\)
(D) \(64\)
(E) \(72\)
10- When \(78\) is divided by \(5\), the remainder is the same as when \(45\) is divided by:
(A) \(7\)
(B) \(9\)
(C) \(6\)
(D) \(2\)
(E) \(3\)
11- Emily has \(y\) dollars. Jack has \($12\) more than Emily. If Jack gives Emily \($14\), then in terms of \(y\), how much does Jack have now?
(A) \(y \ - \ 1\)
(B) \(y \ + \ 1\)
(C) \(y \ + \ 5\)
(D) \(y \ - \ 2\)
(E) \(y \ + \ 2\)
12- A square has an area of \(36\) cm\(^2\). What is its perimeter?
(A) \(24\) cm\(^2\)
(B) \(32\) cm\(^2\)
(C) \(45\) cm\(^2\)
(D) \(16\) cm\(^2\)
(E) \(25\) cm\(^2\)
13- The length of a rectangle is \(3\) times of its width. If the length is \(15\), what is the perimeter of the rectangle?
(A) \(35\)
(B) \(62\)
(C) \(31\)
(D) \(40\)
(E) \(54\)
14- Dividing \(123\) by \(5\) leaves a remainder of: 
(A) \(4\)
(B) \(6\)
(C) \(5\)
(D) \(1\)
(E) \(3\)
15- Find the missing number in the sequence: \(7, \ 10, \ 14,\) ….., \(25\)
(A) \(18\)
(B) \(24\)
(C) \(20\)
(D) \(18\)
(E) \(19\)
16- If \(7,200 \ +\ A \ - \  300=8,900\), then \(A =\) 
(A) \(200\)
(B) \(1200\)
(C) \(2000\)
(D) \(2500\)
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(E) \(1400\)
17- Use the equation below to answer the question.
\(x \ + \ 5=7\)
\(2 \ y=6\)
What is the value of \(y \ - \ x\)?
(A) \(1\)
(B) \(2\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(4\)
(E) \(5\)
18- For what price is \(20\) percent off the same as \($80\) off?
(A) \($\ 200\)
(B) \($\ 350\)
(C) \($\ 450\)
(D) \($\ 400\)
(E) \($\ 500\)
19- Of the following, \(25\) percent of \($43.99\) is closest to:
(A) \($9.90\)
(B) \($11.50\)
(C) \($12.00\)
(D) \($11.00\)
(E) \($10.00\)
20- Which of the following fractions is less than \(\frac{5}{3}\) ?
(A) \(0.5\)
(B) \(2.6\)
(C) \(2\)
(D) \(3.2\)
(E) \(1.75\)
21- If \(256 \ - \ x \ + \ 108=241\), then \(x=\)
(A) \(215\)
(B) \(136\)
(C) \(112\)
(D) \(231\)
(E) \(123\)
22- If \(400 \ +\  \Box \ - \ 120 = 1,300\), then \(\Box =\) ?
(A) \(560\)
(B) \(780\)
(C) \(1020\)
(D) \(685\)
(E) \(1000\)
23- If \(N \ × \ (8 \ - \ 3)=15\) then \(N=\)?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(3\)
(C) \(8\)
(D) \(2\)
(E) \(9\)
24- Solve.
\(9.04 \ – \ 4.2 =\) ….
(A) \(4.25\)
(B) \(4.74\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(3.36\)
(E) \(4.84\)
25- There are \(40\) students in a class. If the ratio of the number of girls to the total number of students in the class is  \(\frac{2}{5}\) , which are the following is the number of boys in that class?
(A) \(34\)
(B) \(24\)
(C) \(30\)
(D) \(40\)
(E) \(12\)
26- Of the following, which number if the greatest?
(A) \(0.0752\)
(B) \(0.7129\)
(C) \(0.7596\)
(D) \(0.55\)
(E) \(0.7369\)
27- Which of the following is the closest to \(8.05\)?
(A) \(8.2\)
(B) \(8.3\)
(C) \(8.5\)
(D) \(8\)
(E) \(7.5\)
28- If \(x∎y=5 \ x \ + \ y \ - \ 4\), what is the value of \(4∎10\)?
(A) \(26\)
(B) \(15\)
(C) \(32\)
(D) \(42\)
(E) \(17\)
29- Which of the following statements is False?
(A) \((4 \times \ 3) \ + 3 =15\) 
(B) \(15 \div \ (7 \ - \ 2)=3\)
(C) \((2 \times \ 3 \ + \ 4) \times 2=18\)
(D) \((3 \times 6) \times 2=36\)
(E) \((2 \times 4 \ + \ 6) \div \ 2=7\)
30- \(\frac{4}{3} \ - \ \frac{5}{6}=\)
(A) \(0.25\)
(B) \(0.355\)
(C) \(0.5\)
(D) \(1.5\)
(E) \(0.35\)
1- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(30\) cm\(^2\)
There are \(6\) shaded squares.
Then: \(6 \ × \ 5\) cm\(^2 =30\) cm\(^2\)

2- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(1.5\)
\(\frac{8}{2} \ -\ \frac{5}{2}=\frac{3}{2}=1.5\)

3- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(80\)
\(\frac{x}{8} \ + \ 5=15→\)
\(\frac{x}{8}=15 \ - \ 5=10→\)
\(x=10 \ × \ 8=80\)

4- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(7\)
\(50=5 \ × \ N \ + \ 15→\)
\(5 \ N=50 \ - \ 15=35→\)

5- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(3 \ N \ + \ 5=27\)
\(5 \ + \ (3 \ × \ N)=27→\)
\(3 \ N \ + \ 5=27\)

6- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1,350\)
\(1,800 \ - \ 450=1,350\)

7- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(60\)
\(25\) percent of \(240=\frac{25}{100} \ × \ 240=\frac{1}{4} \ × \ 240=\frac{240}{4}=60\)

8- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(45\) degrees
All angles in a triangle sum up to \(180\) degrees.
The triangle provided is an isosceles triangle.
In an isosceles triangle, the three angles are \(45, \ 45\), and \(90\) degrees.
Therefore, the value of \(x\) is \(45\).

9- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(61\)
The ratio of red marbles to blue marbles is \(5\) to \(3\).
Therefore, the total number of marbles must be divisible by \(8\).
\(5 \ + \ 3 = 8\)
\(61\) is the only one that is not divisible by \(8\).

10- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(7\)
\(78\) divided by \(5\), the remainder is \(3\).
\(45\) divided by \(7\), the remainder is also \(3\).

11- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(y \ - \ 2\)
Emily's Money \(=y\)
Jack's Money \(=y \ + \ 12\)
Jack gives Emily \($14→y \ +\ 12 \ - \ 14= y \ - \ 2\)

12- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(24\) cm\(^2\)
Area of a square \(=\) side \(×\) side \(=36→\) side \(=6\)
Perimeter of a square \(= 4 \ ×\) side \(= 4 \ × \ 6=24\)

13- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(40\)
The length of the rectangle is \(15\).
Then, its width is \(5\).
\(15 \ ÷ \ 3 = 5\)
Perimeter of a rectangle \(=2 \ ×\) width \(+ \ 2 \ ×\) length \(=2 \ × \ 5 \ + \ 2 \ × \ 15=\)
\(10 \ + \ 30=40\)

14- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(3\)
Dividing \(123\) by \(5\) leaves a remainder of \(3\).

15- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(19\)
\(7 \ + \ 3=10\)
\(10 \ + \ 4=14\)
\(14 \ + \ 5=19\)
\(19 \ + \ 6=25\)

16- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(2,000\)
\(7,200 \ + \ A \ - \ 300=8,900→\)
\(72,00 \ + \ A=8,900 \ + \ 300=9,200→\)
\(A=9,200 \ - \ 7,200=2,000\)

17- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1\)
\(x \ + \ 5=7→x=2\)
\(2 \ y=6→y=3\)
\(y \ - \ x=3 \ - \ 2=1\)

18- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \($400\)
\($80\) off is the same as \(20\) percent off.
Thus, \(20\) percent of a number is \(80\).
Then: \(20\%\) of \(x=80→\)
\(0.20 \ x=80→\)

19- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \($11.00\)
\(25\) percent of \($44.00\) is \($11\). (Remember that \(25\) percent is equal to one fourth)

20- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(0.5\)
\(\frac{5}{3}=1.6 \ > \ 0.5\)

21- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(123\)
\(256 \ - \ x \ + \ 108=241→\)
\(256 \ - \ x=241 \ - \ 108=133→\)
\(x=256 \ - \ 133=123\)

22- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(1020\)
\(400 \ + \ \Box \ - \ 120=1,300→\)
\(400 \ + \ \Box = 1,300 \ +\ 120=1,420\)
\(\Box = 1,420 \ – \ 400 = 1020\)

23- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(3\)
\(N \ × \ (8 \ - \ 3)=15→\)
\(N \ × \ 5=15→N=3\)

24- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(4.84\)
\(9.04 \ - \ 4.2=4.84\)

25- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(24\)
\(\frac{2}{5}\) of students are girls.
Therefore, \(\frac{3}{5}\) of students in the class are boys.
\(\frac{3}{5}\) of \(40\) is \(24\).
There are \(24\) boys in the class.
\(\frac{3}{5} \ × \ 40=\frac{120}{5}=24\)

26- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(0.7596\)
Of the numbers provided, \(0.7596\) is the greatest.

27- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(8\)
The closest number to \(8.05\) is \(8\).

28- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(26\)
If \(x∎y=5 \ x \ + \ y \ - \ 4\), Then:
\(4∎10=5 \ (4) \ + \ 10 \ - \ 4=20 \ + \ 10 \ - \ 4=26\)

29- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \((2 \times \ 3 \ + \ 4) \ \times \ 2=18\)
Choice C is not correct.
\((2 \times \ 3 \ + \ 4) \ \times \ 2=20\) not \(18\)

30- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(0.5\)
\(\frac{4}{3} \ - \ \frac{5}{6}=\frac{8}{6} \ - \ \frac{5}{6}=\frac{3}{6}=\frac{1}{2} =0.5\)

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