Full Length STAAR Grade 5 Practice Test

Full Length STAAR Grade 5 Practice Test

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STAAR Practice Test 1

    State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness   Grade 5 Mathematics 2019
1- In a bag, there are \(65\) cards. Of these cards, \(13\) cards are white. What fraction of the cards are white?
(A) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{7}\)
(C) \(\frac{13}{52}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
2- Which expression is equal to \(\frac{3}{11}\)?
(A) \(3 \ – \ 11\)
(B) \(3 \div 11\)
(C) \(3 \times 11\)
(D) \(\frac{11}{3}\)
3- If \(A = 20\), then which of the following equations are correct?
(A) \(A \ + \ 20 = 40\)
(B) \(A \div 20 = 40\)
(C) \(20 \times A = 40\)
(D) \(20 \ - \ A = 40\)
4- How long does a \(425\)–miles trip take moving at \(50\) miles per hour (mph)?
(A) \(4\) hours
(B) \(6\) hours and \(24\) minutes
(C) \(8\) hours and \(24\) minutes
(D) \(8\) hours and \(30\) minutes
5- \(50\) is What percent of \(40\)?
(A) \(20\%\)
(B) \(25\%\)
(C) \(125\%\)
(D) \(150\%\)
6- The perimeter of the trapezoid below is \(52\). What is its area?
(A) 104
(B) 104
(C) 104.0
(D) 104.00
7- The area of a circle is \(64 \ π\). What is the circumference of the circle?
(A) \(8 \ π\)
(B) \(16 \ π\)
(C) \(32 \ π\)
(D) \(64 \ π\)
8- A rope weighs \(800\) grams per meter of length. What is the weight in kilograms of \(12.2\) meters of this rope? (\(1\) kilograms \(= 1000\) grams)
(A) \(0.0976\)
(B) \(0.976\)
(C) \(9.76\)
(D) \(9,760\)
9- Solve.
\(\frac{1}{2} \ + \ \frac{4}{5} \ – \ \frac{3}{10} =\)
(A) \(\frac{9}{10}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{10}\)
(C) \(1\)
(D) \(2\)
10- How many \(\frac{1}{4}\)  cup servings are in a package of cheese that contains  \(6 \ \frac{1}{2}\) cups altogether? 
(A) 26
(B) 26
(C) 26.0
(D) 26.00
11- With what number must \(5.674321\) be multiplied in order to obtain the number \(56,743.21\)?
(A) \(100\)
(B) \(1,000\)
(C) \(10,000\)
(D) \(100,000\)
12- Lily and Ella are in a pancake–eating contest. Lily can eat two pancakes per minute, while Ella can eat \(2 \ \frac{1}{2}\) pancakes per minute. How many total pancakes can they eat in \(5\) minutes?
(A) \(9.5\) Pancakes
(B) \(29.5\) Pancakes
(C) \(22.5\) Pancakes
(D) \(11.5\) Pancakes
13- The distance between cities A and B is approximately \(2,600\) miles. If Alice drive an average of \(68\) miles per hour, how many hours will it take Alice to drive from city A to city B?
(A) Approximately \(41\) Hours
(B) Approximately \(38\) Hours
(C) Approximately \(29\) Hours
(D) Approximately \(27\) Hours
14- \(12\) yards \(4\) feet and \(2\) inches equals to how many inches?
(A) \(96\) inches
(B) \(432\) inches
(C) \(482\) inches
(D) \(578\) inches
15- Which expression has a value of \(– \ 8\)?
(A) \(8 \ – \ (– \ 2) \ + \ (– \ 18)\)
(B) \(2 \ + \ (– \ 3) \ × \ (– \ 2)\)
(C) \(– \ 6 \ × \ (– \ 6) \ + \ (– \ 2) \ × \ (– \ 12)\)
(D) \((– \ 2) \ × \ (– \ 7) \ + \ 4\)
16- The drivers at G & G trucking must report the mileage on their trucks each week. The mileage reading of Ed’s vehicle was \(40,907\) at the beginning of one week, and \(41,053\) at the end of the same week. What was the total number of miles driven by Ed that week?
(A) \(46\) MILES
(B) \(145\) MILES
(C) \(146\) MILES
(D) \(1,046\) MILES
17- Solve.
\(\frac{5}{8} \ × \ \frac{4}{5} = \)
(A) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(B) \(\frac{10}{40}\)
(C) \(\frac{20}{60}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
18- A cereal box has a height of \(28\) centimeters. The area of the base is \(120\) centimeters. What is the volume of the cereal box?
(A) 3,360
(B) 3360
(C) 3360
(D) 3360.0
19- Nancy ordered \(18\) pizzas. Each pizza has \(8\) slices. How many slices of pizza did Nancy ordered?
(A) \(124\)
(B) \(144\)
(C) \(156\)
(D) \(180\)
20- The length of a rectangle is \(\frac{3}{4}\) of inches and the width of the rectangle is \(\frac{5}{6}\) of inches. What is the area of that rectangle?
(A) \(\frac{1}{2}\) in\(^2\)
(B) \(\frac{5}{8}\) in\(^2\)
(C) \(\frac{20}{24}\) in\(^2\)
(D) \(\frac{5}{24}\) in\(^2\)
21- What is the volume of this box? 
(A) \(24\) CM\(^3\)
(B) \(32\) CM\(^3\)
(C) \(162\) CM\(^3\)
(D) \(192\) CM\(^3\)
22- How many square feet of tile is needed for a \(18\) feet to \(18\) feet room?
(A) \(72\) Square Feet
(B) \(108\) Square Feet
(C) \(216\) Square Feet
(D) \(324\) Square Feet
23- Of the \(2,400\) videos available for rent at a certain video store, \(600\) are comedies. What percent of the videos are comedies?
(A) \(18 \ \frac{1}{2} \%\)
(B) \(20\%\)
(C) \(22\%\)
(D) \(25\%\)
24- How many \(3 \ × \ 3\) squares can fit inside a rectangle with a height of 54 and width of \(12\)?
(A) \(72\)
(B) \(62\)
(C) \(50\)
(D) \(44\)
25- ABC Corporation earned only \($200,000\) during the previous year, two–third only of the management’s predicted income. How much earning did the management predict?
(A) \($20,000\)
(B) \($30,000\)
(C) \($300,000\)
(D) \($340,000\)
26- William keeps track of the length of each fish that he catches. Following are the lengths in inches of the fish that he caught one day: \(13, 14, 9, 11, 9, 10, 18\)
What is the median fish length that William caught that day?
(A) \(11\) Inches
(B) \(9\) Inches
(C) \(12\) Inches
(D) \(13\) Inches
27- \(9 \ + \ \left[ \ 8 \ × \ 5 \ \right] \ ÷ \ 2 =\) ?
(A) 29
(B) 29
(C) 29.0
28- What is the median of these numbers? \(4, \ 9, \ 13, \ 8, \ 15, \ 18, \ 5\)
(A) \(8\)
(B) \(9\)
(C) \(13\)
(D) \(15\)
29- The area of the base of the following cylinder is \(50\) square inches and its height is \(10\) inches. What is the volume of the cylinder?
(A) 500
(B) 500
(C) 500.0
30- A rope \(13\) yards long is cut into \(4\) equal parts. Which expression does NOT equal to the length of each part?
(A) \(13 \ ÷ \ 4\)
(B) \(\frac{13}{4}\)
(C) \(4 \ ÷ \ 13\)
(D) \(\require{enclose} \) \( 4 \enclose {longdiv}{13} \)
31- Calculate the area of the trapezoid in the following figure.
(A) \(4.5 \) ft\(^2\)
(B) \(6.5 \) ft\(^2\)
(C) \(13 \) ft\(^2\)
(D) \(26\) ft\(^2\)
32- Camille uses a \(30\%\) off coupon when buying a sweater that costs \($50\). How much does she pay?
(A) \($35\)
(B) \($40\)
(C) \($42.50\)
(D) \($45\)
33- A baker uses \(4\) eggs to bake a cake. How many cakes will he be able to bake with \(188\) eggs?
(A) \(46\)
(B) \(47\)
(C) \(48\)
(D) \(49\)
34- Which of the following angles is obtuse?
(A) \(20\) Degrees
(B) \(40\) Degrees
(C) \(89\) Degrees
(D) \(110\) Degrees
35- Which of the following fractions is the largest?
(A) \(\frac{5}{8}\)
(B) \(\frac{3}{7}\)
(C) \(\frac{8}{9}\)
(D) \(\frac{5}{11}\)
36- The area of a rectangle is \(D\) square feet and its length is \(9\) feet. Which equation represents \(W\), the width of the rectangle in feet?
(A) \(W=\frac{D}{9}\)
(B) \(W=\frac{9}{D}\)
(C) \(W=9 \ D\)
(D) \(W=9 \ + \  D\)
37- Which list shows the fractions in order from least to greatest?
\(\frac{2}{3}, \frac{5}{7}, \frac{3}{10}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{6}{13}\)
(A) \(\frac{2}{3}, \frac{5}{7}, \frac{3}{10}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{6}{13}\)
(B) \(\frac{6}{13}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{3}, \frac{5}{7}, \frac{3}{10}\)
(C) \(\frac{3}{10}, \frac{2}{3}, \frac{5}{7}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{6}{13}\)
(D) \(\frac{3}{10}, \frac{6}{13}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{3}, \frac{5}{7}\)
38- Which statement about \(5\) multiplied by \(\frac{2}{3}\) is true?
(A) The product is between \(2\) and \(3\)
(B) The product is between \(3\) and \(4\)
(C) The product is more than \(\frac{11}{3}\)
(D) The product is between \(\frac{14}{3}\) and \(5\)
39- What is the volume of this box? 
(A) \(30\) CM\(^3\)
(B) \(42\) CM\(^3\)
(C) \(35\) CM\(^3\)
(D) \(210\) CM\(^3\)
40- A shirt costing \($200\) is discounted \(15\%\). Which of the following expressions can be used to find the selling price of the shirt?
(A) \((200) \ (0.70)\)
(B) \((200) \ – \ 200 \ (0.30)\)
(C) \((200) \ (0.15) \ – \ (200) \ (0.15)\)
(D) \((200) \ (0.85)\)
1- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{5}\)
There are \(65\) cards in the bag and \(13\) of them are white. Then, \(13\) out of \(65\) cards are white. You can write this as: \(\frac{13}{65}\). To simplify this fraction, divide both numerator and denominator by \(13\). Then:

2- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(3 \ ÷ \ 11\)
\(\frac{3}{11}\) means \(3\) is divided by \(11\).
The fraction line simply means division or \(÷\).
Therefore, we can write \(\frac{3}{11}\) as \(3 \ ÷ \ 11\).

3- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(A \ + \ 20=40\) 
Plug in \(20\) for \(A\) in the equations.
Only option \(A\) works.
\(A \ + \ 20=40\)
\(20 \ + \ 20=40\)

4- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(8\) hours and \(30\) minutes
\(50\) miles : \(1\) hour
\(425\) miles : \(425 \ ÷ \ 50 = 8.5\) hours

5- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(125\%\)
Use percent formula:
part \(= \frac{percent}{100} \ ×\) whole
\(50 = \frac{percent}{100} \ × 40 ⇒\)
\(50 = \frac{percent \ × \ 40}{100} ⇒\)
\(50 =\frac{percent \ × \ 4}{10}\), multiply both sides by \(10\).
\(500 =\) percent \(× \ 4\), divide both sides by \(4\).
\(125 =\) percent


6- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(104\)
First, find the missing side of the trapezoid.
The perimeter of the trapezoid below is \(52\).
Therefore, the missing side of the trapezoid (its height) is:
\(52 \ - \ 12 \ - \ 18 \ - \ 14=52 \ - \ 44=8\)
Area of a trapezoid:
A \(= \frac{1}{2} \ h (b_{1} \ + \ b_{2}) = \frac{1}{2} \ (8) \ (12 \ + \ 14) = 104\)


7- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(16 \ π\)
Use area and circumference of circle formula.
Area of a circle \(= π \ r^2 ⇒\)
\(64 \ π = π \ r^2 ⇒ r= 8\)
Circumference of a circle \(= 2 \ π \ r ⇒\)
C \(= 2 \ × \ 8 \ × \ π ⇒\)
C \(=16 \ π\)


8- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(9.76\)
\(1\) meter of the rope \(= 800\) grams
\(12.2\) meter of the rope \(= 12.2 \ × \ 800 =9,760\) grams \(= 9.76\) kilograms



9- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(1\)
\(\frac{1}{2} \ + \ \frac{4}{5} \ – \ \frac{3}{10} = \frac{(5 \ × \ 1) \ + \ (2 \ × \ 4) \ - \ (1 \ × \ 3)}{10} = \frac{10}{10} = 1\)

10- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(26\)
To solve this problem, divide \(6 \ \frac{1}{2}\) by \(\frac{1}{4}\).
\(6 \ \frac{1}{2} \ ÷ \ \frac{1}{4}=\frac{13}{2} \ ÷ \ \frac{1}{4}=\frac{13}{2} \ × \ \frac{4}{1}=26\)

11- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(10,000\)
The question is that number \(56,743.21\) is how many times of number \(5.674321\).

12- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(22.5\)
Lily eats \(2\) pancakes in \(1\) minute \(⇒\)
Lily eats \(2 \ × \ 5\) pancakes in \(5\) minutes.
Ella eats \(2 \ \frac{1}{2}\) pancakes in \(1\) minute \(⇒\)
Ella eats \(2 \ \frac{1}{2} \ × \ 5\) pancakes in \(5\) minutes.
In total Lily and Ella eat \(10 \ + \ 12.5\) pancakes in \(5\) minutes.

13- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is Approximately \(38\) hours.
Alice drives \(68\) miles in one hour.
Therefore, she drives \(2600\) miles in about \((2600 \ ÷ \ 68) 38\) hours.

14- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(482\) inches
\(12\) yards \(= 12 \ × \ 36 = 432\) inches
\(4\) feet \(= 4 \ × \ 12 = 48\) inches
\(12\) yards \(4\) feet and \(2\) inches \(= 432\) inches \(+ \ 48\) inches \(+ \ 2\) inches \(= 482\) inches

15- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(8 \ – \ (– \ 2) \ + \ (– \ 18)\)
Simplify each option provided using order of operations rules.
A. \(8 \ – \ (– \ 2) \ + \ (– \ 18)=8 \ + \ 2 \ - \ 18=- \ 8\)
B. \(2 \ + \ (– \ 3) \ × \ (– \ 2)=2 \ + \ 6=8\)
C. \(– \ 6 \ × \ (– \ 6) \ + \ (– \ 2) \ × \ (– \ 12)=36 \ + \ 24=60\)
D. \((– \ 2) \ × \ (– \ 7) \ + \ 4=14 \ + \ 4=18\)
Only option A is \(- \ 8\).

16- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(146\) miles
To find the answer, subtract \(40,907\) from \(41,053\).
\(41,053 \ - \ 40,907=146\) miles

17- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{2}\)
\(\frac{5}{8} \ × \ \frac{ 4}{5}=\frac{5 \ × \ 4}{8 \ × \ 5}=\frac{20}{40}=\frac{1}{2}\)

18- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(3,360\)
Use volume of cube formula.
Volume \(=\) base \(×\) height \(⇒\) V \(= 120 \ × \ 28 ⇒\) V \(=3,360\)

19- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(144\)
\(1\) pizza has \(8\) slices.
\(18\) pizzas contain \((18 \ × \ 8) \ 144\) slices.

20- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{5}{8}\) in\(^2\)
Use area of rectangle formula.
Area \(=\) length \(×\) width \(⇒\)
A \(=\frac{3}{4} \ × \ \frac{5}{6} ⇒\)
A \(=\frac{5}{8}\) in\(^2\)

21- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(192\) cm\(^3\)
Use volume of cube formula.
Voluem \(=\) length \(×\) width \(×\) height \(⇒\)
V \(= 6 \ × \ 4 \ ×\ 8 ⇒\)
V \(=192\) cm\(^3\)

22- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(324\) square feet
Find the area of the room which is a square.
Use area of square formula.
\(S =a^2 ⇒\)
\(S = 18\) feet \(× \ 18\) feet \(= 324\) square feet


23- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(25\%\)
Use percent formula:
part \(= \frac{percent}{100} \ ×\) whole
\(600 = \frac{percent}{100} \ × \ 2400 ⇒\)
\(600 =\) percent \(× \ 24 ⇒\)
percent \(=25\)


24- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(72\)
Use area of rectangle formula.
\(A = a \ × \ b ⇒ A= 54 \ × \ 12 ⇒ A= 648\)
Divide the area by \(9 \ (3 \ × \ 3 = 9\) squares) to find the number of squares needed.
\(648 \ ÷ \ 9 = 72\)


25- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \($300,000\)
ABC Corporation's income \(= \frac{2}{3}\) management’s predicted income.
\($200,000 = \frac{2}{3}\) management’s predicted income
management’s predicted income \(= $200,000 \ × \ \frac{2}{3}=$300,000\)

26- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(11\)
Write the numbers in order:
\(9, \ 9, \ 10, \ 11, \ 13, \ 14, \ 18\)
Median is the number in the middle.
Therefore, the median is \(11\).


27- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(29\)
Use PEMDAS (order of operation):
\(9 \ + \ \left[ \ 8 \ × \ 5 \ \right] \ ÷ \ 2 = 9 \ + \ (40) \ ÷ \ 2 = 9 \ + \ (40 \ ÷ \ 2) = 29\)

28- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(9\)
Write the numbers in order:
\(4, \ 5, \ 8, \ 9, \ 13, \ 15, \ 18\)
Median is the number in the middle.
Therefore, the median is \(9\).



29- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(500\)
Use volume of cylinder formula.
Voluem \(=\) base \(×\) heigth \(⇒ V=50 \ × \ 10 ⇒ V=500\)

30- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(4 \div 13\)
13 yards long rope is cut into \(4\) equal parts.
Therefore, \(13\) should be divided by \(4\).
Only option C is NOT \(13\) divided by \(4\). (It is \(4\) divided by \(13\))

31- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(6.5\) ft\(^2\)
Use area of trapezoid formula.
Area of trapezoid \(= \frac{1}{2} \ ×\) heigth \(× (\)base \(1 \ +\) base \(2) ⇒\)
\(\frac{1}{2} \ × \ 2 \ × \ (2 \ + \ 4.5)=6.5\) ft\(^2\)

32- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \($35\)
Let \(x\) be the new price after discount.
\(x = 50 \ × (100 \ - \ 30)\%=50 \ × \ 70\%=50 \ × \ 0.70=35\)
\(x = $35\)


33- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(47\)
\(4\) eggs for \(1\) cake.
Therefore, \(188\) eggs can be used for \((188 \ ÷ \ 4) \ 47\) cakes.


34- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(110\) Degrees
An obtuse angle is any angle larger than \(90\) degrees.
From the options provided, only D (\(110\) degrees) is larger than \(90\).


35- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{8}{9}\)
Compare the fractions.
\(\frac{5}{8} \ > \ \frac{3}{7}\)
And \(\frac{8}{9} \ > \  \frac{5}{11}\)
\(\frac{8}{9} \ > \ \frac{5}{8}\)
Therefore, \(\frac{8}{9}\) is the biggest fraction.

36- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(W= \frac{D}{9}\)
Use area of rectangle formula.
area of a rectangle \(=\) width \(×\) length \(⇒ D=w \ × \ l ⇒\)
\(w=\frac{D}{l}= \frac{D}{9}\)

37- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{3}{10}, \frac{6}{13}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{3}, \frac{5}{7}\)
To list the fractions from least to greatest, you can convert the fractions to decimal.
\(\frac{2}{3} = 0.67\)
\(\frac{5}{7} = 0.71\)
\(\frac{3}{10} = 0.3\)
\(\frac{1}{2} = 0.5\)
\(\frac{6}{13} = 0.46\)
\(\frac{3}{10} = 0.3, \ \frac{6}{13} = 0.46, \ \frac{1}{2} = 0.5, \ \frac{2}{3} = 0.67, \ \frac{5}{7} = 0.71\)
Option D shows the fractions in order from least to greatest.

38- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is The product is between \(3\) and \(4\)
\(5\) multiplied by \(\frac{2}{3} = \frac{10}{3} = 3.33\), therefore, only choice B is correct.

39- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is The product is \(210\) CM\(^3\)
Use volume of rectangle formula.
Volume of a rectangle \(=\) width \(×\) length \(×\) heigth \(⇒ V=5 \ × \ 6 \ × \ 7 ⇒ V=210\)

40- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is The product is \( (200) \ (0.85)\)
To find the selling price, multiply the price by \((100\% –\) rate of discount).
Then: \((200) \ (100\% \ – \ 15\%) = (200) \ (0.85) = 170\)
\((200) \ (100\% \ – \ 15\%) = (200) \ (0.85) = 170\)


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