Free Full Length SSAT Middle Level Mathematics Practice Test

Full Length SSAT Middle Level Mathematics Practice Test

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SSAT Middle Level Mathematics Practice Test 4

Section 1

    25 questions
Total time for this test: 30 Minutes
You may NOT use a calculator for this test.

1- If \(0.65\) equals \(65\) M, what is the value of M?
(A) \(0.1\)
(B) \(0.01\)
(C) \(0.011\)
(D) \(0.11\)
(E) \(1\)
2- How long does a \(490\)–miles trip take moving at \(70\) miles per hour (mph)?
(A) \(7\) hours and \(20\) minutes
(B) \(5\) hours and \(36\) minutes
(C) \(7\) hours
(D) \(4\) hours and \(10\) minutes
(E) \(2\) hours
3- Jack borrowed \($5,400\) for three months at an annual rate of  \(4\%\). How much interest did Jack owe? 
(A) \($\ 36\)
(B) \($\ 24\)
(C) \($\ 54\)
(D) \($\ 61\)
(E) \($\ 45\)
4- The marked price of a laptop is D dollar. Its price decreased by \(15\%\) in January and later increased by \(10\%\) in February. What is the final price of the computer in D dollar?
(A) \(93.5\) D
(B) \(90\) D
(C) \(82\) D
(D) \(75\) D
(E) \(92\) D
5- The average of \(11, \ 14, \ 19\) and \(x\) is \(16\). What is the value of \(x\)?
(A) \(25\)
(B) \(33\)
(C) \(15\)
(D) \(28\)
(E) \(20\)
6- If three times a certain number, increased by \(18\), is equal to \(36\), what is the number?
(A) \(3\)
(B) \(6\)
(C) \(9\)
(D) \(4\)
(E) \(12\)
7- Alex has N toy cars. John has \(5\) more cars than Alex. If John gives Alex \(3\) cars, how many cars will John have, in terms of N?
(A) \(N\)
(B) N\( + \ 1\)
(C) N\( + \ 2\)
(D) N\( + \ 3\)
(E) N\( + \ 4\)
8- In five successive hours, a car travels \(45\) km, \(50\) km, \(55\) km, \(35\) km and \(60\) km. In the next five hours, it travels with an average speed of \(55\) km per hour. Find the total distance the car traveled in \(10\) hours. 
(A) \(250\) km
(B) \(520\) km
(C) \(624\) km
(D) \(450\) km
(E) \(620\) km
9- What is the value of \(x\) in the following equation?
\(\frac{x \ +\ 3}{6} = 5\)
(A) \(27\)
(B) \(7\)
(C) \(8\)
(D) \(12\)
(E) \(22\)
10- If \(20\) percent of a number is \(120\), then \(18\) percent of the same number is: 
(A) \(85\)
(B) \(100\)
(C) \(72\)
(D) \(108\)
(E) \(60\)
11- If \(60\%\) of A is \(30\%\) of B, then B is what percent of A?
(A) \(20\%\)
(B) \(200\%\)
(C) \(300\%\)
(D) \(2\%\)
(E) \(400\%\)
12- The ratio of boys to girls in a school is \(3:5\). If there are \(800\) students in a school, how many boys are in the school? 
(A) \(300\)
(B) \(250\)
(C) \(400\)
(D) \(600\)
(E) \(320\)
13- What is the cost of six ounces of cheese at \($0.86\) per pound?
(A) \($\ 0.42\)
(B) \($\ 0.25\)
(C) \($\ 0.318\)
(D) \($\ 0.56\)
(E) \($\ 0.412\)
14- Ann purchased a sofa for \($\ 450.20\). The sofa is regularly priced at \($\ 520\). What was the percent discount Ann received on the sofa?
(A) \(24.5\%\)
(B) \(15\%\)
(C) \(13.5\%\)
(D) \(30\%\)
(E) \(10\%\)
15- Two third of \(18\) is equal to \(\frac{2}{5}\) of what number?
(A) \(30\)
(B) \(25\)
(C) \(45\)
(D) \(20\)
(E) \(60\)
16- A bag contains \(20\) balls: two green, five black, eight blue, a brown, two red and two white. If \(15\) balls are removed from the bag at random, what is the probability that a brown ball has been removed?
(A) \(\frac{17}{18}\)
(B) \(\frac{10}{19}\)
(C) \(\frac{17}{20}\)
(D) \(\frac{19}{20}\)
(E) \(\frac{15}{20}\)
17- \(60\) students took an exam and \(15\) of them failed. What percent of the students passed the exam?
(A) \(60\%\)
(B) \(75\%\)
(C) \(50\%\)
(D) \(45\%\)
(E) \(80\%\)
18- When a number is subtracted from \(40\) and the difference is divided by that number, the result is \(4\). What is the value of the number?
(A) \(8\)
(B) \(6\)
(C) \(5\)
(D) \(9\)
(E) \(4\)
19- If \( N \times \frac{2}{5} \times 3 = 0\), then \(N =\)….
(A) \(4\)
(B) \(2\)
(C) \(6\)
(D) \(0\)
(E) \(5\)
20- If \(60\%\) of a class are girls, and \(30\%\) of girls play tennis, what percent of the class play tennis?
(A) \(10\%\)
(B) \(16\%\)
(C) \(20\%\)
(D) \(35\%\)
(E) \(18\%\)
21- What is the value of \(x\) in the following equation?
\(4 \ x\ + \ 7 = 43\)
(A) \(9\)
(B) \(4\)
(C) \(6\)
(D) \(7\)
(E) \(12\)
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22- If \(30\%\) of a number is \(6\), what is the number?
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(14\)
(C) \(15\)
(D) \(25\)
(E) \(20\)
23- In \(1999\), the average worker's income increased \($3,000\) per year starting from \($32,000\) annual salary.  Which equation represents income greater than average? (I \(=\) income, x \(=\) number of years after \(1999\))
(A) \(I \ > \ 3000 \ x \ + \ 32000\)
(B) \(I \ > \ - \ 3000 \ x \ + \ 32000\)
(C) \(I \ < \ - \ 3000 \ x \ + \ 32000\)
(D) \(I \ < \ - \ 3000 \ x \ - \ 32000\)
(E) \(I \ <  \ 3000 \ x \ - \ 32000\)
24- Jack left a \($\ 14.00\) tip on a lunch that cost \($\ 56.00\), approximately what percentage was the tip?
(A) \(30\%\)
(B) \(22\%\)
(C) \(25\%\)
(D) \(42\%\)
(E) \(15\%\)
25- If \(\frac{z}{3} = 3\), then \(z \ + \ 4 =\)?
(A) \(13\)
(B) \(20\)
(C) \(18\)
(D) \(7\)
(E) \(10\)

SSAT Middle Level Mathematics Practice Test 4

Section 2

    25 questions
Total time for this test: 30 Minutes
You may NOT use a calculator for this test.

26- What is the value of \(x\) in this equation?
\(\frac{x \ - \ 5}{6} \ + \ 5 = 28\)
(A) \(170\)
(B) \(125\)
(C) \(143\)
(D) \(110\)
(E) \(90\)
27- The width of a rectangle is \(4 \ x\), the length is \(6 \ x\), and the perimeter is \(50\). What is the value of \(x\)?
(A) \(2.5\)
(B) \(4\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(6\)
(E) \(5.5\)
28- Josh has \(x\) dollars and he receives \($120\). He then buys a bicycle that costs \($100\). How much money does Josh have now?
(A) \(x \ + \ 30\)
(B) \(x \ + \ 120\)
(C) \(x \ + \ 20\)
(D) \(x \ - \ 20\)
(E) \(x \ - \ 30\)
29- A bank is offering \(2.5\%\) simple interest on a savings account. If you deposit \($\ 4,000\), how much interest will you earn in five years?
(A) \($\ 750\)
(B) \($\ 520\)
(C) \($\ 500\)
(D) \($\ 350\)
(E) \($\ 800\)
30- David needs an \(65\%\) average in his writing class to pass. On his first \(4\) exams, he earned scores of \(62\%, \ 70\%, \ 75\%\), and \(80\%\). What is the minimum score David can earn on his fifth and final test to pass?
(A) \(\%30\)
(B) \(\%45\)
(C) \(\%27\)
(D) \(\%35\)
(E) \(\%57\)
31- Alex is \(12\) miles ahead of Jack running at \(4.5\) miles per hour and Jack is running at the speed of \(6\) miles per hour. How long does it take Jack to catch Jason?
(A) \(8\) hours
(B) \(5\) hours
(C) \(3\) hours
(D) \(12\) hours
(E) \(2\) hours
32- The area of a circle is \(81 \ π\). What is the diameter of the circle?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(12\)
(C) \(6\)
(D) \(18\)
(E) \(7\)
33- Three one – foot rulers can be split among how many users to leave each with \(\frac{1}{5}\) of a ruler?
(A) \(10\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(15\)
(D) \(20\)
(E) \(24\)
34- If \((8 \ -\ 6) \times 4 = 8 \ + \Box\), then \(\Box =\)?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(1\)
(C) \(6\)
(D) \(8\)
(E) \(5\)
35- In a classroom, there are \(y\) tables that can each seat \(6\) people and there are \(x\) tables that can each seat \(10\) people. What is the number of people that can be seated in the classroom?
(A) \(10 \ x \ + \ 6 \ y\)
(B) \(6 \ x \ + \ 10 \ y\)
(C) \(2 \ x \ + \ 5 \ y\)
(D) \(6 \ x \ - \ 10 \ y\)
(E) \(10 \ x \ - \ 6 \ y\)
36- The perimeter of a rectangular yard is \(42\) meters. What is its length if its width is twice its length?
(A) \(7\)
(B) \(10\)
(C) \(5\)
(D) \(8\)
(E) \(4\)
37- The mean of \(42\) test scores was calculated as \(77\). But, it turned out that one of the scores was misread as \(92\) but it was \(68\). What is the mean?
(A) \(71.25\)
(B) \(35.45\)
(C) \(81.36\)
(D) \(76.40\)
(E) \(70.24\)
38- A shirt costing \($250\) is discounted \(10\%\). After a month, the shirt is discounted another \(10\%\). Which of the following expressions can be used to find the selling price of the shirt?
(A) \((250) \ (0.80) \ (0.80)\)
(B) \((250) \ (0.80)\)
(C) \((250) \ - \ 200 \  (0.80)\)
(D) \((250) \ - \ 200 \ (0.10) \  (0.80)\)
(E) \((250) \ -  \ (0.10) \  (0.80)\)
39- The average of \(8\) numbers is \(16\). The average of \(6\) of those numbers is \(8\). What is the average of the other two numbers?
(A) \(25\)
(B) \(36\)
(C) \(40\)
(D) \(51\)
(E) \(49\)
40- A card is drawn at random from a standard \(65\)–card deck, what is the probability that the card is of Hearts? (The deck includes \(13\) of each suit clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades)
(A) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{12}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{24}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{85}\)
(E) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
41- Mr. Smith saves \($4,500\) out of his monthly family income of \($45,000\). What fractional part of his income does he save?
(A) \(\frac{1}{10}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{15}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{30}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{18}\)
(E) \(\frac{1}{7}\)
42- If \(x \ + \ 3 = 6, \ 2 \ y \ - \ 2 = 10\) then \(x\ y \ + \ 8=\)?
(A) \(15\)
(B) \(22\)
(C) \(10\)
(D) \(20\)
(E) \(8\)
43- Which of the following is NOT less than \(\frac{1}{6}\)?
(A) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{8}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{10}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{7}\)
(E) \(\frac{1}{9}\)
44- If \(x = 7\), then \(2 \ x \ + \ 5 =\)?
(A) \(10\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(19\)
(D) \(6\)
(E) \(7\)
45- If \(150\%\) of a number is \(75\), then what is the \(90\%\) of that number?
(A) \(40\)
(B) \(23\)
(C) \(35\)
(D) \(50\)
(E) \(45\)
46- The perimeter of the trapezoid below is \(49\) cm. What is its area?
SSAT Middle Math
(A) \(121\) cm\(^2\)
(B) \(80\) cm\(^2\)
(C) \(92\) cm\(^2\)
(D) \(65\) cm\(^2\)
(E) \(74\) cm\(^2\)
47- In two successive years, the population of a town is increased by \(10\%\) and \(15\%\). What percent of the population is increased after two years?
(A) \(\%10\)
(B) \(\%15\)
(C) \(\%30\)
(D) \(\%45\)
(E) \(\%26\)
48- What is the equivalent temperature of \(110^{°}\) F in Celsius? (C \(=\) Celsius)
C \(= \frac{4}{8}\) (F \(– \ 30\))
(A) \(40\)
(B) \(46\)
(C) \(50\)
(D) \(35\)
(E) \(62\)
49- The width of a box is one third of its length. The height of the box is one fourth of its width. If the length of the box is \(24\) cm, what is the volume of the box?
(A) \(384\) cm\(^3\)
(B) \(253\) cm\(^3\)
(C) \(315\) cm\(^3\)
(D) \(280\) cm\(^3\)
(E) \(400\) cm\(^3\)
50- What is the value of \(x\) in this equation?
\(2 \ x\ +\ 10 = 40\)
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(15\)
(C) \(8\)
(D) \(20\)
(E) \(18\)
1- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(0.01\)
\(0.65\) equals \(65\) M.
Then: \(0.65=65\) M \(→\)
M \(=\frac{0.65}{65}=0.01\)

2- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(7\) hours
Use distance formula:
Distance \(=\) Rate \(\times\) time \(⇒\)
\(490 = 70 \ \times\) T, divide both sides by \(70\).
\(\frac{490}{ 70} =\) T \(⇒\)
T \(= 7\) hours.

3- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \($54\)
Use simple interest formula:
I \(=\) prt (I \(=\) interest, p \(=\) principal, r \(=\) rate, t \(=\) time)
t is for one year.
For \(3\) months, t is \(\frac{1}{4}\) or \(0.25\)
I \(=(5,400) \ (0.04) \ (0.25)=$54\)

4- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(93.5\) D
To find the discount, multiply the number by
(\(100\% \ –\) rate of discount).
Therefore, for the first discount we get:
(D) (\(100\% \ – \ 15\%\)) = (D) \((0.85) = 0.85\) D
For increase of \(10\%: \ (0.85\) D) \((100\% \ + \ 10\%) =\)
\((0.85\) D) \((1.10) = 93.5\) D \(=93.5\)
\(93.5\%\) of D

5- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(20\)
average \(= \frac{sum \ of \ terms}{number \ of \ terms} ⇒\)
\(16 = \frac{11 \ + \ 14 \ + \ 19 \ + \ x}{4} ⇒\)
\(64 = 44 \ + \ x ⇒\)
\(x = 20\)

6- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(6\)
Three times a certain number, increased by \(18\), is equal to \(36\).
Write an equation and solve.
\(3 \ x \ + \ 18=36→\)
\(3 \ x=36 \ - \ 18=18→\)

7- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(N \ + \ 2\)
Alex has \(N\) toy cars.
John has \(5\) more cars than Alex.
Therefore, Alex has \(N \ + \ 5\) toy cars.
John gives Alex \(3\) cars.
Now, Alex has \((N \ + \ 5 \ – \ 3) \ N \ + \ 2\) toy cars.

8- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(520\) km
Add the first \(5\) numbers.
\( 45 \ + \ 50 \ + \ 55 \ + \ 35 \ + \ 60 = 245\)
To find the distance traveled in the next \(5\) hours, multiply the average by number of hours.
Distance \(=\) Average \(\times\) Rate \(= 55 \times 5 = 275\)
Add both numbers.
\(245 \ + \ 275 =520 \) km

9- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(27\)
\(\frac{x \ + \ 3}{6}=5→\)
\(x \ + \ 3=5 \ × \ 6=30→\)
\(x=30 \ - \ 3=27\)

10- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(108\)
\(20\) percent of a number is \(120\).
Therefore, the number is \(600\).
\(0.20 \ x=120→\)
\(18\) percent of \(600\) is \(108\).
\(0.18 \times 600=108\)

11- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(200\%\)
Write the equation and solve for B:
\(0.60\) A \(=0.30\) B , divide both sides by \(0.30\), then you will have \(\frac{0.60}{0.30}\) A \(=\) B, therefore:
B \(= 2\) A, and B is \(2\) times of A or it’s \(200\%\) of A.

12- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(300\)
The ratio of boy to girls is \(3:5\).
Therefore, there are \(3\) boys out of \(8\) students.
To find the answer, first divide the total number of students by \(8\), then multiply the result by \(3\).
\(800 \ ÷ \ 8 = 100 ⇒\)
\(100 \ × \ 3 = 300\)

13- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \($0.318\)
One pound of cheese costs \($0.86\).
One pound \(=16\) ounces
\(16\) ounces of cheese costs \($0.86\).
Then, \(1\) ounce of chees costs \((0.86 \ ÷ \ 16) \ $0.053\).
\(6\) ounces of cheese costs \((6 \ × \ $0.053) \ $0.318\).

14- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(13.5\%\)
The question is this:
\(450.40\) is what percent of \(520\)?
Use percent formula:
part \(=\frac{ percent}{100} \ ×\) whole
\(450.20 = \frac{percent}{100} \ × \ 520 ⇒\)
\(450.20 = \frac{percent \ ×\ 520}{100} ⇒\)
\(45020 =\) percent \(× \ 520 ⇒\)
percent \(= \frac{45020}{520} = 86.5\)
\(450.20\) is \(86.5\%\) of \(520\).
Therefore, the discount is:
\(100\% \ – \ 86.5\% = 13.5\%\)

15- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(30\)
Let \(x\) be the number.
Write the equation and solve for \(x\).
\(\frac{2}{3} \times 18= \frac{2}{5}\).
\(x ⇒ \frac{2 \ × \ 18}{3}= \frac{2 \ x}{5}\)
use cross multiplication to solve for \(x\).
\(5 \ × \ 36= 2 \ x \ × \ 3 ⇒\)
\(180=6 \ x ⇒ x=30\)

16- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{19}{20}\)
If \(15\) balls are removed from the bag at random, there will be five balls in the bag.
The probability of choosing a brown ball is \(1\) out of \(20\).
Therefore, the probability of not choosing a brown ball is \(19\) out of \(20\) and the probability of having not a brown ball after removing \(19\) balls is the same.

17- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(75\%\)
The failing rate is \(15\) out of \(60 = \frac{15}{40}\)
Change the fraction to percent:
\(\frac{15}{60} \ × \ 100\%=25\%\)
\(25\) percent of students failed.
Therefore, \(75\) percent of students passed the exam.

18- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(8\)
Let \(x\) be the number.
Write the equation and solve for \(x\).
\((40 \ – \ x) \ ÷ \ x = 4\), Multiply both sides by \(x\).
\((40\ – \ x) = 4 \ x\), then add \(x\) both sides.
\(40 = 5 \ x\), now divide both sides by \(5\).
\(x = 8\)

19- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(0\)
\(N \ × \ \frac{2}{5} \ × \ 3=0\), then \(N\) must be \(0\). 

20- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(18\%\)
The percent of girls playing tennis is:
\(60\% \ × \ 30\%=\)
\(0.60 \ × \ 0.30=0.18=18\%\)

21- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(9\)
\(4 \ x \ +\ 7=→43\)
\(4 \ x=43 \ - \ 7=36→\)

22- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(20\)
Let \(x\) be the number.
Write the equation and solve for \(x\).
\(30\%\) of \(x=6⇒\)
\(0.30 \ x=6 ⇒\)
\(x=6 \ ÷ \ 0.30=20\)

23- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(I \ > \ 3000 \ x \ + \ 32000\)
Let \(x\) be the number of years.
Therefore, \($3,000\) per year equals \(3000 \ x\).
starting from \($32,000\) annual salary means you should add that amount to \(3000 \ x\).
Income more than that is:
\(I \ > \ 3000 \ x \ + \ 32000\)

24- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(25\%\)
\($\ 14\) is what percent of \($\ 56\)?
\(14 \ ÷ \ 56 = 0.25 = 25\%\)

25- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(13\)
\(\frac{z}{3} =3→\)
\(z=3 \ ×\ 3=9\)
\(z \ + \ 4=9 \ + \ 4=13\)

25- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(13\)
\(\frac{z}{3} =3→\)
\(z=3 \ ×\ 3=9\)
\(z \ + \ 4=9 \ + \ 4=13\)

26- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(143\)
\(\frac{x \ - \ 5}{6} \ + \ 5=28→\)
\(\frac{x \ - \ 5}{6}=28 \ - \ 5=23→\)
\(x \ - \ 5=23 \ × \ 6=138→\)
\(x=138 \ + \ 5=143\)

27- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(2.5\)
The width of a rectangle is \(4 \ x\) and its length is \(6 \ x\).
Then, the perimeter of the rectangle is \( 20 \ x\).
Perimeter of a rectangle \(= 2\) (width \(+\) length) \(=2 \ (4 \ x \ + \ 6 \ x)=20 \ x\)
The perimeter of the rectangle is \(50\). Then:
\(20 \ x=50→x=2.5\)

28- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(x \ + \ 20\)
John has \(x\) dollars and he receives \($120\).
Therefore, he has \(x \ + \ 120\).
He then buys a bicycle that costs \($100\).
Now, he has:
\(x \ + \ 120 \ - \ 100= x \ + \ 20\)

29- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \($\ 500\)
Use simple interest formula: I \(=\) prt (I \(=\) interest, p \(=\) principal, r \(=\) rate, t \(=\) time)
I \(= (4,000) \ (0.025) \ (5)=500\)

30- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(27\%\)
David needs an \(45\%\) average to pass for five exams.
Therefore, the sum of \(4\) exams must be at least \(4 \ ×\ 65 = 260\)
The sum of \(4\) exams is:
\(62 \ + \ 70 \ + \ 75 \ + \ 80 = 287\).
The minimum score David can earn on his fifth and final test to pass is:
\(287 \ – \ 260 = 27\)

31- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(8\) hours
The distance between Alex and Jack is \(6\) miles.
Alex running at \(4.5\) miles per hour and Jack is running at the speed of \(6\) miles per hour.
Therefore, every hour the distance is \(1.5\) miles less.
\(12 \ ÷\ 1.5 = 8\)

32- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(18\)
The formula for the area of the circle is:
A \(=π \ r^2 \)
The area of the circle is \(81 \ π\). Therefore:
A \(=π \ r^2 ⇒\)
\(81 \ π = π \ r^2\)
Divide both sides by \(π\):
\(81 = r^2 ⇒ r=9\)
Diameter of a circle is \(2 \times\) radius.
Then: Diameter \(= 2 \ ×\ 9 = 18\)

33- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(15\)
\(3 \ ÷ \ \frac{1}{5} = 15\)

34- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(1\)
\((8 \ - \ 6)\ × \ 4=8 \ + \ \Box\)
\(2 \ × \ 4=8 \ + \ \Box, \ 8 =8 \ +\ \Box\), then:
\(\Box = 1\)

35- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(10 \ x \ + \ 6 \ y\)
There are \(y\) tables that can each seat \(6\) people and there are \(x\) tables that can each seat \(10\) people.
Therefore, \(6 \ y \ + \ 10 \ x\) people can be seated in the classroom.

36- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(7\) meters
The width of the rectangle is twice its length.
Let \(x\) be the length.
Then, width \(=2 \ x\)
Perimeter of the rectangle is \(2\) (width \(+\) length) \(= 2 \ (2 \ x \ + \ x)=42 ⇒\)
\(6 \ x=42 ⇒\)
Length of the rectangle is \(7\) meters.

37- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(76.40\)
average (mean) \(= \frac{sum \ of \ terms}{number \ of \ terms} ⇒\)
\(77 = \frac{sum \ of\ terms}{42} ⇒\)
sum \(= 77 \ × \ 42 = 3234\)
The difference of \(92\) and \(68\) is \(24\).
Therefore, \(24\) should be subtracted from the sum.
\(3234 \ – \ 25 = 3209\)
mean \(= \frac{sum \ of \ terms}{number \ of \ terms} ⇒\)
mean \(= \frac{3209}{42} = 76.40\)

38- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \((250) \ (0.80) \ (0.80)\)
To find the discount, multiply the number by (\(100\% \ –\) rate of discount).
Therefore, for the first discount we get:
\((250) (100\% \ – \ 10\%) = (250) \ (0.80) = 200\)
For the next \(10\%\) discount: \((250) \ (0.80) \ (0.80)\)

39- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(40\)
average \(= \frac{sum \ of \ terms}{number \ of \ terms} ⇒\)
(average of \(8\) numbers) \(16 = \frac{sum \ of \ numbers }{8} ⇒\)
sum of \(8\) numbers is:
\(16 \ × \ 8 = 128\)
(average of \(6\) numbers) \(8 = \frac{sum \ of \ numbers}{6} ⇒\)
sum of \(6\) numbers is \(8 \ × \ 6 = 48\)
sum of \(8\) numbers \(–\) sum of \(6\) numbers \(=\) sum of \(2\) numbers
\(128 \ – \ 48 = 80\) average of \(2\) numbers \(= \frac{80}{2} = 40\)

40- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{5}\)
The deck contains \(13\) Hearts.
Then, the probability of choosing a Hearts is \(\frac{13}{65}=\frac{1}{5}\)

41- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{10}\)
\(4,500\) out of \(45,000\) equals to \(\frac{4500}{45000} = \frac{45}{450} = \frac{1}{10}\)

42- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(20\)
\(x \ + \ 3=6→\)
\(x=6 \ - \ 3=3\)
\(2 \ y \ -\ 2=10→\)
\(2 \ y=8→\)
\(x \ y \ +\ 8=3 \ × \ 4 \ + \ 8=20\)

43- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{4}\)
From the options provided, only \(\frac{1}{4}\) is greater than \(\frac{1}{6}\).

44- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(19\)
\(x=7\), then:
\(2 \ x \ + \ 5=2 \ ×\ 7 \ +\ 5=14 \ + \ 5=19\)

45- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(45\)
First, find the number.
Let \(x\) be the number.
Write the equation and solve for \(x\).
\(150\%\) of a number is \(75\), then:
\(1.5 \ x=75 ⇒\)
\(x=75 \ ÷ \ 1.5=50\)
\(90\%\) of \(50\) is:
\(0.9 \ ×\ 50 = 45\)

46- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(121\) cm\(^2\)
The perimeter of the trapezoid is \(24\).
Therefore, the missing side (height) is:
\(= 49 \ – \ 10 \ – \ 16 \ – \ 12 = 11\)
Area of a trapezoid:
A \(= \frac{1}{2} \ h \ (b1 \ + \ b2) =\)
\(\frac{1}{2} \ (11) \ (10 \ + \ 12) = 121\) cm \(^2\)

47- Choice E is correct

The correct answer is \(26\%\)
the population is increased by \(10\%\) and \(15\%\).
\(10\%\) increase changes the population to \(110\%\) of original population.
For the second increase, multiply the result by \(115\%\).
\((1.10) \ × \ (1.15) = 1.26 = 126\%\)
\(26\) percent of the population is increased after two years.

48- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(50\)
Plug in \(104\) for F and then solve for C.
C \(= \frac{4}{8}\) (F \(– \ 30) ⇒\)
C \(= \frac{4}{8} \ (110 \ –\ 30) ⇒\)
C \(= \frac{5}{8} \ (80) = 50\)

49- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(384\) cm\(^3\)
If the length of the box is \(24\), then the width of the box is one third of it, \(8\), and the height of the box is \(2\) (one fourth of the width).
The volume of the box is:
Volume of a box \(=\) (length) \(×\) (wdth) \(×\) (height)
\(= (24) \ × \ (8) \ × \ (2) = 384\) cm\(^3\)

50- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(15\)
\(2 \ x \ + \ 10=40→\)
\(2\ x=40 \ - \ 10=30→\)

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