How to Find Trigonometric Ratios of General Angles

How to Find Trigonometric Ratios of General Angles

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Trig ratios of General Angles

Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, and Cosecant are trigonometric ratios. For these trigonometric ratios, the standard angles are \(0, \ 30, \ 45, \ 60,\) and \(90\) degrees. These angles can also be shown using radians, such as \(0, \ \frac{π}{6}, \ \frac{π}{4}, \ \frac{π}{3},\) and \(\frac{π}{2}\) . In trigonometry, these angles are most regularly and frequently used. To solve many problems, you need to know the values of these trigonometry angles.

Here are the trigonometry ratios for a particular \(θ\) angle:

\(Sin \ θ\) \(\frac{Opposite \ Side \ to \ θ}{Hypotenuse}\)
\(Cos \ θ\)  \(\frac{Adjacent \ Side \ to \ θ}{Hypotenuse}\)
\(Tan \ θ\) \(\frac{Opposite \ Side \ to \ θ}{Adjacent \ Side \ to \ θ}\) OR \(\frac{Sin \ θ}{Cos \ θ}\)
\(Cot \ θ\) \(\frac{Adjacent \ Side \ to \ θ}{Opposite \ Side \ to \ θ}\) OR \(\frac{Cos \ θ}{Sin \ θ} \ = \ \frac{1}{tan \ θ}\)
\(Sec \ θ\) \(\frac{Hypotenuse}{Adjacent \ Side \ to \ θ}\) OR \(\frac{1}{cos \ θ}\)
\(Cosec \ θ\) \(\frac{Hypotenuse}{Opposite \ Side \ to \ θ}\) OR \(\frac{1}{sin \ θ}\)

Finding Trigonometric Ratios

Consider this right triangle:

Trig ratios of General Angles

The trigonometric ratios of \(∠ \ C\) are:

  • Sine: The ratio of an angle's perpendicular (opposite) side to its hypotenuse is known as its sine.
  • Cosine: The ratio of the side adjacent to the angle to the hypotenuse is known as the cosine of an angle.
  • Tangent: The tangent of an angle is the ratio between the side opposite the angle and the side adjacent to it.
  • cotangent: tangent's multiplicative inverse is cotangent.
  • Cosecant: Sine's multiplicative inverse is cosecant.
  • Secant: cosine's multiplicative inverse is Secant.

In the order they are listed, the above ratios are written as \(sin, \ cos, \ tan, \ cosec, \ sec,\) and \(tan\). So, in the case of \(Δ \ ABC\), the ratios are:

\(Sin \ C \ = \ \frac{Opposite \ Side \ to \ ∠ \ C}{Hypotenuse} \ = \ \frac{AB}{AC}\)

\(Cos \ C \ = \ \frac{Adjacent \ Side \ to \ ∠ \ C}{Hypotenuse} \ = \ \frac{BC}{AC}\)

\(tan \ C \ = \ \frac{Opposite \ Side \ to \ ∠ \ C}{Adjacent \ Side \ to \ ∠ \ C} \ = \ \frac{AB}{BC} \ = \ \frac{Sin \ C}{Cos \ C}\)

\(Cot \ C \ = \ \frac{Adjacent \ Side \ to \ ∠ \ C}{Opposite \ Side \ to \ ∠ \ C} \ = \ \frac{BC}{AB} \ = \ \frac{1}{tan \ C}\)

\(Cosec \ C \ = \ \frac{Hypotenuse}{Opposite \ Side \ to \ ∠ \ C} \ = \ \frac{AC}{AB} \ = \ \frac{1}{Sin \ C}\)

\(Sec \ C \ = \ \frac{Hypotenuse}{Adjacent \ Side \ to \ ∠ \ C} \ = \ \frac{AC}{BC} \ = \ \frac{1}{Cos \ C}\)

Table of Trigonometric Ratios

Below are the trigonometric ratios for certain angles, such as 0, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees.

θ \(0^\circ\)  \(30^\circ \) \(45^\circ\) \(60^\circ\) \(90^\circ\)
\(sin⁡θ\) \(0\) \(\frac{1}{2}\) \(\frac{\sqrt2}{2}\) \(\frac{\sqrt3}{2}\) \(1\)
\(cos⁡θ\) \(1\) \(\frac{\sqrt3}{2}\) \(\frac{\sqrt2}{2}\) \(\frac{1}{2}\) \(0\)
\(tan⁡θ\) \(0\) \(\frac{\sqrt3}{3}\) \(1\) \(\sqrt{3}\) \(∞\)
\(cotθ\) \(∞\) \(\sqrt{3}\) \(1\) \(\frac{\sqrt3}{3}\) \(0\)
\(secθ\) \(1\) \(\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}\) \(\sqrt{2}\) \(2\) \(∞\)
\(cosecθ\) \(∞\) \(2\) \(\sqrt{2}\) \(\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}\) \(1\)

Free printable Worksheets

Exercises for Trig ratios of General Angles

1) \(sin \ 120° \ =\)

2) \(cos \ \frac{7π}{6} \ =\)

3) \(tan \ 585° \ =\)

4) \(cot \ 450° \ =\)

5) \(sec \ 45° \ =\)

6) \(cos \ \frac{5π}{6} \ =\)

7) \(cosec \ \frac{2π}{3} \ =\)

8) \(sin \ \frac{11π}{4} \ =\)

9) \(cos \ \frac{11π}{4} \ =\)

10) \(cosec \ \frac{8π}{3} \ =\)


1) \(sin \ 120° \ =\)

\(\color{red}{sin \ 120° \ = \ sin \ (180° \ - \ 60°) \ = \ sin \ 60° \ = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}\)

2) \(cos \ \frac{7π}{6} \ =\)

\(\color{red}{cos \ \frac{7π}{6} \ = \ cos \ (π \ + \ \frac{π}{6}) \ = \ -cos \ \frac{π}{6} \ = -\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}\)

3) \(tan \ 585° \ =\)

\(\color{red}{tan \ 585° \ = \ tan \ (3(180°) \ + \ 45°) \ = \ tan \ 45° \ = \ 1}\)

4) \(cot \ 450° \ =\)

\(\color{red}{cot \ 450° \ = \ cot \ (360° \ + \ 90°) \ = \ cot \ 90° \ = \ 0}\)

5) \(sec \ 45° \ =\)

\(\color{red}{sec \ 45° \ = \ \sqrt{2}}\)

6) \(cos \ \frac{5π}{6} \ =\)

\(\color{red}{cos \ \frac{5π}{6} \ = \ cos \ (π \ - \ \frac{π}{6}) \ = \ -cos \ \frac{π}{6} \ = -\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}\)

7) \(cosec \ \frac{2π}{3} \ =\)

\(\color{red}{cosec \ \frac{2π}{3} \ = \ cosec \ (π \ - \ \frac{π}{3}) \ = \ cosec \ \frac{π}{3} \ = \frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}}\)

8) \(sin \ \frac{11π}{4} \ =\)

\(\color{red}{sin \ \frac{11π}{4} \ = \ sin \ (3π \ - \ \frac{π}{4}) \ = \ sin \ \frac{π}{4} \ = \frac{\sqrt2}{2}}\)

9) \(cos \ \frac{11π}{4} \ =\)

\(\color{red}{cos \ \frac{11π}{4} \ = \ cos \ (3π \ - \ \frac{π}{4}) \ = \ -cos \ \frac{π}{4} \ = -\frac{\sqrt2}{2}}\)

10) \(cosec \ \frac{8π}{3} \ =\)

\(\color{red}{cosec \ \frac{8π}{3} \ = \ cosec \ (3π \ - \ \frac{π}{3}) \ = \ cosec \ \frac{π}{3} \ = \frac{2\sqrt{3}}{3}}\)

Trig ratios of General Angles Practice Quiz