How to Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers
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Rational numbers, the linchpin of mathematical classification, symbolize values that can be articulated as a clear ratio of two integers. The vital reminder here is that the denominator, the divisor in the ratio, should never be zero, as that would yield an undefined value, a disruption to the standardized rules of mathematics. In this discussion, we will unravel the process of multiplying and dividing rational numbers.
Navigating the Process of Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers
Let's embark on the step-by-step exploration of multiplying and dividing rational numbers:
Phase 1: Rational Numbers - A Recap
Starting our numerical adventure, the first milestone is understanding rational numbers. These are values expressible as a quotient of two integers, with the denominator not being zero. Rational numbers include integers, fractions, and decimals that either terminate or repeat.
Phase 2: Transition to Fraction Form
To multiply or divide effectively, all rational numbers need to be in fraction form. This step includes transforming whole numbers and decimals into fractions. A whole number can be presented as a fraction over 1, while decimals can be converted with appropriate denominators like 10,100,1000, etc., based on decimal places.
Phase 3: Rational Numbers Multiplication
The multiplication process for rational numbers is quite direct: multiply the numerators to obtain the new numerator and do the same with the denominators for the new denominator. It's key to note that the product of two rational numbers remains a rational number.
Let’s take the example of two fractions ab and cd
Now, ab×cd=a×cb×d=acbd
Phase 4: Rational Numbers Division
Division, a bit more nuanced, entails an extra step. When dividing by a rational number, we multiply by its reciprocal, which is attained by swapping the numerator and denominator. Hence, dividing rational numbers essentially becomes a multiplication operation.
If we have two fractions, say ab and cd, and we want to divide the first by the second, we swap the numerator and the denominator of the second fraction to get its reciprocal, which is dc. So, the division of ab by cd is the same as the multiplication of ab by the reciprocal of cd, which is dc. Mathematically, this is represented as: ab÷cd=ab×dc=adbc
Phase 5: Preliminary Simplification
To make multiplication and division easier, especially with larger numbers, it can be helpful to simplify beforehand. This simplification process involves cross-canceling any common factors in the numerator of one fraction with the denominator of the other.
Phase 6: Performing the Operation and Result Simplification
Once the fractions are prepared, you can execute the multiplication or division. After obtaining the result, strive to simplify the fraction to its simplest form if possible. This step involves dividing the numerator and the denominator by any common factors until none remain.
Phase 7: Managing Negative Signs
Post-operation, it's essential to handle the signs properly. A rational number is negative if either (but not both) the numerator or the denominator is negative. Consequently, the negative sign can be positioned with the numerator, the denominator, or in front of the fraction.
Phase 8: Conversion (If Needed)
The final step, based on context or problem requirements, may involve converting the fraction back to a decimal form or a mixed number.
Exercises for Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers
1) 23 × 1715=
2) 38 × 1016=
3) 46 × 1817=
4) 710 × 78=
5) 73 × 15=
6) 97 × 65=
7) 105 ÷ 83=
8) 63 ÷ 1418=
9) 610 ÷ 1617=
10) 87 ÷ 1520=
11) 25 ÷ 32=
12) 16 ÷ 36=
1)23 × 1715= 2×173×15= 3445
Multiply the top numbers, and then multiply the bottom numbers.
23 × 1715=2×173×15= 3445
2)38 × 1016= 3×108×16= 30128=30÷2128÷2=1564
GCF(30,128) = 2
Step1: Multiply the top numbers, and then multiply the bottom numbers.
38 × 1016=3×108×16= 30128
Step 2: Simplify your answer. 30128=30÷2128÷2=1564
3)46 × 1817= 4×186×17= 72102=72÷6102÷6=1217
GCF(72,102) = 6
Step1: Multiply the top numbers, and then multiply the bottom numbers.
38 × 1016=3×108×16= 30128
Step 2: Simplify your answer. 72102=72÷6102÷6=1217
4)710 × 78= 7×710×8= 4980
Step1: Multiply the top numbers, and then multiply the bottom numbers.
710 × 78=7×710×8= 4980
5)73 × 15= 7×13×5= 75
Step1: Multiply the top numbers, and then multiply the bottom numbers.
73 × 15=7×13×5= 75
6)97 × 65= 9×67×5= 5435
Step1: Multiply the top numbers, and then multiply the bottom numbers.
97 × 65=9×67×5= 5435
7)105 ÷ 83=105 × 38= 10×35×8= 3040=30÷1040÷10=34
GCF(30,40) = 10
Step1: Keep first fraction, change division sign to multiplication, and flip the numerator and denominator of the second fraction. Then multiply them.
105 ÷ 83=105 × 38=10×35×8= 3040
Step 2: Simplify your answer. 3040=30÷1040÷10=34
8)63 ÷ 1418=63 × 1814= 6×183×14= 10842=108÷642÷6=187
GCF(108,42) = 6
Step1: Keep first fraction, change division sign to multiplication, and flip the numerator and denominator of the second fraction. Then Multiply them:
63 ÷ 1418=63 × 1814=6×183×14= 10842
Step 2: Simplify your answer. 10842=108÷642÷6=187
9)610 ÷ 1617=610 × 1716= 6×1710×16=102160=102÷2160÷2=5180
GCF(102,160) = 2
Step1: Keep first fraction, change division sign to multiplication, and flip the numerator and denominator of the second fraction. Then Multiply them:
610 ÷ 1617=610 × 1716=6×1710×16=102160
Step 2: Simplify your answer. 102160=102÷2160÷2=5180
10)87 ÷ 1520=87 × 2015= 8×207×15=160105=160÷5105÷5=3221
GCF(160,105) = 5
Step1: Keep first fraction, change division sign to multiplication, and flip the numerator and denominator of the second fraction. Then Multiply them:
87 ÷ 1520=87 × 2015=8×207×15=160105
Step 2: Simplify your answer. 160105=160÷5105÷5=3221
11)25 ÷ 32=25 × 23= 2×25×3=415
Step1: Keep first fraction, change division sign to multiplication, and flip the numerator and denominator of the second fraction. Then Multiply them:
25 ÷ 32=25 × 23=2×25×3=415
12)16 ÷ 36=16 × 63= 1×66×3=618=6÷618÷6=13
GCF(6,18) = 6
Step1: Keep first fraction, change division sign to multiplication, and flip the numerator and denominator of the second fraction. Then Multiply them:
16 ÷ 36=16 × 63=1×66×3=618
Step 2: Simplify your answer. 618=6÷618÷6=13
Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers Quiz