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ATI TEAS 6 Mathematics Practice Test 4

36 questions
Total time for this section: 54 Minutes
Calculator is allowed for the test.

1- What is the sum of \(\frac{4}{10} \ + \ \frac{3}{2} \  + \  \frac{3}{5}\)?
(A) \(2.5\)
(B) \(1.25\)
(C) \(0.15\)
(D) \(2 \frac{4}{3}\)
2- If \(x \ + \ y = 12\), what is the value of \(8 \ x \ + \  8 \ y\)?
(A) \(54\)
(B) \(96\)
(C) \(78\)
(D) \(98\)
3- If a rectangle is \(25\) feet by \(50\) feet, what is its area?
(A) \(1,250\)
(B) \(750\)
(C) \(1,450\)
(D) \(690\)
4- If \(4 \ + \ x \ ≥ \ 12\), then \(x \ ≥\) ?
(A) \(6\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(15\)
(D) \(10 \ x\)
5- The width of a garden is \(5.48\) yards. How many meters is the width of that garden?
(A) \(4.06\) m
(B) \(56.7\) m
(C) \(5.01\) m
(D) \(125.02\) m
6- How many meters is \(35,489\) centimeters?
(A) \(35.489\) m
(B) \(3.5489\) m
(C) \(354.8900\) m
(D) \(354.8.900\) m
7- If \(x\) is \(20\%\) percent of \(300\), what is \(x\)?
(A) \(85\)
(B) \(60\)
(C) \(65.5\)
(D) \(74\)
8- The oven temperature reaches \(75^\circ\) C. what’s is the temperature in degree Fahrenheit?
C \(= \ \frac{4}{7}\) (F \( – \ 35\))
(A) \(166^\circ\) F
(B) \(75^\circ\) F
(C) \(90^\circ\) F
(D) \(145^\circ\) F
9- In five successive hours, a car travels \(35\) km, \(50\) km, \(40\) km, \(45\) km and \(55\) km. In the next five hours, it travels with an average speed of \(55\) km per hour. Find the total distance the car traveled in \(10\) hours.
(A) \(450\) km
(B) \(640\) km
(C) \(505\) km
(D) \(470\) km
10- Solve the proportion. \(\frac{4.5}{7.5} \ = \ \frac{x}{3.4}\)
(A) \(2.04\)
(B) \(4.86\)
(C) \(5.236\)
(D) \(72.236\)
11- The equation of a line is given as: \(y \ = \ 2x \ - \ 5\) . Which of the following points does not lie on the line?
(A) \((2 , 4)\)
(B) \((- \ 5 , - \ 15)\)
(C) \((4 , 3)\)
(D) \((3 , 1)\)
12- The sum of \(5\) numbers is greater than \(150\) and less than \(300\). Which of the following could be the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers?
(A) \(30\)
(B) \(60\)
(C) \(45\)
(D) \(25\)
13- Ashly is \(12\) miles ahead of Jack running at \(4.5\) miles per hour and Jack is running at the speed of \(6\) miles per hour. How long does it take Jack to catch Ashly?
(A) \(6\) hours
(B) \(10\) hours
(C) \(8\) hours
(D) \(3\) hours
14- A bread recipe calls for \(3 \frac{  1}{3}\) cups of flour. If you only have \(2 \ \frac{5}{6}\) cups, how much more flour is needed?
(A) \(\frac{1}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{7}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
15- A swimming pool holds \(2,400\) cubic feet of water. The swimming pool is \(20\) feet long and \(15\) feet wide. How deep is the swimming pool?
(A) \(8\)
(B) \(4\)
(C) \(9\)
(D) \(14\)
16- \(\frac{(15 \ feet \ + \ 7 \ yards)}{4} =\) ___
(A) \(10\) feet
(B) \(9\) feet
(C) \(15\) feet
(D) \(27\) feet
17- If \(a = 6\), what is the value of \(b\) in the following equation?
\(b = \frac{a^2}{3} \ + \ c\)
(A) \(10 \ + c\)
(B) \(8\ + c\)
(C) \(18\ + c\)
(D) \(12\ + c\)
18- \(4\) feet, \(12\) inches \(+ \ 6\) feet, \(15\) inches equals to how many inches?
(A) \(144\) inches
(B) \(165\) inches
(C) \(210\) inches
(D) \(180\) inches
19- The equation of a line is given as : \(y = 4 \ x \ – \ 2\). Which of the following points does not lie on the line?
(A) \((1, 2)\) 
(B) \((−3, −14)\)
(C) \((3, 8)\)
(D) \((5, 18)\)
20- If a circle has a radius of \(24\) feet, what’s the closest approximation of its circumference?
(A) \(151\)
(B) \(140\)
(C) \(157\)
(D) \(195\)
21- If two angles in a triangle measure \(65\) degrees and \(75\) degrees, what is the value of the third angle?
(A) \(55\) degrees
(B) \(35\) degrees
(C) \(70\) degrees
(D) \(40\) degrees
22- The following pie chart shows the time Jennifer spent to work on his homework last week. The total time Jennifer spent on his homework last week was \(20\) hours. How much time did Jennifer spend on Biology last week?
(A) \(5\) hours
(B) \(8\) hours
(C) \(2\) hours
(D) \(3\) hours
23- The distance between cities A and B is approximately \(4,80\) miles. If you drive an average of \(24\) miles per hour, how many hours will it take you to drive from city A to city B?
(A) \(15\) hours
(B) \(20\) hours
(C) \(10\) hours
(D) \(8\) hours
24- In a certain bookshelf of a library, there are \(60\) biology books, \(45\) history books, and \(75\) language books. What is the ratio of the number of biology books to the total number of books in this bookshelf?
(A) \(\frac{1}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
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25- The circumference of a circle is \(20\) cm. what is the approximate radius of the circle?
(A) \(4.15\) cm
(B) \(3.18\) cm
(C) \(7.520\) cm
(D) \(2.25\) cm
26- At a Zoo, the ratio of lions to tigers is \(4\) to \(3\). Which of the following could NOT be the total number of lions and tigers in the zoo?
(A) \(105\)
(B) \(49\)
(C) \(77\)
(D) \(81\)
27- The following pie chart shows the expenses of Mr.Smith’s family in December.The total expenses in December was \($4,200\).How much did Mr. Smith’s family spend on rent?
(A) \($\ 1,500\)
(B) \($\ 700\)
(C) \($\ 1,134\)
(D) \($\ 600\)
28- I’ve got \(22\) quarts of milk and my family drinks \(2\) gallons of milk per week. How many weeks will that last us?
(A) \(2.75\) weeks
(B) \(5\) weeks
(C) \(4.5\) weeks
(D) \(3.25\) weeks
29- The following pie chart shows the expenses of Mr. Jackson’s family in December.The total expenses in December was $\(6,200\).What percent of the expenses goes for bills and foods combined?
(A) \(31%\) 
(B) \(31\%\) 
(C) \(26\%\) 
(D) \(23\%\) 
(E) \(40\%\) 
30- A football team won exactly \(60\%\) of the games it played during last session. Which of the following could be the total number of games the team played last season?
(A) \(45\)
(B) \(26\)
(C) \(42\)
(D) \(36\)
31- What is the value of the expression \(4 \ (x \ - \ 3y) \ + \ (3 \ - \ x)^{2}\) when
\(x \ = \ 2\)  and  \(= -3\) ?
(A) \(36\)
(B) \(45\)
(C) \(26\)
(D) \(32\)
32- In a bundle of \(60\) pencils, \(25\) are red and the rest are blue. What percent of the bundle is composed of blue pencils?
(A) \(32\%\)
(B) \(45\%\)
(C) \(32\%\)
(D) \(58\%\)
33- A card is drawn at random from a standard \(52\)–card deck, what is the probability that the card is of Clubs? (The deck includes \(13\) of each suit clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades)
(A) \(\frac{1}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{7}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
34- If a gas tank can hold \( 35\) gallons, how many gallons does it contain when it is \(\frac{3}{5}\) full?
(A) \(32\)
(B) \(38\)
(C) \(21\)
(D) \(12\)
35- \(4\) liters of water are poured into an aquarium that's \(10\) cm long, \(4\) cm wide, and \(40\) cm high. How many cm will the water level in the aquarium rise due to this added water? (\(1\) liter of water = \(1,000\) cm3)
(A) \(100\)
(B) \(10\)
(C) \(70\)
(D) \(25\)
36- Mary (M) is \(5\) years older than her friend Ashly (A) who is \(2\) years younger than her sister Lucy (L). If M, A and L denote their ages, which one of the following represents the given information?
(A) \(\begin{cases}M=A \ + \ 5\\A=L \ - \ 2\end{cases}\)
(B) \(\begin{cases}M=A \ + \ 5\\L=A \ - \ 2 \end{cases}\)
(C) \(\begin{cases}M=A \ + \ 5\\A=L \ + \ 2\end{cases}\)
(D) \(\begin{cases}A=M \ + \ 5\\L=A \ - \ 2\end{cases}\)
1- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(2.5\)
\(\frac{4}{10} \ + \ \frac{3}{2} \ + \ \frac{3}{5} = \frac{4 \ + \ 15 \ + \ 6}{10} = \frac{25}{10} = \frac{5}{2} = 2.5\)

2- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(96\)
\(x \ + \ y = 12\), Then: \(8 \ x \ + \ 8 \ y = 12 \ × \ 8 = 96\)

3- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1,250\)
Area of a rectangle \(=\) width \(×\) length \(= 25 \ × \ 50 =1,250 \)

4- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(8\)
\(4 \ + \ x \ ≥ \ 12\),  \(x \ ≥ \ 12 \ – \ 4\) ,  \(x \ ≥ \ 8\)

5- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(5.01\) m
m \(= \frac{yd}{1.0936} →\) m \(= \frac{5.48}{1.0936} = 5.010912 ≅ 5.01\)

6- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(354.8900\) m
\(1\) meter \(= 100\) centimeters
\(35,489 \ × \ 0.01 = 354.89\)

7- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(60\)
\(\frac{20}{100} \ × \ 300 = 60\)

8- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(166^\circ\) F
Plug in \(75\) for C int the equation: \(75 = \frac{4}{7}\) (F \( – \ 35\))
\(525 = 4\) F \(– \ 140 \)
\(525 \ + \ 140 = 4 \) F
\(\frac{525 \ + \ 140}{4} =\) F
\(\frac{665}{4} =\) F
F \(=166 \)

9- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(505\) km
Add the first \(5\) numbers.
\(35 \ + \ 50 \ + \ 40 \ + \ 45 \ + \ 60 =230\)
To find the distance traveled in the next \(5\) hours, multiply the average by number of hours.
Distance \(=\) Average \(×\) Rate \(= 55 \ × \ 5 = 275\)
Add both numbers. \(275 \ + \ 230 = 505\)

10- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(2.04 \)
\(\frac{4.5}{7.5} = \frac{x}{3.4}  \ → x = \frac{4.5 \ × \ 3.4}{7.5} = \frac{15.3}{7.5} = 2.04\)

11- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \((2, 4)\)
Let’s review the choices provided. Put the values of \(x\) and \(y\) in the equation.
A. \((2, 4)\)            \(⇒ x = 2 ⇒ y = - \ 1\)            This is not true!
B. \((−5, −15)\)   \(⇒ x = -5 ⇒ y = -15\)    This is true!
C. \((4, 3)\)          \(⇒ x = 4 ⇒ y = 3\)           This is true!
D. \((3, 1)\)            \(⇒ x = 3 ⇒ y = 1\)             This is true!

12- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(45\)
Let \(x\) be the average of numbers. Then:
\(\frac{150}{5} \ < \ x \ < \ \frac{300}{5}\)
\(30 \ < \ x \ < \ 60\)
From choices provided, only \(45\) is correct.

13- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(8\)  hours
The distance between Ashly and Jack is \(12\) miles.
Ashly running at \(4.5\) miles per hour and Jack is running at the speed of \(6\) miles per hour.
Therefore, every hour the distance is \(1.5\) miles less.
\(12 \ ÷ \ 1.5 = 8\)

14- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{2}\)
\(3 \ \frac{1}{2} \ − \ 2 \ \frac{5}{6} = 3 \ + \ \frac{1}{3} \ - \ 2 \ - \ \frac{5}{6} = \frac{1}{2}\)

15- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(8\)
Volume \(=\) length \( × \) width \( × \) height
\(2400 = 20 \ × \ 15 \ × \) height \( →\) height \(= 8\)

16- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(9\) feet
yards \(= 12\) feet
\(\frac{(15 feet +7 yrds)}{4} = \frac{(15 feet +21 feet)}{4} = \frac{(36 feet)}{4} = 9\) feet

17- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(12 \ + \ c\)
If \(a = 6\)  then: \(b = \frac{6^{2}}{3} \ + \ c ⇒ \)
\(b = \frac{6^{2}}{3} \ + \ c = 12 \ + \ c\)

18- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(144\) inches
\(1\) foot \(= 12\) inches
\(4\) feet, \(12\) inches \(= 60\) inches
\(6\) feet, \(15\) inches \(= 84\) inches
\(60 \ + \ 84 =144\)

19- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \((3, 8)\)
Let’s review the choices provided. Put the values of \(x\) and \(y\) in the equation.
A. \((1, 2)\)              ⇒ \(x = 1\) ⇒ \(y = 2\)                This is true!
B. \((−3, −14)\)       ⇒ \(x = -3\) ⇒ \(y = -14\)       This is true!
C. \((3, 8)\)            ⇒ \(x = 3\) ⇒ \(y = 10\)                This is not true!
D. \((5, 18)\)              ⇒ \(x = 5\) ⇒ \(y = 18\)            This is true!
Only choice C does not work in the equation.

20- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(151\)
Circumference \(= 2 \ π \ r →\)
Circumference \(= 2 \ (3.14) \ (24) = 150.72 \cong 151\)

21- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(40\) degrees
All angles in a triangle sum up to \(180\) degrees.
\(65 \ + \ 75 = 140\)
\(180 \ – \ 140 = 40\), The third angle is \(40\) degrees.

22- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(3\) hours
Jennifer spent \(15\%\) of his total time (\(20\) hours) on Biology.
Then: \(\frac{15}{100} \ × \ 20 = 3\)

23- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is approximately \(20\) hours
Speed \(= \frac{distance}{time}\)
\(24 = \frac{4,80}{time}→\) tme \(=\frac{4,80}{24} = 20\)

24- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{3}\)
Number of biology book: \(60\), total number of books; \(60 \ + \ 45 \ + \ 75=180\)
the ratio of the number of biology books to the total number of books is: \(\frac{60}{180}=\frac{1}{3}\)

25- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(3.18\) cm
C \(= 2  \ π \  r\)
\(20 = 2 \  π \  r\)
\(r = \frac{20}{2 \ π} = 3.18\)

26- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(81\)
The ratio of lions to tigers is \(4\) to \(3\) at the zoo.
Therefore, total number of lions and tigers must be divisible by \(7\).
\(4 \ +3 \ =7\)
From the numbers provided, only \(81\) is not divisible by \(7\).

27- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \($1,134\)
\($4,200 \ × \frac {27}{100} = $1,134\)

28- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(2.75\) Weeks
\(1\) quart \(= 0.25\) gallon
\(22\) quarts \(= 22 \ × \ 0.25 = 5.5\) gallons
then: \(\frac{5.5}{2} = 2.75\) weeks

29- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(23\%\)
\(13\% \ + \ 10\%=23\%\)

30- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(45\%\)
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because \(60\%\) of each of the numbers is a non-whole number.
A. \(45\)       \(60\%\) of \(45 = 0.60 \ × \ 45=27\)
B. \(26\)       \(60\%\) of \(26=0.60 \ × \ 26=15.6\)
C. \(42\)       \(60\%\) of \(42=0.60 \ × \ 42=25.2\)
D. \(36\)       \(60\%\) of \(36=0.60 \ × \ 36=21.6\)

31- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(45\)
\(4 \ (x \ - \ 3 \ y)+(3 \ - \ x)^2 = 4 \ ((2) \ - \ 3 \ (-3)) \ + \ (3 \ - \ (2))^2 = 4 \ (11) \ + \ (1)^2 = 44 \ + \ 1 = 45\)

32- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(58\%\)
\(60 \ – \ 25 = 35\)
\(\frac{35}{60} = 0.58\)
\(0.58 \ × \ 100\% = 58\%\)

33- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{4}\)
The probability of choosing a Hearts is \(\frac{13}{52}=\frac{1}{4}\)

34- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(21\)
\(\frac{3}{5} \ × \ 35=\frac{105}{5}=21\)

35- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(100\)
One liter \(=1000\) cm\(^3      → 4\) liters\(=4,000\) cm\(^3\)
\(4,000=10 \ × \ 4 \ × \ h      →h=\frac{4000}{40}=100\) cm

36- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\begin{cases}M=A \ + \ 4\\A=L \ - \ 3\end{cases}\)

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