Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution Course

Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution

Consider the system of equations
\( x\  – \ y\ = \ 1\ –\ 2\ x\  +\  y \ = \ 6\)
Substitute \(\ x\  = \ 1\  –\ y\ \) in the second equation
\( -2(\ 1\ -\ y\ ) + y = 5 y = 2\) 
Substitute\(\ y\  = \ 2\  in \ x\  = \ 1\  +\  y\)
\(\ x\  = \ 1\  + \ 2\  = \ 3\)


\( –\  2\ x\  –\  2\ y\  = -\ 13\)
\( –\  4\ x\  +\  2\ y\  = \ 10\)

\((\ 0\ .\ 5\ ,\ 6\ )\)

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