How to Convert Between Fractions, Decimals and Mixed Numbers

How to Convert between Fractions, Decimals and Mixed Numbers

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What are Fractions?

Fractions are generally used to define any whole number into equal parts. While writing a fraction, there are two numbers involved. The number at the top is called the numerator, while that at the bottom is called a denominator. There are three types of fractions. They are:
Proper Fractions: In proper fractions, the denominator is greater than the numerator. For ex: 34, 13
Improper Fraction: As the name suggests, these fractions are “top-heavy” or the numerator is greater than the denominator. For ex: 73, 52
Mixed-Fraction: Mixed fractions are another type of improper fractions where there is a whole number as well as a fraction part. For ex: 113 ,237

What are Decimals?

In mathematics, a decimal can be defined as a number which has two parts: a whole part and a fractional part, and these two parts are separated by a decimal point. The whole part always represents a number greater than one, while the fractional part, i.e., the part after the decimal, always represents a number less than one.

For example, let’s take the number 15.74. Now here the whole part is represented by 15, whereas the fractional part (74100 ) is represented by 74. Here 74 can also be denoted as the decimal part, as it lies after the decimal point.

What are Mixed Numbers?

A mixed number is a combination of two numbers: a whole number and a proper fraction (A proper fraction is a fraction which has a denominator which is greater than the numerator, i.e., 23, 47, 56, etc.). Moreover, a mixed number can be converted into a fraction and it always lies between two whole numbers.

For ex: Let’s take the mixed number 134. So, this mixed number comprises of two parts, a whole number which is 1 and a proper fraction 34. Now, if we convert this mixed number into an improper fraction which is 74 we find that it lies between the two whole numbers 1 and 2.
Some other examples of a mixed number are 212, 312, 415, etc.

How to convert Fraction to Decimal

To convert a decimal to fraction, follow these steps:

  • First, write the given decimal over 1 (i.e., write the denominator of the decimal as 1 ).
  • Next multiply both numerator and denominator by 10 for every digit on the right side of the decimal. For example, a decimal number 12.3947 should be multiplied by 10000.
  • Next simplify the numerator and denominator to get your desired fractional number.

How to convert Mixed Number to Decimal

To convert a mixed number to a fraction, follow these steps:

  • First, convert the mixed number into a fraction. To do this just multiply the denominator with the whole part and add to the numerator. Now just write this answer over the denominator.
  • After conversion, just apply common division rule to get the desired decimal number.

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Related Topics

How to Convert Between Fractions, Decimals, and Mixed Numbers
How to Multiplyi and Divide Fractions
How to Multiply and Divide Decimals
How to Simplify Fractions

Exercises for Convert between Fractions, Decimals and Mixed Numbers

1) 45=

2) 0.15=

3) 123

4) 610

5) 52=

6) 125=

7) 278=

8) 511=

9) 0.71=

10) 0.37=

1) 45= 4 ÷ 5= 0.8
Step 1:  Divide the top number by the bottom number:  4 ÷ 5= 0.8
2) 0.15=0.151=0.15×1001×100=15100=15 ÷ 5100 ÷ 5=320
Step 1:  Write decimal over 1. 0.151
Step 2: Multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every digit on the right side of the decimal point. In this decimal, because we have two numbers after the decimal point, therefore we must multiply it by 100 . So:  0.151=0.15×100  1×100 
Step 3:  Simplify. 15100=320
3) 123=53= 5 ÷ 3= 1.6...
Step 1: Convert the mixed number to a fraction 123=53
Step 2:
 Divide the top number by the bottom number.  5 ÷ 3= 1.6...
4) 610= 6 ÷ 10= 0.6
5) 52= 5 ÷ 2= 2.5
6) 125= 12 ÷ 5= 2.4
7) 278= 27 ÷ 8= 3.375
8) 511= 5 ÷ 11= 0.455...
9) 0.71=0.711=0.71×1001×100=71100
10) 0.37=0.371=0.37×1001×100=37100

Convert between Fractions, Decimals and Mixed Numbers Quiz