Free Full Length HSPT Mathematics Practice Test

Full Length HSPT Mathematics Practice Test

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HSPT Mathematics
Practice Test 4

  64 questions
Total time for this section: 45 Minutes
Calculators are not allowed at the test.
1- The sum of \(7\) numbers is greater than \(210\) and less than \(280\). Which of the following could be the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers?
(A) \(30\)
(B) \(38\)
(C) \(40\)
(D) \(45\)
2- Which of the following is the equivalent of \(3^{4}\)?
(A) \(3 \ \times 3 \ \times 3\)
(B) \(3 \ \times 3 \ \div 3\)
(C) \(81\)
(D) \(72\)
3- \(- \ 20 \ + \ 5 \times (– \ 4) \ – \ \left[ \ 6 \ + \ 25 \times (- \ 6) \ \right] \div 2=\) ?
(A) \(32\)
(B) \(- \ 7\)
(C) \(\frac{6}{7}\)
(D) \(- \ 30\)
4- Which of the following fractions is the largest?
(A) \(\frac{4}{5}\)
(B) \(\frac{3}{2}\)
(C) \(\frac{7}{9}\)
(D) \(\frac{5}{3}\)
5- During a fund-raiser, each of the \(50\) members of a group sold candy bars. If each member sold an average of four candy bars, how many total bars did the group sell?
(A) \(200\)
(B) \(170\)
(C) \(123\)
(D) \(85\)
6- What's the next number in the series \(\left\{29, \ 25, \ 21, \ 17, \ ?\right\}\)
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(15\)
(C) \(13\)
(D) \(8\)
7- \(15 \ a\ + \ 25 = 160, \ a =\) ?
(A) \(8\)
(B) \(12\)
(C) \(22\)
(D) \(9\)
8- Which of the following is a multiple of \(7\)?
(A) \(52\)
(B) \(32\)
(C) \(84\)
(D) \(13\)
9- What's the least common multiple (LCM) of \(8\) and \(14\)?
(A) \(112\)
(B) \(56\)
(D) \(96\)
10- Which of the following is the product of \(15\) and \(6\)?
(A) \(90\)
(B) \(45\)
(C) \(72\)
(D) \(14\)
11- A woman owns a dog walking business. If \(4\) workers can walk \(12\) dogs, how many dogs can \(6\) workers walk?
(A) \(14\)
(B) \(21\)
(C) \(18\)
(D) \(12\)
12- The distance between cities A and B is approximately \(2,500\) miles. If you drive an average of \(60\) miles per hour, how many hours will it take you to drive from city A to city B?
(A) approximately \(38\) hours
(B) approximately \(45\) hours
(C) approximately \(42\) hours
(D) approximately \(23\) hours
13- What’s the greatest common factor of the \(21\) and \(30\)?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(3\)
(C) \(15\)
(D) \(7\)
14- How many \(\frac{1}{3}\) pound paperback books together weigh \(25\) pounds?
(A) \(80\)
(B) \(75\)
(C) \(40\)
(D) \(38\)
15- What’s the greatest common factor of the \(12, \ 18\) and \(32\)?
(A) \(8\)
(B) \(2\)
(C) \(9\)
(D) \(12\)
16- If \(5\) garbage trucks can collect the trash of \(25\) homes in a day. How many trucks are needed to collect in \(150\) houses?
(A) \(22\)
(B) \(18\)
(C) \(35\)
(D) \(30\)
17- Ashly and Billy have taken the same number of photos on their school trip. Ashly has taken \(4\) times as many as photos as Kevin and Billy has taken \(15\) more photos than Kevin. How many photos has Kevin taken?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(7\)
(C) \(9\)
(D) \(6\)
18- If \(x = 4\), then \(\frac{4^5}{x} = \)
(A) \(1,265\)
(B) \(82\)
(C) \(256\)
(D) \(116\)
19- Which of the following is not a multiple of \(6\)?
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(21\)
(C) \(36\)
(D) \(24\)
20- \((p^2) \ . \ (p^3) =\) ___
(A) \(p^6\)
(B) \(2 \ p^6\)
(C) \(p^5\)
(D) \(2 \ p^5\)
21- Which of the following is a prime number?
(A) \(9\)
(B) \(6\)
(C) \(13\)
(D) \(45\)
22- Solve for \(a: \ 6 \ a \ – \ 3= 9\)
(A) \(0.25\)
(B) \(2\)
(C) \(1.45\)
(D) \(5\)
23- \(\frac{(15  \ feet \ + \ 7 \ yards)}{4} =\) ___
(A) \(25\) feet
(B) \(14\) feet
(C) \(9\) feet
(D) \(26\) feet
24- If \((5.2 \ + \ 3.3 \ +\ 2.5) \ x = x\), then what is the value of \(x\)?
(A) \(0\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{10}\)
(C) \(2\)
(D) \(15\)
25- The sum of two numbers is \(X\). if one of the numbers is \(7\), then two times the other number would be what?
(A) \(2 \ x\)
(B) \(2 \ x \ \times 7\)
(C) \(2 \ (X \ - \ 7)\)
(D) \(2 \ + \ X \ \times \ 7\)
26- Which symbol belongs in the box?  \(0.325 \  \Box \ 0.0452\)
(A) \(=\)
(B) \(>\)
(C) \(≤\)
(D) \(<\)
27- Susan is \(8\) years older than her sister Mary, and Mary is \(4\) years younger than their brother Jimmy. If the sum of their ages is \(90\), how old is Mary?
(A) \(22\)
(B) \(30\)
(C) \(26\)
(D) \(14\)
28- While at work, Emily checks her email once every \(60\) minutes. In \(5\)-hour, how many times does she check her email?
(A) \(4\) Times 
(B) \(7\) Times 
(C) \(6\) Times 
(D) \(5\) Times 
29- A circle has a diameter of \(6\) inches. What is its approximate circumference?
(A) \(18.84\)
(B) \(5.35\)
(C) \(8.20\)
(D) \(9.45\)
30- Which symbol belongs in the box?  \(0.0234 \  \Box \ 0.524\)
(A) \(=\)
(B) \(>\)
(C) \(<\)
(D) \(≥\)
31- If \(x = \frac{4}{3}\) then \(\frac{1}{x} =\) ?
(A) \( \frac{3}{4}\)
(B) \( \frac{4}{3}\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(4\)
32- Which of the following is NOT a factor of \(40\)?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(16\)
(D) \(8\)
33- Convert \(0.055\) to a percent.
(A) \(5.5\%\)
(B) \(55\%\)
(C) \(0.55\%\)
(D) \(0.6\%\)
34- What is \(6598.44231\) rounded to the nearest tenth?
(A) \(6,598.442\)
(B) \(6,598.5\)
(C) \(6,598\)
(D) \(6598.44\)
35- What is the place value of \(3\) in \(7.4537\)?
(A) hundredths
(B) ten thousandths
(C) thousandths
(D) hundred thousandths
36- In the simplest form, \(\frac{15}{20}\) is:
(A) \(\frac{4}{3}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(C) \(\frac{3}{4}\)
(D) \(\frac{3}{2}\)
37- What number belong in the box? \(- \ 3 \ + \ \Box = 6\)
(A) \(- \ 9\)
(B) \(- \ 2\)
(C) \(0\)
(D) \(9\)
38- \(\frac{8}{22}\) is equal to:
(A) \(0.28\)
(B) \(0.45\)
(C) \(0.36\)
(D) \(1.25\)
39- What is the square root of \(25\)?
(A) \(6\)
(B) \(5\)
(C) \(8\)
(D) \(9\)
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40- If \(a = 3\) then \(a^{a} \ .\ a =\)?
(A) \(81\)
(B) \(658\)
(C) \(1,269\)
(D) \(45\)
41- If \(4.5 \ < \  x \ ≤ \ 7.0\), then \(x\) cannot be equal to:
(A) \(6.5\)
(B) \(6\)
(C) \(7.5\)
(D) \(5\)
42- If \(9 \ + \ 3 \ x \ ≤ \ 18\), then \(x \ ≤\) ?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(5 \ x\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(3 \ x\)
43- Which of the following represents the reduced form for \(1.5\)?
(A) \(1 \ \frac{1}{2}\)
(B) \(1 \ \frac{5}{10}\)
(C) \(\frac{15}{10}\)
(D) \(\frac{15}{100}\)
44- The fraction  \(\frac{2}{5}\) can also be written as which of the following?
(A) \(\frac{5}{2}\)
(B) \(0.45\)
(C) \(0.4\)
(D) \(1.4\)
45- \(5\) feet, \(5\) inches \(+ \ 7\) feet, \(10\) inches \(=\) how many inches?
(A) \(148\) inches
(B) \(256\) inches
(C) \(312\) inches
(D) \(159\) inches
46- Use the diagram provided as a reference. If the length between point A and C is \(50\), and the length between point A and B is \(32\), what is the length between point B and C?
(A) \(18\)
(B) \(6\)
(C) \(7\)
(D) \(11\)
47- What is the sum of \(\frac{1}{6} \ + \ \frac{ 1}{3} \ + \ \frac{3}{2}\) ?
(A) \(2\)
(B) \(1.25\)
(C) \(3\)
(D) \(0.6\)
48- What is the difference between \(72\) and \(14\)?
(A) \(60\)
(B) \(34\)
(C) \(21\)
(D) \(58\)
49- If Alex needed to buy \(8\) bottles of soda for a party in which \(20\) people attended, how many bottles of soda will he need to buy for a party in which \(5\) people are attending?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(2\)
(D) \(5\)
50- Milly lives \(6 \ \frac{1}{2}\)  miles from where she works. When traveling to work, she walks to a bus stop \(\frac{1}{5}\)  of the way to catch a bus. How many miles away from her house is the bus stop?
(A) \(1 \ \frac{3}{10}\) Miles
(B) \(3 \ \frac{1}{10}\) Miles
(C) \(3 \ \frac{2}{10}\) Miles
(D) \(1 \ \frac{2}{5}\) Miles
51- If l \(= 3\), a \(= 2\) and b \(= 5\), then \(3\) lab \(=\) ?
(A) \(90\)
(B) \(95\)
(C) \(72\)
(D) \(154\)
52- Which of the following is equivalent to \(6 \times 6 \times 6\)?
(A) \(6 \div 6\)
(B) \(6^{3}\)
(C) \(\sqrt{6} \times 6\)
(D) \(6000\)
53- A bread recipe calls for  \(3 \ \frac{1}{3}\) cups of flour. If you only have \(2 \ \frac{5}{6}\)  cups, how much more flour is needed?
(A) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(B) \(5\)
(C) \(\frac{5}{6}\)
(D) \(1\)
54- Mario loaned Jett \($800\) at a yearly interest rate of \(4\%\). After one year what is the interest owned on this loan?
(A) \($\ 45\)
(B) \($\ 28\)
(C) \($\ 35\)
(D) \($\ 32\)
55- Cristina is \(32\) years old, twice as old as Ashly. How old is Ashly? 
(A) \(26\) years old
(B) \(12\) years old
(C) \(16\) years old
(D) \(21\) years old
56- In the figure below, line A is parallel to line B. what is the value of angle \(x\)?
(A) \( 50\) degrees
(B) \( 120\) degrees
(C) \( 135\) degrees
(D) \( 45\) degrees
57- \(312 \times 22 =\)?
(A) \(6,684\)
(B) \(6,486\)
(C) \(6,864\)
(D) \(6,064\)
58- In the given diagram, the height is \(7\) cm. what is the area of the triangle?
(A) \(77\) cm\(^2\)
(B) \(85\) cm\(^2\)
(C) \(31\) cm\(^2\)
(D) \(17\) cm\(^2\)
59- What is the value of \(6!\)?
(A) \(7\)
(B) \(658\)
(C) \(320\)
(D) \(720\)
60- Which of the following is the correct calculation for \(5!\)?
(A) \(1 \times 2 \times 3 \times 4 \times 5\)
(B) \(1 \times 2 \times 3 \times 4 \times 5 \times 6\)
(C) \(5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1\)
(D) \(5 \times 4 \times 3\)
61- The number \(0.02\) can also represented by which of the following?
(A) \(\frac{2}{100}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{1000}\)
(C) \(\frac{2}{10}\)
(D) \(\frac{2}{10,000}\)
62- There are two pizza ovens in a restaurant. Oven \(1\) burns three times as many pizzas as oven \(2\). If the restaurant had a total of \(12\) burnt pizzas on Saturday, how many pizzas did oven \(2\) burn?
(A) \(5\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(2\)
(D) \(3\)
63- John is having a birthday party for his girl and is serving orange juice to the \(6\) children in attendance. If John has \(1\) liter of orange juice and wants to divide it equally among the children, how many liters does each child get?
(A) \(\frac{1}{6}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(D) \(\frac{1}{7}\)
64- Which of the following is a prime number?
(A) \(12\)
(B) \(8\)
(C) \(17\)
(D) \(33\)
1- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(38\)
The sum of numbers divided by \(7\) give the average of numbers. Then:
\(\frac{210}{7} \ < \ x \ < \ \frac{280}{7}\)
\(30 \ < \ x \ < \ 40\)
From choices provided, only \(38\) is correct.

2- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(81\)
\(3^4 = 3 \times 3 \times 3 \times 3 =81 \)

3- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \( 32\)
Use PEMDAS (order of operation):
\(- \ 20 \ + \ 5 \times (– \ 4) \ – \ \left[ \ 6 \ + \ 25 \ \times (- \ 6) \ \right] \div 2 =\)
\(- \ 20 \ -\ 20 \ - \ \left[\ 6 \ - \ 150 \ \right] \div 2 =\)
\(- \ 40 \ - \ \left[ \ - \ 144 \ \right] \div 2 =\)
\(- \ 40 \ + \ 144 \div 2 = - \ 40 \ + \ 72 =  32\)

4- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{5}{3}\)
A. \(\frac{4}{5} = 0.8\)
B. \(\frac{3}{2} = 1.5\)
C. \(\frac{7}{9} = 0.77\)
D. \(\frac{5}{3} = 1.66\)

5- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(200\)
\(50 \times 4 = 200\)

6- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(13\)
The difference of each number and the next number is \(4\).
\(\left\{29, \ 25, \ 21, \ 17, \ 13\right\}\)

7- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(9\)
\(15 \ a \ + \ 25 = 160 →\)
\(15 \ a = 160 \ - \ 25 →\)
\(15 \ a = 135 →\)
\(a = 9\)

8- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(84\)
A. \(\frac{52}{7} = 7.42\)
B. \(\frac{32}{7} = 4.57\)
C. \(\frac{84}{7} = 12\)
D. \(\frac{13}{7} =1.85 \)

9- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(56\)
The smallest number that is divisible by both \(8\) and \(14\) is \(56\). LCM \(= 56\)

10- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(90\)
\(15 \times 6 = 90\)

11- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(18\)
Each worker can walk \(3\) dogs: \(12 \div 4 = 3\)
\(6\) workers can walk \(18\) dogs. \(6 \times 3 = 18\)

12- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is approximately \(42\) hours
Speed \(= \frac{distance }{time}\)
\(60 = \frac{2,500 }{time} →\)
time \(= \frac{2,500 }{60} = 41.66\)

13- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(3\)
The factors of \(21\) are: \(\left\{ 1, \ 3, 7 \ , \ 21\right\}\)
The factors of \(30\) are: \(\left\{ 1, \ 2,\ 3 , \ 4 , \ 5 , \ 6 , \ 10 \ , \ 15, \ 30\right\}\)
GCF \(= 3\)

14- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(75\)
\(25 \div \frac{1}{3} = 75\)

15- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(2\)
The factors of \(12\) are: \(\left\{1, \ 2, \ 3, \ 4, \ 6, \ 12\right\}\)
The factors of \(18\) are: \(\left\{1, \ 2, \ 3, \ 6, 9 ,\ 18\right\}\)
The factors of \(32\) are: \(\left\{1, \ 2, \ 4, 8 ,16 , \ 32\right\}\)
GCF \(= 2\)

16- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(30\)
Write a proportion and solve.
\(\frac{5}{25} = \frac{x}{150} →\)
\(x = \frac{5 \times 150}{25} = 30\)

17- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(5\)
Ashly \(=\) Billy, Ashly \(= 4\) (Kevin)
Billy \(= 15 \ +\) Kevin
Ashly \(=\) Billy \(→\) Ashly \(= 15 \ +\) Kevin
Ashly \(= 4\) (Kevin) \(→ 4\) (Kevin) \(= 15 \ +\) Kevin \(→ 4\) (Kevin) \(–\) Kevin \(= 15\)
\(3\) (Kevin) \(= 15\), Kevin \(= 5\)

18- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(256\)
\(\frac{4^5}{4} = 4^4 = 256\)

19- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(21\)
A. \(\frac{12}{6} = 2\)
B. \(\frac{21}{6} = 3.5\)
C. \(\frac{36}{6} = 6\)
D. \(\frac{24}{6} = 4\)

20- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(p^5\)
\((p^2) \ . \ (p^3) = p^{2 \ +\ 3} = p^5\)

21- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(13\)
A. \(9 → 9\) is not prime. It is divisible by \(3\).
B. \(6 → 6\) is not prime.     It is divisible by \(2\).
C. \(13 → 13\) is prime!
D. \(45 → 45\) is not prime. It is divisible by \(3\).

22- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(2\)
\(6 \ a \ – \ 3 = 9\)
\(6 \ a = 9 \ + \ 3\)
\(6 \ a = 12\)
\(a = 2\)

23- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(9\) feet
\(\frac{(15 \ feet \ + \ 7 \ yards) }{4} = \frac{(15 \ feet \ + \ 21 \ feet ) }{4} = \frac{(36 \ feet ) }{4} = 9\) feet

24- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(0\)
\((5.2 \ + \ 3.3 \ + \ 2.5) \ x = x\)
\(11 \ x = x\)
Then \(x = 0\)

25- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(2 \ (X \ - \ 7)\)
\(A \ + \ B = X\)
\(A \ + \ 7 = X\)
\(A = X \ -\ 7\)
\(2 \ A = 2 \ (X \ - \ 7)\)

26- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(>\)
\(0.325\) is bigger than \(0.0452\).
\(0.325 \ > \ 0.0452\)

27- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(26\)
Susy \(=\) Mary \(+ \ 8\)
Mary \(=\) Jimmy \(– \ 4 →\) Jimmy \(=\) Mary \(+ \ 4\)
Jimmy \(+\) Mary \(+\) Sylvia \(= 90\)
(Mary \(+ \ 4) \ +\) Mary \(+\) (Mary \(+ \ 8) = 90\)
\(3\) Mary \(+ \ 12 = 90\)
\(3\) Mary \(= 78\), Mary \(= 26\)

28- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(5\) Times
\(5\) hours \(= 300\) minutes
\(\frac{60}{1} = \frac{300}{x} →\)
\(x = \frac{300}{60} = 5\)

29- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(18.84\)
Diameter \(= 6\), then: Radius \(= 3\)
C \(= 2 \ π \ r\) , C \(= 6 \ π →\) C \(= 18.84\)

30- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(<\)
\(0.632\) is bigger than \(0.0540\).
\(0.524 \ < \ 0.0234\)

31- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \( \frac{3}{4}\)
\(\frac{1}{x} = \frac{\frac{1}{1}}{\frac{4}{3}} = \frac{3}{4}\)

32- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(16\)
The factors of \(40\) are:
\(\left\{ 1, \ 2, \ 4 , \ 5, \ 8 , \ 10, 20 , \ 40\right\}\)

33- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(5.5\%\)
\(0.055 \times 100 = 5.5\%\)

34- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(6,598.5\)
The number in the tenth place is \(4\).
The number \(6,598.44\) is closer to \(6,598.5\) than \(6,598.4\)

35- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is thousandths
\(3\) is in the thousandths place.

36- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{3}{4}\)
\(\frac{15}{20} = \frac{3}{4}\)

37- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(9\)
\(- \ 3 \ +  \ 9 = 6\)

38- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(0.36\)
\(\frac{8}{22} = 0.36\)

39- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(5\)
\(\sqrt{25} = 5\)

40- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(81\)
\(a^a \ . \ a = (3)^3 \ . \ 3 = 27\ . \ 3 =81 \)

41- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(7.5\)
\(4.5 \ < \ x  \ ≤ \ 7.0\), then cannot be equal to \(7.5\) 

42- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(3\)
\(9 \ + \ 3 \ x \ ≤ \ 18\)
\(3 \ x \ ≤ \ 18 \ – \ 9\)
\(3 \ x \ ≤ \ 9\)
\(x \ ≤ \ 3\)

43- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1 \ \frac{1}{2}\)
The reduced fraction equal to \(1.5\) is \(1 \ \frac{1}{2}\)

44- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(0.4\)
\(\frac{2}{5} = 0.4\)

45- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(159\) inches
\(1\) feet \(= 12\) inches
\(5\) feet, \(5\) inches \(=65 \) inches
\(7\) feet, \(10\) inches \(= 94\) inches
\(65 \ + \ 94 =159 \) inches

46- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(18\)
\(50 \ – \ 32 =18 \)

47- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(2\)
\(\frac{1}{6} \ + \ \frac{1}{3} \ + \ \frac{3}{2} =\)
\(\frac{1 \ + \ 2 \ + \ 9}{6} = \frac{12}{6} =2\)

48- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(58\)
\(72 \ –  \ 14 = 58\)

49- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(2\)
Write a proportion and solve.
\(\frac{8}{20} = \frac{x}{5} →\)
\(x = \frac{8 \times 5}{20} = 2\)

50- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1 \ \frac{3}{10}\) Miles
\(\frac{1}{5}\) of the distance is \(6 \ \frac{1}{2}\) miles. Then:
\(\frac{1}{5} \times 6 \ \frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{5} \times \frac{13}{2} = \frac{13}{10}\)
Converting \(\frac{13}{10}\) to a mixed number gives: \(\frac{13}{10} = 1 \ \frac{3}{10}\)

51- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(90\)
\(3\) lab \(= 3 \ (3) \ (2) \ (5) =90 \)

52- Choice B is correct

The correct answer is \(6^{3}\)
\(6 \times 6 \times 6  = 6^{3}\)

53- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{5}{6}\)
\(2 \ \frac{2}{3} \ − \ 1 \ \frac{5}{6} =\)
\(2 \ \frac{4}{6} \ − \ 1 \ \frac{5}{6} =\)
\(\frac{16}{6} \ − \ \frac{11}{6} = \frac{5}{6}\)

54- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \($32\)
Use interest rate formula:
Interest \(=\) principal \(\times\) rate\( \times\) time
\(= 800 \times 0.04 \times 1= 32\)

55- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(16\) years old
Cristina \(= 32\)
Cristina \(= 2\) Ashly
Ashly \(= \frac{32}{2} = 16\)

56- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(135\) degrees
Angle \(x\) and angle \(45\) degrees are supplementary angles.
Then: \(180^{◦} \ – \ 45^{◦} = 135^{◦}\)
\(x = 135^{◦}\)

57- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(6,864\)
\(312 \times 22 = 6,864\)

58- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(77\) cm\(^2\)
A \(= \frac{1}{2} \  b \ h\)
A \(= \frac{1}{2} \ (22) \ (7) = 77\)

59- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(720\)
\(6! = 6 \times 5 \times \ 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 720\)

60- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(1 \times 2 \times 3 \times 4 \times 5\)
\(5! = 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1\)

61- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{2}{100}\)
\(\frac{2}{100} = 0.02\) 

62- Choice D is correct

The correct answer is \(3\)
Oven \(1 = 3\) oven \(2\)
If Oven \(2\) burns \(3\) then oven \(1\) burns \(9\) pizzas.
\(3 \ + \ 9 = 12\)

63- Choice A is correct

The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{6}\)
\(6\) children, \(1\) liter of orange juice
Then each child gets \(\frac{1}{6}\) of litter.

64- Choice C is correct

The correct answer is \(11\)
A. \(12 → 12\) is not prime. It is divisible by \(2\).
B. \(8 → 8\) is not prime.     It is divisible by \(2\).
C. \(17 → 17\) is prime!
D. \(33 → 33\) is not prime. It is divisible by \(3\).

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