Free Full Length STAAR Grade 4 Practice Test

Full Length STAAR Grade 4 Practice Test

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STAAR Practice Test 4

State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness

Grade 4


Rounded to the nearest \(10,000\), the population of Dalas was \(4,620,000\) in \(2014\).
Which number could be the actual population of Dalas in \(2014\)?

(A) \(4,624,200\)
(B) \(4,625,217\)
(C) \(4,624,217\)
(D) \(4,623,165\)

Which statement about the number \(952,319.17\) is true?

(A) The digit \(7\) has a value of \((7 \ × \ 100)\)
(B) The digit \(1\) has a value of \((1 \ × \ 10)\)
(C) The digit \(5\) has a value of \((5 \ × \ 100)\)
(D) The digit \(2\) has a value of \((2 \ × \ 100)\)

A straight line measures \(180^\circ\) . A straight line and a triangle are touching as shown in the figure below.
What is the value of A in the figure?

(A)  \(101^\circ\)
(B)  \(100^\circ\)
(C)  \(102^\circ\)
(D)  \(103^\circ\)

What is the eighth number in the following pattern?
\(1,350\), \(1,500\), \(1,650\), \(1,800\), ___ , ___ , ___ , ___

(A) \(2,500\)
(B) \(2,550\)
(C) \(2,400\)
(D) \(2,450\)

Which number is represented by \(A\)?
\(6\ ×\ A = 96\)

(A) \(12\)
(B) \(16\)
(C) \(14\)
(D) \(15\)
6- Which fraction has the least value?
(A) \(\frac{5}{2}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{3}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
(D) \(\frac{9}{12}\)

A tennis teams play \(63\) games each year. How many games will the team play in \(15\) years?

(A) \(950\)
(B) \(945\)
(C) \(955\)
(D) \(940\)

What is the perimeter of this rectangle?

(A) \(60\) cm
(B) \(45\) cm
(C) \(40\) cm
(D) \(34\) cm
9- Mia draws a shape on her paper. The shape has four sides.
the four of parallel sides and be equal . What shape does MIia draw?
(A) parallelogram
(B) rectangle
(C) square
(D) trapezoid
10- Mia has \(512\) pastilles. She wants to put them in boxes of \(16\) pastilles. How many boxes does she need?
(A) \(34\)
(B) \(32\)
(C) \(30\)
(D) \(36\)
11- Mia paid \($87\) for a magazine subscription. If he is paying \($3\) for each issue of the magazine, how many issues of the magazine will he receive?
(A) \(30\)
(B) \(29\)
(C) \(28\)
(D) \(27\)
12- Alex put \(30\) red cards and \(15\) black cards in each bag. What is the total number of cards Joe put in \(4\) bags?
(A) \(180\)
(B) \(184\)
(C) \(186\)
(D) \(188\)
13- Alex has \($46.00\). He earns \($38.00\) more. How much money does Alex have in all? 
(A) \($85.00\)
(B) \($88.00\)
(C) \($84.00\)
(D) \($80.00\)
14- Which triangle has one \(90^\circ\) angle?
(A) STAAR_Grade2
(B) STAAR_Grade3
(C) STAAR_Grade4
(D) STAAR_Grade5
15- To what number is the arrow pointing?
(A) \(22\)
(B) \(26\)
(C) \(28\)
(D) \(25\)
16- Alex has \(4\) quarters, \(12\) dime, and \(15\) pennies. How much money does Jamie have?   
(A) \(250\) pennies
(B) \(235\) pennies
(C) \(240\) pennies
(D) \(240\) pennies
17- What is the perimeter of the triangle?
(A) \(47\) inches
(B) \(48\) inches
(C) \(49\) inches
(D) \(50\) inches
18- There were \(23\) students in the first row and \(9\) students in the second row. How many students were in the first two rows?
(A) \(30\)
(B) \(31\)
(C) \(32\)
(D) \(33\)
19- What fraction of each shape is shaded?
(A) a\(\frac{7}{16}\); b.\(\frac{8}{10}\)
(B) a\(\frac{8}{16}\); b.\(\frac{7}{10}\)
(C) a\(\frac{8}{10}\); b.\(\frac{7}{10}\)
(D) a\(\frac{5}{16}\); b.\(\frac{6}{10}\)
20- What is the volume of the cube?
(A) \(1,728\)
(B) \(1,600\)
(C) \(1,628\)
(D) \(1,688\)
21- The figure below shows a diagram of a reading room.
The perimeter of the reading room is \(80\) feet (ft). What is the width, w, of the reading room?
(A) \(32\) ft
(B) \(64\) ft
(C) \(38\) ft
(D) \(40\) ft
22- What mixed number is shown by the shaded rectangles?
(A) \(6\ \frac{1}{3}\)
(B) \(6\ \frac{1}{4}\)
(C) \(5\ \frac{1}{4}\)
(D) \(5\ \frac{1}{3}\)
23- What is the perimeter of this shape?
(A) \(33\)
(B) \(27\)
(C) \(30\)
(D) \(28\)
24- The number \(24.05\) can be expressed as _____
(A) \((2 \ × \ 10) \ + \ (4 \ × \ 1) \ + \ (5 \ × \ 10)\)
(B) \((2 \ × \ 10) \ + \ (4 \ × \ 1) \ + \ (5 \ × \ 0.01)\)
(C) \((2 \ × \ 1) \ + \ (4 \ × \ 10) \ + \ (5 \ × \ 0.01)\)
(D) \((2 \ × \ 10) \ + \ (4 \ × \ 10) \ + \ (5 \ × \ 0.1)\)
25- A building is \(48\) feet high. What is the height of the building in yards?
(A) \(15\) yards
(B) \(13\) yards
(C) \(18\) yards
(D) \(16\) yards
26- There are \(365\) days in a year, and \(1,440\) min in a day. How many min are in a year?
(A) \(526,600\)
(B) \(535,600\)
(C) \(525,600\)
(D) \(525,666\)
27- On Saturday Mia was a referee at \(4\) soccer games. She arrived at the soccer field \(20\) minutes before the first game.
Each game lasted for \(1\frac{1}{2}\) hours. There were \(7\) minutes between each game.
Mia left \(15\) minutes after the last game. How long, in minutes, was Mia at the soccer field?
(A) \(412\) minutes
(B) \(414\) minutes
(C) \(415\) minutes
(D) \(416\) minutes
28- The sum of \(A\) and B equals \(24\). if \(A\) \(=\) \(13\) , which equation can be used to find the value of \(B\)?
(A) \(B\ +\ 13 =24\)
(B) \(B\ -\ 13 =24\)
(C) \(A\ -\ 13 =24\)
(D) \(A\ +\ 13 =24\)
29- The temperature on Sunday at \(14:  00\) PM was \(67^\circ\)F. Low temperature on the same day was \(18^\circ\)F cooler.
Which temperature is closest to the low temperature on that day?
(A) \(45^\circ\)F
(B) \(49^\circ\)F
(C) \(48^\circ\)F
(D) \(46^\circ\)F
30- Which shape shows a line of not symmetry?
(A) STAAR_Grade13
(B) STAAR_Grade14
(C) STAAR_Grade15
(D) STAAR_Grade16
1- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(4,623,165\)
To round numbers to the nearest ten thousand,make the numbers whose last four digits are \(0001\) through \(4999\) into the next lower number that ends in \(0000\).
For example, \(54,424\) rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be \(50,000\).
Choice C is correct because last four digits of \(4,623,165\) is less than \(4,999\)

2- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is The digit \(1\) has a value of \((1 \ × \ 10)\)
A. The digit \(7\) has a value of \(7\ \times\ \frac{1}{100}\), not \(7\ \times\ 100\)
B. The digit \(5\) has a value of \(5\ \times\ 10,000\), not \(5\ \times\ 100\)
C. The digit \(1\) has a value of \(1\ \times\ 10\) . This is true!
D. The digit \(2\) has a value of \(2\ \times\ 1,000\), not \(2\ \times\ 100\)

3- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(101^\circ\)
Three angles in a triangle add up to \(180^\circ\)
\(A^\circ\) \(+ \ 65^\circ\)\(+ \ 14^\circ\) = \(79^\circ\)
\(A^\circ\) \(= \ 180^\circ\) \(- \ 79^\circ\) = \(101^\circ\)

4- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(2,4000\)
The difference of each two successive numbers is \(150\).
Add four \(150\) to last number \((1,800):\ 1,800\ +\ 150\ +\ 150\ +\ 150\ +\ 150\ =\ 2,400\)

5- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(16\)
\(A \ = \ 96\ ÷ \ 6\ = \ 16\)

6- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{4}\)
To compare fractions, we can write fractions with the same denominator. Then, we can compare the numerators of each fraction and put them in correct order from least to greatest or greatest to least.
Common denominator of \(2,\ 3,\ 4\) and \(12\) is \(12\). Rewrite the fractions:
A. \(\frac{5}{2}\ =\ \frac{30}{12}\)          B. \(\frac{2}{3}\ =\ \frac{8}{12}\)         C. \(\frac{1}{4}\ =\ \frac{3}{12}\)          D. \(\frac{9}{12}\)
Therefore, \(\frac{3}{12}\) or \(\frac{1}{4}\), choice C, has the least value.

7- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(945\)
\(1\) year = \(63\) games
\(15\) years = \(15 \ × \ 63 \ = \ 945\) games

8- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(34\) cm
use perimeter of rectangle formula.
P \(=\ 2\) (length \(+\) width)
P \(=\ 2\ \times\ (\ 5\ +\ 12\ )\ =\ 2\ \times\ 17 = 34\) cm

9- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is square
The has four sides. the four of parallel sides and be equal.

10- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(32\)
\(16\) pastilles = \(1\) box
\(512\) pastilles = \((512\ \div \ 16\ =)\ 32\) boxes

11- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(29\)
\(1\)issue of the magazine = \($3\)
\($87\ \div\ $3\ =\ 29\) issues of the magazine

12- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(180\)
\(1\) bag = \(30\) red cards + \(15\) black cards \((30\ +\ 15\ =\ 45\) cards\()\)
\(4\) bags = \(4\ \times\ 45\ =\ 180\) cards

13- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \($84.00\)
\($46\ +\ $38\ =\ $84\)

14- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is B
Only shape B has one \(90^\circ\) angle. 

15- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(25\)
Arrow is pointing to a number in the middle of two numbers \(20\) and \(30\). Therefore, the answer is \(25\).

16- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(235\) pennies
\(4\) quarters = \(4\ \times\ 25\) pennies = \(100\) pennies
\(12\) dimes = \(12\ \times\ 10\) pennies = \(120\) pennies
In total Alex has \(235\) pennies

17- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(50\) inches
To find the perimeter of a triangle, add all three sides of the triangle.
P = \(14\ +\ 19\ +\ 17\ =\ 50\) inches

18- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(32\)
\(23\ +\ 9\ =\ 32\)

19- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is a\(\frac{8}{16}\); b.\(\frac{7}{10}\)
The first shape is divided into \(16\) parts and \(8\) parts are shaded \((\frac{8}{16})\).
The second shape is divided into \(10\) parts and \(7\) parts are shaded \((\frac{7}{10})\).

20- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is 1,728
To find the volume of cube, multiply one side of the cube by itself \(3\) times:
Volume of a cube \(=\) (side ) \(×\) (side) \(×\) (side) \( =12 \ × \ 12 \ × \ 12  = 1,728\)

21- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(32\) ft
Use perimeter of rectangle formula.
P = \(2\ \times\) (length \(+\) width)
\(80\ =\ 2\ \times\ (8\ +\ W)\)  ⇒  \(80\ =\ 16\ +\ 2\ \times\ W\)  ⇒  \(2\ \times\ W\ =\ 80\ -\ 16\ =\ 64\)  ⇒  \(W\ =\ 32\) feet

22- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(5\ \frac{1}{4}\)
This shape shows \(5\) complete shaded rectangle and a \(\frac{1}{4}\) of a rectangle. The mixed number for this shape is \(5\ \frac{1}{4}\).

23- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(33\)
To find the perimeter of the shape, add all four sides.
P = \(6\ +\ 9\ +\ 6\ +\ 12\ =\ 33\)

24- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \((2 \ × \ 10) \ + \ (4 \ × \ 1) \ + \ (5 \ × \ 0.01)\)
The number \(24.05\) can be expressed as:
\((2\ × \ 10) \ + \ (4 \ × \ 1) \ + \ (5 \ × \ 0.01)\ =\ 20\ +\ 4\ +\ 0.05\ =\ 24.05\)

25- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(16\) yards
\(3\) feet = \(1\) yard
\(48\) feet = \(16\) yards

26- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(525,600\)
\(1\) year = \(365\) days, \(1\) day = \(1,440\) min
\(1\) year = \(365\ \times\ 1,440\ =\ 525,600\) min

27- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(416\) minutes
Each game = \(1\frac {1}{2}\) hours = \(90\) minutes, therefore \(4\) games took \(6\) hours = \(360\) minutes.
\(7\) minutes between each game. There are \(21\) minutes in total between \(4\) games. (between game \(1\) and \(2\), \(7\) minutes and between game \(2\) and \(3\), \(7\) minutes and between game \(3\) and \(4 \), \(7\) minutes  )
Lily arrives \(20\) minutes before first game and left \(15\) minutes after the last game.
In total, she was \(360\ +\ 21\ +\ 20\ +\ 15\ =\ 416\) minutes at the soccer field.

28- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(B\) \(+\) \(13 = 24\)
The sum of \(A\) and \(B\) equals \(24\):\( A\) \(+\) \(B\) \(=\) \(24\), if \(A\) \(=\) \(13\) then \(B\) \(=\) \(24\ -\ 13\ =\ 11\).
\(13\ +\ 11\ =\ 24\) or \(B\) \(+\) \(13\ =\ 24\)

29- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(49^\circ\)F
Low temperature is \(18^\circ\)F cooler than the temperature at \(14:00\) PM which is \(67^\circ\)F. Low temperature is \(49^\circ\)F (\(67^\circ\)F \(-\ 18^\circ\)F)that is choice B.

30- Choice A is correct

You can find if a shape has a Line of Symmetry by folding it. When the folded part sits perfectly on top (all edges matching),
then the fold line is a Line of Symmetry


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