Free Full Length STAAR Grade 3 Practice Test

Full Length STAAR Grade 3 Practice Test

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State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness


Grade 3





What is the perimeter of the following triangle?

(A) \(30\) inches
(B) \(25\) inches
(C) \(35\) inches
(D) \(37\) inches

Mia has \(680\) cards. He wants to put them in boxes of \(34\) cards. How many boxes does he need?

(A) \(23\)
(B) \(22\)
(C) \(21\)
(D) \(20\)

There are \(6\) numbers in the box below. 
Which of the following list shows only even numbers from the numbers in the box?
\(12, \ 35, \ 40, \ 17, \ 93, \ 58\)

(A) \(12, \ 40, \ 85\)
(B) \(12, \ 17, \ 85\)
(C) \(12, \ 17, \ 93\)
(D) \(35, \ 40, \ 93\)

There are \(8\) rows of chairs in a classroom with \(5\) chairs in each row. How many chairs are in the classroom?

(A) \(13\)
(B) \(40\)
(C) \(45\)
(D) \(35\)

The sum of \(8\) ten thousands, \(2\) hundreds, and \(5\) tens can be expressed as what number in standard form?

(A) \(80,25\)
(B) \(8,25\)
(C) \(8,250\)
(D) \(80,250\)

One side of a square is \(7\) feet. What is the area of the square?

(A) 49
(B) 49
(C) 49
(D) 49

What number goes in the box to make the equation true?
\(\frac{⎕}{6} = 3\)

(A) \(18\)
(B) \(19\)
(C) \(17\)
(D) \(16\)

Nicole has \(2\) quarters, \(8\) dimes, and \(10\) pennies. How much money does Nicole have? 

(A) \(125\)
(B) \(130\)
(C) \(135\)
(D) \(140\)

Alex packs \(20\) boxes with crayons. Each box holds \(56\) crayons. How many crayons Alex can pack into these boxes?

(A) \(1,110\)
(B) \(1,120\)
(C) \(1,122\)
(D) \(1,115\)

Which number is represented by \(A\)?
\(15 \ × \ A =300\)

(A) \(16\)
(B) \(18\)
(C) \(20\)
(D) \(22\)

What is the perimeter of this rectangle?
STAAR Grade1

(A) \(23\)
(B) \(28\)
(C) \(30\)
(D) \(32\)

A number sentence such as \(47 \ – \ x \ = 15\) can be called an equation. 
If this equation is true, then which of the following equations is NOT true?

(A) \(47 \ – \ 15 =x\)
(B) \(47 \ – \ x =15\)
(C) \(x \ – \ 15 =47\)
(D) \(x \ + \ 15 =47\)

Which number correctly completes the number sentence \(30\ × \ 46 =\) ?

(A) \(1,380\)
(B) \(1,385\)
(C) \(1,370\)
(D) \(1,375\)

There are \(60\) minutes in an hour. How many minutes are in \(5\) hours?

(A) \(350\) minutes
(B) \(345\) minutes
(C) \(325\) minutes
(D) \(300\) minutes

Which fraction shows the shaded part of this square?
Use the picture below to answer the question.
STAAR Grade2

(A) \(\frac{88}{100}\) 
(B) \(\frac{80}{100}\) 
(C) \(\frac{80}{10}\) 
(D) \(\frac{88}{10}\) 

Alex has \(120\) red cards and \(58\) white cards. How many more red cards than white cards does Alex have?

(A) \(62\)
(B) \(63\)
(C) \(64\)
(D) \(65\)
17- What is the value of  \(B\) in the following equation?
\(25 \ + \ B \ + \ 6 = 43\)
(A) \(10\)
(B) \(11\)
(C) \(13\)
(D) \(12\)
18- A number sentence is shown below.
\(2\ × \ 8\ ⎕ \ 4 = 64\)
What symbol goes into the box to make the number sentence true?
(A) \(+\)
(B) \(-\)
(C) \(×\)
(D) \(÷\)

Michael has \(645\) marbles. What is this number rounded to the nearest ten?

(A) 650
(B) 650
(C) 650
(D) 650

A cafeteria menu had spaghetti with meatballs for \($15\) and bean soup for \($10\). How much would it cost to buy two plates of spaghetti with meatballs and five bowls of bean soup?

(A) 80
(B) 80
(C) 80
(D) 80

Which number correctly completes the number sentence \(50\ × \ 15 =\) ?

(A) \(750\) 
(B) \(740\) 
(C) \(745\) 
(D) \(755\) 

What number makes this equation true?
\(15\ × \ 6 =\) ⎕

(A) \(92\)
(B) \(91\)
(C) \(90\)
(D) \(93\)
23- Mia had \(525\) marbles. Then, he gave \(266\) of the cards to his friend Ethan.
After that, Mia lost \(100\) cards.
Which equation can be used to find the number of cards Eve has now?
(A) \(252 \ – \ 266 \ +\ 100 =\)_____
(B) \(252 \ – \ 266 \ -\ 100 =\)_____
(C) \(252 \ + \ 266 \ -\ 100 =\)_____
(D) \(252 \ + \ 266 \ +\ 100 =\)_____
24- There are two different cards on the table.
There are \(4\) rows that have \(12\) red cards in each row.
There are \(25\) white cards.
How many cards are there on the table?
(A) \(73\)
(B) \(74\)
(C) \(75\)
(D) \(76\)
25- Alex is \(20\) months now and he usually eats five meals a day.  How many meals does he eat in a week?
(A) \(30\)
(B) \(32\)
(C) \(33\)
(D) \(35\)
26- The perimeter of a square is \(28\) units. Each side of this square is the same length.
What is the length of one side of the square in units?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(6\)
(C) \(7\)
(D) \(8\)
27- Which of the following comparison of fractions is true?
(A)  \(\frac {12}{8}=\frac{3}{2}\)
(B)  \(\frac {12}{8}>\frac{3}{2}\)
(C)  \(\frac {12}{8}<\frac{3}{2}\)
(D)  \(\frac {12}{8}=\frac{2}{2}\)
28- What mixed number is shown by the shaded rectangles?
STAAR Grade3
(A) \(9 \ \frac{1}{2}\)
(B) \(8 \ \frac{1}{2}\)
(C) \(8 \ \frac{1}{4}\)
(D) \(9 \ \frac{1}{4}\)
29- Use the table below to answer the question.
Based on their populations, which list of cities is in order from least to greatest?
 City Population
 Bryan \(80,110\)
 Mission \(80,280\)
Longview \(81,221\)
Edinburg \(82,350\)
(A) Bryan,  Edinburg,  Longview,  Mission
(B) Edinburg,  Mission,  Longview,  Bryan
(C) Bryan,  Longview,  Mission,  Edinburg
(D) Longview,  Mission, Bryan, Edinburg
30- Which of the following list shows only fractions that are equivalent to \(\frac{3}{2}\)?
(A) \(\frac{12}{8}, \frac{24}{16}, \frac{48}{32}\)
(B) \(\frac{16}{8}, \frac{24}{12}, \frac{48}{30}\)
(C) \(\frac{12}{8}, \frac{24}{10}, \frac{40}{32}\)
(D) \(\frac{10}{8}, \frac{25}{12}, \frac{45}{20}\)
1- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(30\) inches
To find the perimeter of the triangle, add all three sides.
Perimeter \(=\) \(8\ + \ 10 \ + \ 12 = 30\) inches

2- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(20\)
Mia wants to put \(680\) cards into boxes of \(34\) cards. Therefore, he needs \((680 \ ÷ \ 34 =) \ 20\) boxes.

3- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(12, \ 40, \ 58\)
Even numbers always end with a digit \(0, \ 2, \ 4, \ 6\) or \(8\).
Therefore, numbers \(12, \ 40, \ 58\) are the only even numbers.

4- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(40\)
\(8\) rows of chairs with \(5\) chairs in each row means: \(8 \ × \ 5 = 40\) chairs in total.

5- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(80,250\)
\(8\) ten thousand \(=\) \(80,000\)
\(2\) hundred \(=\) \(200\)
\(5\) tens \(=\) \(50\)
Add all: \(80,000 \ + \ 200 \ + \ 50 = 80,250\)

6- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(49\)
To find the area of a square, multiply one side by itself.
Area of a square \(=\) (side) \(×\) (side) \(=\) \( 7 \ × \ 7 = 49\)

7- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(18\)
We need to find a number that when divided by \(6\), the answer is \(3\). 
Therefore, we are looking for \(18\).

8- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(140\) pennies
\(2\) quarters \(=\) \(2 \ × \ 25\) pennies \(=\) \(50\) pennies
\(8\) dimes \(=\) \(8 \ × \ 10\) pennies \(=\) \(80\) pennies
In total Nicole has \(140\) pennies

9- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(1,120\)
\(20 \ × \ 56= 1,120\)

10- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(20\)
\(A\) \(=\) \(300 \ ÷ \ 15 ⇒ A =20\)

11- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(28\) cm
Use perimeter of rectangle formula.
Perimeter \(=\) \(2 \ × \) length \(+ \ 2 \ × \) width ⇒ P\(=\) \(2 \ × \ 5 \ + \  2 \ × \ 9 = 10 \ + \ 18 = 28\) cm

12- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(x \ -\ 15 =74\)
\(47 \ – \ x \ = 15\) 
Then, \(x = 47\ – \ 15 = 32\)
Let’s review the equations provided:
A. \(47 \ – \ 15 = \ x \)          This is true!
B. \(47 \ – \ x = 15\)             This is true!
C. \(x \ – \ 15 = 47\)             This is NOT true!
D. \(x \ + \ 15 = 47\)            This is true!

13- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1,380\)
\(30 \ × \ 46 = 1,380\)

14- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(300\) minutes
\(1\) hour \(=\) \(60\) minutes
\(5\) hours \(=\) \(5 \ × \ 60\) minutes ⇒ \(5\) hours \(=\) \(300\) minutes

15- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{80}{100}\)
The table is divided into \(100\) equal parts. 
\(80\) parts of these \(100\) parts are shaded. It means \(\frac{80}{100}\) .

16- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(62\)
To find the answer subtract \(58\) from \(120\). The answer is \((120 \ – \ 58 = ) \ 62\).

17- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(12\)
\(25 \ + \ B \ + \ 6 = 43 ⇒ 31 \ + \ B = 43 ⇒ B = 43 \ – \ 31 = 12\)

18- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\ × \)
\(2 \ × \ 8 = 16\). Then:
\(2 \ × \ 8\ ⎕ \ 4 = 64\)
\(16\ ⎕ \ 4 = 64 ⇒ 64 = 16 \ × \ 4\)

19- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(650\)
We round the number up to the nearest ten if the last digit in the number is \(5, \ 6, \ 7, \ 8, \) or \(9\).
We round the number down to the nearest ten if the last digit in the number is \(1, \ 2, \ 3, \) or \(4\).
If the last digit is \(0\), then we do not have to do any rounding, because it is already rounded to the ten.
Therefore, rounded number of \(645\) to the nearest ten is \(650\).

20- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(80\)
\(2\) spaghetti with meatballs cost: \(2 \ × \ $15 = $30\)
\(5\) bowls of bean soup cost: \(5 \ × \ $10 = $50\)
\(2\) spaghetti with meatballs \(+\ 5\) bowls of bean soup cost: \($30 \ + \ $ 50= $80\)

21- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(750\) 
\(50 \ × \ 15 = 750\)

22- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(90\)
\(15 \ × \  6 = 90\)

23- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(525 \ - \ 266\ - \ 100 =\)_____
Liam gave \(266\) of his marbles to his friend. 
Now he has \(525 \ – \ 266 = 259\)
He lost \(100\) of his marbles.
Now, he has \(259 \ – \ 100 = 159\) or \((525 \ – \ 266 \ – \ 100)\).

24- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(73\)
\(4\) rows that have \(12\) red cards in each row contain: \(4 \ × \ 12 = 48\) red cards
And there are \(25\) white cards on table. 
Therefore, there are \(48 \ + \ 25 = 73\) cards on table.

25- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(35\)
If Alex eats \(5\) meals in \(1\) day, then, in a week (\(7\)days) he eats \((7 \ × \ 5 = 35)\) meals.

26- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(7\)
Perimeter of the square is \(28\). 
Then:\(28 = 4 \ × \ \)side ⇒ side \(=\) \(7\)
Each side of the square is \(7\) units.

27- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac {12}{8}=\frac{3}{2}\)
Simplify  \(\frac{3}{2}\) that’s equal to \(\frac{12}{8}\) Only option A is correct.

28- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(8 \ \frac{1}{2}\)
This shape shows \(8\) complete shaded rectangle and a half of a rectangle. It is equal to \(8 \ \frac{1}{2}\) .

29- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is Bryan,  Longview,  Mission,  Edinburg
Bryan city with \(80,110\) has the least population. 
Longview, Mission and Edinburg are other cities in order from least to greatest.

30- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{12}{8}, \frac{24}{16}, \frac{48}{32}\)
All these fractions; \(\frac{12}{8}, \frac{24}{16}, \frac{48}{32}\) are equivalent to  \(\frac{3}{2}\) 


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